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Govt abandoned rice farmers – Opposition Leader:

…PPP/C will support efforts to restore Venezuelan Market

By Indrawattie Natram

As the rice industry continues to deteriorate, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo during a special meeting with rice farmers in Region Two

<dl class="wp-caption alignright" id="attachment_136831"><dt class="wp-caption-dt">A section of the gathering on Tuesday evening</dt><dd class="wp-caption-dd">A section of the gathering on Tuesday evening</dd></dl>

(Pomeroon-Supenaam) on Tuesday evening said that from all indications the David Granger- led Administration has nothing for them.

He was at the time addressing the petrified farmers at the Rice Producers Association (RPA) Seed Paddy Complex, Anna Regina as part of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Region Two outreach programme. Jagdeo, accompanied by former Housing Minister Irfaan Ali and former Attorney General Anil Nandlall are expected to address 42 meetings along the Essequibo Coast during the outreach.


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Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Only the PPP can bring back Venezuela market to feed the these white mouth friggers, and bring hope to the abandoned farmers of guyana.

It was their leech source so they would love to have it back.  New markets for rice is being developed since the PetroCarbide deal only constitute 30 percent of the market.

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Only the PPP can bring back Venezuela market to feed the these white mouth friggers, and bring hope to the abandoned farmers of guyana.

You really think Venezuela is the only rice eating country in this whole wide world nuh?

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Only the PPP can bring back Venezuela market to feed the these white mouth friggers, and bring hope to the abandoned farmers of guyana.

ahmmm . . . try grow yourself another pair and de rat will look your way again


he likes testosterone-fueled men


Given that the rice industry is PRIVATELY owned, what is stopping them from going to Venezuela and seeking markets, if they think that Venezuela wants to deal with Guyana, and only "stubborn" Granger is preventing this?

Originally Posted by caribny:

Given that the rice industry is PRIVATELY owned, what is stopping them from going to Venezuela and seeking markets, if they think that Venezuela wants to deal with Guyana, and only "stubborn" Granger is preventing this?


The Granger administration has already indicated this. What the farmers need to do if they want to survive is to organize and create a funded marketing group to find business. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Given that the rice industry is PRIVATELY owned, what is stopping them from going to Venezuela and seeking markets, if they think that Venezuela wants to deal with Guyana, and only "stubborn" Granger is preventing this?


The Granger administration has already indicated this. What the farmers need to do if they want to survive is to organize and create a funded marketing group to find business. 

First decent idea from your head.  I do not know why the rice millers think that it is the gov't's role to find them buyers.  These are mainly wealthy men.  It is not as if every small rice farmer must find overseas markets.


If they find buyers in Venezuela and Granger stops them from selling, then they have a case.  Clearly Granger's no 1 priority is safeguarding the land and marine resources of Guyana. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Given that the rice industry is PRIVATELY owned, what is stopping them from going to Venezuela and seeking markets, if they think that Venezuela wants to deal with Guyana, and only "stubborn" Granger is preventing this?


The Granger administration has already indicated this. What the farmers need to do if they want to survive is to organize and create a funded marketing group to find business. 

First decent idea from your head.  I do not know why the rice millers think that it is the gov't's role to find them buyers.  These are mainly wealthy men.  It is not as if every small rice farmer must find overseas markets.


If they find buyers in Venezuela and Granger stops them from selling, then they have a case.  Clearly Granger's no 1 priority is safeguarding the land and marine resources of Guyana. 

This we can agree on, govts role in running business should be minimal. However sometimes we see govt can be influential in securing bulk markets on a govt to govt level. But in this scenario it should not be the only avenue that farmers should depend on.


In the mid to late 80's during the Hoyte and Burnham dictatorship era, Berbice farmers were smuggling rice to Suriname and were paid handsomely. 


Farmers should be able to seek private markets with little or no government intervention and let the market forces decide where the industry ends up.


The PNC government appears to be clueless and are demonstrating their arrogance and ignorance as usual.


I don't believe there is any law preventing any farmer from seeking markets. I believe that the many years of PNC/PPP rule have made the people into sheep where they can't think for themselves and depend on govt for everything. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I don't believe there is any law preventing any farmer from seeking markets. I believe that the many years of PNC/PPP rule have made the people into sheep where they can't think for themselves and depend on govt for everything. 


Valid point. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I don't believe there is any law preventing any farmer from seeking markets. I believe that the many years of PNC/PPP rule have made the people into sheep where they can't think for themselves and depend on govt for everything. 

Guyanese are intellectually lazy.  Ask them why there are racial tensions, and they blame the politicians.


Ask them why don't they change their voting patterns, if they claim that it is the politicians and not the population at large who have this problem.




In all aspects of life people blame the politicians, and expect all solutions to emanate from them.


Guyanese are reduced to being sheep because they are intellectually lazy.


Look at this rice problem.  Has the rice industry demanded that the various administrations cease to treat them like political footballs?  No.  Much easier to demand that the government runs the industry, and then complain when the outcome isn't to the industry's liking.


Granger CANNOT ignore the issue of the border hostilities, and therefore CANNOT approach Maduro for a favor.  The rice arrangement was NOT a commercial deal.  It was a political attempt by Chavez to maximize influence in the Caribbean and Central America, using oil as a bargaining chip. 


Given Guyana's ongoing border issues with Venezuela, to use rice as anything other than a stopgap was foolish.  The rice industry should have realized that to render themselves 100% vulnerable to the machinations of unstable politicians over which they have no control was the height of idiocy. Even if the border issue didn't rise up, the acquisition of expensive rice from Guyana, when cheaper rice can be procured elsewhere would have eventually been an issue.


But as with all things in Guyana, the rice folks are too intellectually lazy to understand that depending on politicians will hurt them in the long run.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Quote from Carib:


"Guyanese are reduced to being sheep because they are intellectually lazy."


1000 Percent accurate.


The world must be coming to an end, and the Lord (fill in what ever religion that you wish..Christian, Hindu, Muslim, or Orisha) to gather his chosen ones.


Yuji and caribj having a friendly chat.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:

caribj, druggie and yuji having a civil discussion.

Today BG_S made at least two comments that I like. Things looking up!!

You notice nuh,when them bhais  throw away the blinders

they see the reality.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:

caribj, druggie and yuji having a civil discussion.

Today BG_S made at least two comments that I like. Things looking up!!

You notice nuh,when them bhais  throw away the blinders

they see the reality.

Bai, there is good in every one of us, but, as I stated some time ago, party politics has brought out the worst in us sometimes. Put aside the politics and we can all knock down a large together and be happy.


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