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PPP/C will always remain loyal to the Jagans’ ideals - President Ramotar tells gathering at 6th memorial ceremony for Janet Jagan

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, March 28, 2015, Source


As persons gathered at the Babu John memorial site for the 6th memorial ceremony for the late President Janet Jagan, they were reminded of her struggles and called upon to continue to strive to upkeep her gains.


President Donald Ramotar who was among those who gathered at the site at Port Mourant to reflect on Mrs. Jagan’s life and work, hailed her as a dedicated woman who fought for what she believed in.


President Donald Ramotar addressing the gathering at the Memorial site where former president Janet Jagan was laid to rest

President Donald Ramotar addressing the gathering at the Memorial site where former president Janet Jagan was laid to rest


It is for this reason, he said, that the PPP/C administration will continue to be loyal to the ideas, policies and visions she and her husband shared for the Guyanese nation.


Counting it as a pleasure to have worked under the Jagans’ stewardship, President Ramotar said even in changing circumstances their ideas and visions are replicated in many of the current day policies and programmes.

President Ramotar noted that Mrs. Jagan herself worked on a very vibrant housing programme, and almost all of the current social policies were from vision or were started by the Jagans in their era.


President Donald Ramotar lays a wreath at the Babu John memorial site where former president Mrs Janet Jagan was interred


Reflecting on the character of Mrs. Jagan, President Ramotar said she was a woman of great courage and strength, and pointed out that Mrs. Jagan was ranked 16th among the world’s most rebellious women. She started the early struggles in Guyana for women’s rights.


President Ramotar spoke of Mrs. Jagan identifying herself as a Guyanese even though she was American born, and in the face of criticisms she still stood up for Guyanese and what she believed in.


At times when Guyanese were rushing to obtain United States visas, he said Mrs. Jagan stayed in Guyana to fight for freedom and democracy.


Speaking of selfless acts of Mrs. Jagan, President Ramotar said even though she was denied access back into the United States to visit her ailing father and missing his funeral that did not stop her from putting Guyanese first.



The Memorial site where former president Mrs Janet Jagan was interred


In spite of numerous attacks by the PNC/R government, President Ramotar said Mrs. Jagan more often than not placed herself in unnecessary positions while defending citizens. “Even under attack she never lost her kindness and humanity.”


Mention was also made of Mrs. Jagan’s written work which should be preserved, as he called on the PPP/C General Secretary to look into the possibility of having some of them published.


Remembering her as a woman of vast knowledge and talents, President Ramotar said most of her work would serve as revelations for the younger generation.


PPP/C Prime Ministerial Candidate Mrs. Elisabeth Harper was also among those paying tribute to the late Mrs. Jagan. “I’m pleased to share her memory as she undoubtedly touched the lives of many people throughout the length and breadth of this country.”


Mrs. Harper said that youths today can learn from a woman like Mrs Jagan and they should never be daunted or disillusioned by obstacles that confront them, but continue to believe in what they are fighting for.


PPPC’s Prime Ministerial candidate Mrs Elisabeth Harper lays a wreath


“She was a strong courageous and bold woman. She had to be, to follow her husband to a strange land with new cultures and to stand by him to face all the challenges of the day.”


Mrs. Harper noted that in paying tribute to her memory, it is important to remember what she believed in and, the passion with which she fought to succeed in advancing her vision, “A vision for better economic and social conditions for the people of Guyana, and in particular for the women of our country, she was an advocate for equal rights, for improvements for social welfare in particular housing conditions.”


General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee also emphasised Mrs. Jagan’s work and contributions to the Guyanese nation.


He said this ceremony, which has become a tradition for the past six years, has been one where the party reaffirms its commitment to a good cause.


“Nowadays there are some who are of the view that the PPP/C has no cause to follow, but the cause that was laid down by Comrade Janet and Comrade Cheddi in 1950 when this party started out remains the cause to which we in the PPP adhere to, to this day.”


Home Affairs Minister and PPP’s General Secretary Clement Rohee lays a wreath 


This cause, he said, continues to be to improve the wellbeing of every single Guyanese and to ensure that every citizen must one day become prosperous, and a partner in the progress that this country has set out to meet.


Meanwhile tributes were paid to the late Mrs. Jagan by members of the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) in the form of poems and songs, while some members of the Cabinet laid wreaths.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why do they say things like they will never backslide from ideals of Jagan.

The Jagan family is clearly saying, "They have made my father's house into a den of thieves."


The PPP Kleptos have done everything to demonize the Jagan's good name.  Janet had to tell Jagdeo to restore the ads to Stabroek News.


They are about to be kicked out and the PPP failed to name anything in Janet's memory. They are such pretenders.


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