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With surgical precision Jagdeo engineered the complete demise of the Coalition in just over three years. Right now all influences in the world that are paying attention to Guyana have recorded their disgust at the Coalition. That more than anything is what troubles the Coalition. They wish he didn't exist because then they can continue their mischief unabated. There is no way Jagdeo can pay for everyone's loyalty. He accomplished his feat with efficient and effective statemanship.

@Former Member posted:

With surgical precision Jagdeo engineered the complete demise of the Coalition in just over three years. Right now all influences in the world that are paying attention to Guyana have recorded their disgust at the Coalition. That more than anything is what troubles the Coalition. They wish he didn't exist because then they can continue their mischief unabated. There is no way Jagdeo can pay for everyone's loyalty. He accomplished his feat with efficient and effective statemanship.

Wow, talking about exaggeration! Jagdeo engineered the demise of the Coalition?  Are you serious?  

@Former Member posted:

The same can be said about some of your posts. As Sean the Seer says, your snake oil is PPP/C's castor oil.  Jagdeo is giving APNU+AFC full blown diarrhea.

But  wasn't it Jagdeo that Bobby flew on a private jet to Florida to get treatment for diarrhea?  Dem boys seh a piece moco moco would have done the trick. 

@Totaram posted:

Wow, talking about exaggeration! Jagdeo engineered the demise of the Coalition?  Are you serious?  

Very serious. Nearly 5 months after the elections and the only reason Granger was not declared re-elected President was because on March 4th when everyone was watching Mingo fraudulent contortions Jagdeo was instructing his IT staff to upload Region 4 SOPs on this website. With all the early criticisms and talk about missing information that website proved valuable for several reasons. The totals approxmiate the totals from the recount proving that the PPP has been telling the truth since March 4th while the Coalition has been lying since then and constantly changing their lie as the truth catches up with them. It also proved Mingo's clumsy attempt at rigging the elections. As important, it allowed others all around the world to get a reasonable representation of the elections before the Coalition can create any lasting false narrative. No doubt the Coalition tried to assail that move by Jagdeo as well as the data but as the recount proceeded that move proved unassailable.

@Totaram posted:

Last time I looked David Granger was President and the Coalition was intact.  Has any party left the Coalition?  What has been exposed is PPP rigging--missing poll books, dead people voting, fake IDs etc.  The Coalition rightly will not recognize a declaration that includes invalid votes.   

That is just their latest position when has come a far way from just aster the elections when Granger said that the elections went very smoothly and was free and fair. Then they swore that the unaudited SOPs shows that they won the elections and couldn't wait for Granger to be sworn in. Then Granger pretended to want a recount but sent one of his candidates to court to get it stopped. When that didn't work, they used Lowenfield to come up with a ridiculous timeframe of 156 days when it actually took 33 and would have taken much less if as the CARICOM team reported, the Coalition party members weren't wasting time on fishing expeditions. Then they began by counting North & South Georgetown since those are their strongholds perhaps to set a projection for the region just in case they were able to find a way to abandon the process but even those two regions did not yield the result they hoped for. Now when everything is beginning to become clear of their impending loss they changed their story again that while the recount order was in order it has to take into consideration credible votes. When the CCJ ruled that the recount order cannot overtake the constitution so credibility of the votes is disallowed but the quantitative aspect of the order is still in order, the Coalition changed their story again to argue through Jones that the recount order is not in order. The same order they argued was in order through David. Well the CJ has totally dismantled all their arguments but she went further by reprimanding them for wasting the court's time. Meanwhile as all of this was happening, Granger appeared at the ACCC and proclaimed that he will accept any declaration made by GECOM. After the recount was over he changed his tune again by stating that he will accept any lawful declaration by GECOM. Now he has again changed his tune by stating that he will not accept any declaration which includes fraudulent votes completely dismantling all his previous pretense of not interfering in GECOM which he pretended so many time to claim is an independent constitutional body. All of these turning and twisting must have them completely dizzy by now.

Granger is not President. He is the de-facto President and the Coalition is not intact. Even Granger's own son in law has spoken out against his father in law's party behavior.

@Former Member posted:

On a different note, I was a cricketer in my younger days and because Guyana didn't have linseed oil to soak the the face of the cricket bat prior to breaking in them, we used castor oil mixed with coconut oil and it worked wonders. 

Looking back, I always used to wonder why I made several trips to the out house after soaking the face of the cricket bat with castor oil and coconut oil


Wuh did you do, lick the bat?

Warm castor oil is also good for pain (used in a compress or rub)

@Totaram posted:

Last time I looked David Granger was President and the Coalition was intact.  Has any party left the Coalition?  What has been exposed is PPP rigging--missing poll books, dead people voting, fake IDs etc.  The Coalition rightly will not recognize a declaration that includes invalid votes.   

It's in tatters.  The AFC is in disarray as many in the Diaspora abandoned ship.  Dominic Gaskin abandoned ship.  Jhatt and Naga hustling whatever they can get.  JFP called for a declaration based on the recount.  All you have now are the hustlers.


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