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May 20, 2016 Source

The PPP/C will support an inquest into the 2006 assassination of former Agriculture Minister Satyadeow Sawh, his siblings and his security guard,according to former President Bharrat Jagdeo who said that the killers behind the brutal crime are known to both him and the police.

“The police told me they knew who the killers were and they do have statements from a few people and I hope those statements have not disappeared. So the police have statements from people who were part of that gang”, Jagdeo said at a press conference on Wednesday.

President David Granger recently said that he has been approached by a blood relative of Sawh who has asked that the case be re-opened. The president has expressed his willingness to do so.

20160520MurderMany years after the heinous crime, fingers are still being pointed at the then PPP/C government for failing to ensure that the murders were investigated. Sawh was a member of the then PPP/C government and also had strong ties with the party.

Calls from at least one relative to investigate who was behind the crime so that the family could get closure fell on deaf ears. There is some suspicion that self-confessed drug trafficker Roger Khan who is currently serving a sentence in a US jail had a hand in the killings.

Asked whether the PPP/C had sought any overseas help in finding the authors of the crime as was promised, Jagdeo in response said “I don’t recall all the details but no we did not get the kind of help that we wanted”.

This response is  different from what Sawh’s brother-in-law Bob Persaud had told Stabroek News and from the documents this newspaper had seen back then. Persaud who lost his wife as a result of the attack had vowed that he would continue to pursue the case until he got answers and had heavily criticized the PPP/C for failing to ensure the crime was properly investigated.

In 2011 this newspaper saw two letters which showed that Canada was ready and willing to assist Guyana with its investigations into the murder but that government had never made a request.

Sawh, a Canadian citizen returned to Guyana with his wife and children after being called home in 1992 when the PPP/C took office.

According to the letters —one from the Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister and the other from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)—interest was shown in the case but the Guyana Government never gave a positive response.

Persaud had written to the Canadian government for help to “put this matter to rest”. He finally got a response in 2011. A letter from then Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon to Persaud dated January 4, 2011, stated that in the weeks following the incident “Canada made known its expectations regarding the case to Guyanese officials”. The letter said the High Commissioner of Canada met President Jagdeo on April 28, 2006 requesting that a thorough investigation be undertaken.

Diplomatic note

Later on, May 1, 2006, it said, a diplomatic note was sent to Guyanese officials reaffirming Canada’s interest in the case. The letter noted that while the Canadian government couldn’t intervene in legal proceedings in other countries, it could be assured that Canadian officials followed the developments of local investigations.

Cannon noted in the letter that matters related to the involvement of Canadian officials in criminal investigations abroad fall under the RCMP and that a copy of Persaud’s letter to him had been forwarded to the Minister of Public Safety who is also responsible for RCMP.

Months later, Persaud received his second letter from RCMP’s Head Vic Toews dated June 28, 2011. Toews, after apologizing for the delayed response, expressed his condolences.

Persaud, after sharing the contents of the letter with Stabroek News expressed surprise that no request was made especially since Sawh was a Canadian.

“Canada was willing to help and they refused it,” the upset man said.

Just before this newspaper was furnished with this information, it was disclosed in secret diplomatic cables released via WikiLeaks that former US Ambassador Roland Bullen had said that he had been told that requests for assistance had also been made to Canada and the UK. However, he said that from discussions, senior security officials were unaware of these requests. Bullen said too that then Minister of Home Affairs, Gail Teixeira; Police Commissioner, Winston Felix and Army Chief of Staff, Edwards Collins, were ignorant of these requests for help.


Granger last week during a special edition of “The Public Interest” lashed out at the then government for not holding an inquest into the crime.

Noting that  he had been approached by the relatives of Sawh, he said that “they (the relatives) are quite baffled that the government to which he belonged did not even hold an inquest”.

He was at the time being asked about government’s reopening of unsolved murders which had occurred during the crime spree period. He said that he had been approached by “one or two families” including Sawh’s.

“Unfortunately as you know there was a spate of killings, executions and many people who might have been witness to those crimes have been killed …might be reluctant to give evidence because they feel that if they give evidence they will still be killed by persons who were around in those times” he said.

He said that government has not actually conducted any formal commission of inquiry…we have been engaged in short term commissions for example the prison service or CANU but in due course we will initiate investigations”.

He said that since so many people had been killed his first commitment “is to assure the relatives that the deaths of their loved ones will not go uninvestigated”.

Asked specifically about being approached by Sawh’s family, he said that he was approached by “a blood relative and I will be committed to having that crime investigated”.

Jagdeo on Wednesday expressed hope that the statements taken by the police back then will be used if any inquest is done.

“For us we were clear from what the police told us…who killed”, he said adding that the PPP/C has no problem with an inquest being held.

“We will support the inquest but I expect that the police would present all of those statements that they have”, he stated.

Around 12.15 am on April 22, 2006 seven masked gunmen dressed in military fatigues invaded the minister’s LBI home and riddled him, his two siblings and security guard Curtis Robertson with bullets. Reports were that the Minister’s wife Sattie and his brother Omprakash were in the kitchen when they saw a masked gunman looking at them through a window. Sattie had said that she alerted the Minister who was in his hammock on the veranda, but before he could escape to safety, he was riddled with shots. He collapsed just inside his front door.

Sawh’s brother Omprakash hid his sister Phulmattie Persaud underneath a bed, but the gunmen found her and after dragging her out shot her in the face.

The gunmen then turned their weapons on the Minister again and at the same time placed Omprakash on top of Rajpat to kill them both. Omprakash said he begged the men for his sister’s life and gave them $23,000, a digital camera and a watch. He said he and his brother were praying for their lives, but before the gunmen left they fired another shot at them killing Rajpat. Robertson also died.

Three other persons were injured: Omprakash Sawh, 53, another brother of the Minister who resides overseas, and security guards Albert Mangra and Aga Khan.

Jermaine ‘Skinny’ Charles who was killed along with Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlins during a shoot-out with the joint services and David Leander called ‘Biscuit’ who died were charged with the murders. Though they are dead, police officials had assured that the case was open and investigations were continuing.

Then Crime Chief Seelall Persaud however had told Stabroek News that the case was closed and would only be reopened when new information surfaces. He said that the closing of the case signaled a suspension of investigations until new information comes to hand. He did not deny that there may have been more persons engaged in the murders but pointed out that nvestigations are done based on the availability of information.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Good, let the PNC investigate their cohort who [once again] pulled off another political assassination in Guyana.  Let Granger explain to the Guyanese people the truth of the PNC and their role in domestic terrorism.  Let's hope he does not try to pull off a barefaced denial as he did with the Rodney COI report.

And while he is at it, let him also go as far back as the Jousha Ramsammy and Vincent Teekah incidents.  Remember, the green car used in the Ramsammy shooting was seen a few days later parked under a current PNC elder statesman home.  This person got one of the PNC highest awards after May 2015!

ba$eman posted:

Good, let the PNC investigate their cohort who [once again] pulled off another political assassination in Guyana.  Let Granger explain to the Guyanese people the truth of the PNC and their role in domestic terrorism.  Let's hope he does not try to pull off a barefaced denial as he did with the Rodney COI report.

And while he is at it, let him also go as far back as the Jousha Ramsammy and Vincent Teekah incidents.  Remember, the green car used in the Ramsammy shooting was seen a few days later parked under a current PNC elder statesman home.  This person got one of the PNC highest awards after May 2015!

Jousha survived that incident,did any call made for an investigation???


Dr. Joshua Ramsammy, the distinguished academic and political activist who survived an assassination attempt during the resistance to the Forbes Burnham regime, died yesterday.
He was said to be in his mid-70s.


Dr Joshua Ramsammy (second from right) in a protest in 1988 against plans to have toxic waste dumped here. Others in photo from left are Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, Eusi Kwayana and Nigel Westmaas.

In stark contrast to his front-line activism for the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) and other pressure groups, Dr. Ramsammy had taken to keeping a low profile in recent years, owing partially to ill-health. His family declined to disclose details about his passing yesterday, in keeping with his wishes.

Dr. Ramsammy was an aquatic biologist and served as a lecturer at the University of Guyana (UG), where he also held the post of Pro-Chancellor up to 2005. His academic achievements were complemented by his activism and he was a founding member of Ratoon, a UG-based group and the Move-ment Against Oppression (MAO). Both groups have been described as fiercely critical of the political and democratic deterioration in the country during the early years of the PNC administration (Ratoon was also one of the organisations that eventually formed the WPA). In 1971, he was shot in broad daylight in downtown Georgetown, the bullet piercing his lungs. No one was ever arrested and the act has been seen as a harbinger of later extreme acts, including the murder of historian and WPA Leader Dr Walter Rodney.

Dr Joshua Ramsammy

Professor Clive Thomas, who was also a founder of Ratoon and a close friend of Dr. Ramsammy’s, yesterday remembered him as “a brave and gallant soldier fighting on behalf of the working people of Guyana.” He said it was a fitting way for him to be remembered, since it was the cause that he lived for. Professor Thomas noted that Dr. Ramsammy was one of the first persons he met on his return to Guyana and the two worked closely in social, political and academic activism movements, becoming vocal critics of what he termed the “Burnham dictatorship.”

Thomas said the shooting took place during an attempt to kidnap him and Dr. Ramsammy exhibited a lot of bravery during the episode.
Professor Thomas is also co-leader of the WPA along with Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine.
Dr. Roopnaraine characterised Dr. Ramsammy as a “courageous” and “energetic” brother, recalling his activism, including the work predating his involvement with the WPA. He noted that while a teacher at Queen’s College, Dr. Ramsammy was seen as s a terror by students, but he added that upon getting to know him he could be found to be a “gentle, loving man.” He would be dearly missed, Dr. Roopnaraine said.

Activist Bonita Harris was recruited by Dr. Ramsammy to edit and proofread Ratoon’s various publications. She called him one of her first political mentors and said he was a “good-humoured” man who was always “generous” with his time and his expertise. And also his home, where he would hold meetings of the various groups he worked with. Harris also remembered that he was the person who pierced her ears when she asked him to do it.

Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) co-President Mike McCormack said it was unfortunate that that more people were not aware of the “quite heroic” role Dr. Ramsammy had played during one of the worst periods of PNC rule. He described him as a brave and outspoken man who was an inspiration to many people. “Unfortunately, like many people from that era, his contributions have not been recognised,” he said.
The shooting sparked outrage and condemnation in and out of Guyana. Dr. Ramsammy later told the Guyana Graphic that “ultimately… it is this type of politically informed concern on the part of the people and their militancy which will ensure the safety and welfare of all citizens…”

Last edited by Django
Mr.T posted:

Jagdeo is trying to play a smart card. He is fully aware that Khan is after revenge. So inditing Khan at some stage will make sure that Khan gets a police welcome on his return.


Its a good thing you are not a prosecutor or working for MI5.

We need all hands on deck to solve this heinous crime.

Last edited by VishMahabir
Prashad posted:

Don't fall for this inquest.  It may be an attempt to destroy President Jagdeo.



Prash... tha chap ran his course,what is there to destroy?

He said he has the info.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:

Good, let the PNC investigate their cohort who [once again] pulled off another political assassination in Guyana.  Let Granger explain to the Guyanese people the truth of the PNC and their role in domestic terrorism.  Let's hope he does not try to pull off a barefaced denial as he did with the Rodney COI report.

And while he is at it, let him also go as far back as the Jousha Ramsammy and Vincent Teekah incidents.  Remember, the green car used in the Ramsammy shooting was seen a few days later parked under a current PNC elder statesman home.  This person got one of the PNC highest awards after May 2015!

Jousha survived that incident,did any call made for an investigation???


Dr. Joshua Ramsammy, the distinguished academic and political activist who survived an assassination attempt during the resistance to the Forbes Burnham regime, died yesterday.
He was said to be in his mid-70s.


Dr Joshua Ramsammy (second from right) in a protest in 1988 against plans to have toxic waste dumped here. Others in photo from left are Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, Eusi Kwayana and Nigel Westmaas.

In stark contrast to his front-line activism for the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) and other pressure groups, Dr. Ramsammy had taken to keeping a low profile in recent years, owing partially to ill-health. His family declined to disclose details about his passing yesterday, in keeping with his wishes.

Dr. Ramsammy was an aquatic biologist and served as a lecturer at the University of Guyana (UG), where he also held the post of Pro-Chancellor up to 2005. His academic achievements were complemented by his activism and he was a founding member of Ratoon, a UG-based group and the Move-ment Against Oppression (MAO). Both groups have been described as fiercely critical of the political and democratic deterioration in the country during the early years of the PNC administration (Ratoon was also one of the organisations that eventually formed the WPA). In 1971, he was shot in broad daylight in downtown Georgetown, the bullet piercing his lungs. No one was ever arrested and the act has been seen as a harbinger of later extreme acts, including the murder of historian and WPA Leader Dr Walter Rodney.

Dr Joshua Ramsammy

Professor Clive Thomas, who was also a founder of Ratoon and a close friend of Dr. Ramsammy’s, yesterday remembered him as “a brave and gallant soldier fighting on behalf of the working people of Guyana.” He said it was a fitting way for him to be remembered, since it was the cause that he lived for. Professor Thomas noted that Dr. Ramsammy was one of the first persons he met on his return to Guyana and the two worked closely in social, political and academic activism movements, becoming vocal critics of what he termed the “Burnham dictatorship.”

Thomas said the shooting took place during an attempt to kidnap him and Dr. Ramsammy exhibited a lot of bravery during the episode.
Professor Thomas is also co-leader of the WPA along with Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine.
Dr. Roopnaraine characterised Dr. Ramsammy as a “courageous” and “energetic” brother, recalling his activism, including the work predating his involvement with the WPA. He noted that while a teacher at Queen’s College, Dr. Ramsammy was seen as s a terror by students, but he added that upon getting to know him he could be found to be a “gentle, loving man.” He would be dearly missed, Dr. Roopnaraine said.

Activist Bonita Harris was recruited by Dr. Ramsammy to edit and proofread Ratoon’s various publications. She called him one of her first political mentors and said he was a “good-humoured” man who was always “generous” with his time and his expertise. And also his home, where he would hold meetings of the various groups he worked with. Harris also remembered that he was the person who pierced her ears when she asked him to do it.

Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) co-President Mike McCormack said it was unfortunate that that more people were not aware of the “quite heroic” role Dr. Ramsammy had played during one of the worst periods of PNC rule. He described him as a brave and outspoken man who was an inspiration to many people. “Unfortunately, like many people from that era, his contributions have not been recognised,” he said.
The shooting sparked outrage and condemnation in and out of Guyana. Dr. Ramsammy later told the Guyana Graphic that “ultimately… it is this type of politically informed concern on the part of the people and their militancy which will ensure the safety and welfare of all citizens…”

The gunman in the Ramsammy case most likely had killed before. There was a certain coolness to this person actions that is very rare in first time professional killers.





Last edited by Prashad
Mr.T posted:
Prashad posted:

Don't fall for this inquest.  It may be an attempt to destroy President Jagdeo.



Jagdeo is president? Since when?

The man is President of the East Indian people of Guyana

Still the majority of Guyana.

Prashad posted:
Mr.T posted:
Prashad posted:

Don't fall for this inquest.  It may be an attempt to destroy President Jagdeo.



Jagdeo is president? Since when?

The man is President of the East Indian people of Guyana

Still the majority of Guyana.

Prash,suh tha chap is President fuh life for the East Indian.

Since when 43% is majority ?


Get use to the idea that Granger was installed into power and Jagdeo is still the legitimate president of Guyana. Focus on why a six party coalition won with a slim margin against the PPP along. 

Cobra posted:

Get use to the idea that Granger was installed into power and Jagdeo is still the legitimate president of Guyana. Focus on why a six party coalition won with a slim margin against the PPP along. 

Who was the last President Jagdeo or Ramouthar ?

Banna why you all holding on to BJ shirt tail,he ran his course done deal he can't come back,what happen to the rest of PPP presidents they don't count.

Granger became president under free and fair election,verified by the same countries that got the PPP in power in 1992.

Allyuh confusing

Last edited by Django
ba$eman posted:

Good, let the PNC investigate their cohort who [once again] pulled off another political assassination in Guyana.  Let Granger explain to the Guyanese people the truth of the PNC and their role in domestic terrorism. .

Given this, are you claiming that the PPP is dumb, and stupid?

Now what better way would there have been to finish off the PNC than exposing them as domestic terrorists?

I think that Jagdeo is evil, but I do NOT think that he is dumb and stupid.  So the fact that he didn't set out to finish off the PNC by exposing them to be a criminal party, intent on the destruction of Guyana, just shows that your grunts come from the racist parts of your brain.

Jagdeo failed to indict the master minds because these were friends of his.  He can no more condemn this COI than could the PNC have condemned the Rodney COI.

Prashad posted:

The man is President of the East Indian people of Guyana

Still the majority of Guyana.

In 1991, Indians were 49.8% of the population.  Maybe you could then have called them the majority, as that was close enough.

By 2012 indications are that Indians are now 40%.  The African and mixed population is now at 50%.  A large % of the mixed population live within a socio cultural context with the African population, and exhibit the same political behavior.   The PNC can rely comfortably on more than 60% of that vote.  The PPP for not more than 20%.

Now continue to scream that douglas are scum, who can only be redeemed if they renounce their non Indian part of who they are, and continue to see them flee the PPP.

Prashad posted:

Don't fall for this inquest.  It may be an attempt to destroy President Jagdeo.



I agree. 

The knowledge that the Freedom Fighters, and the Phantoms, were mercenaries.  So sold their services to the highest bidder, which was usually the Indo oligarchy, who Jagdeo protected, will destroy him, and by extension, the PPP.


The majority of Dougla children are raised by East Indian families. They are well-accepted and treated with respect. I re-call it was Afro kids in school who used to bash the dougla kids calling them names like "dougla dankey". 

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Good, let the PNC investigate their cohort who [once again] pulled off another political assassination in Guyana.  Let Granger explain to the Guyanese people the truth of the PNC and their role in domestic terrorism. .

Given this, are you claiming that the PPP is dumb, and stupid?

Call their bluff!!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The majority of Dougla children are raised by East Indian families.

Hmmmm.  I wonder why then is douglarization raised as ethnic genocide by the brown bai ClannishCC (I was ordered by gilbakka to call you all by this name).

I just cannot recall blacks screaming about douglarization, or any black women wailing about being disowned.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Good, let the PNC investigate their cohort who [once again] pulled off another political assassination in Guyana.  Let Granger explain to the Guyanese people the truth of the PNC and their role in domestic terrorism. .

Given this, are you claiming that the PPP is dumb, and stupid?

Call their bluff!!

Its not a matter of calling their bluff.  Its the hope that Roger Khan keeps his mouth shut.  I think that most of the little guys were killed, so dead men cannot tell any tales.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Good, let the PNC investigate their cohort who [once again] pulled off another political assassination in Guyana.  Let Granger explain to the Guyanese people the truth of the PNC and their role in domestic terrorism. .

Given this, are you claiming that the PPP is dumb, and stupid?

Call their bluff!!

Its not a matter of calling their bluff.  Its the hope that Roger Khan keeps his mouth shut.  I think that most of the little guys were killed, so dead men cannot tell any tales.

So you admitting defeat before the bell rings!!  Losers!!

Weren't investigators able to get behind the Rodney's murder, and this was much older and many players had died!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

So you admitting defeat before the bell rings!!  Losers!!

Weren't investigators able to get behind the Rodney's murder, and this was much older and many players had died!

Jagdeo was way more bloodthirsty than the PNC.  Aside from Rodney, how many WPA did Burnham kill?

Don't worry, RK doesn't want to return to a PNC run Guyana, so he will run his mouth to be able to remain in the USA, once he is out of jail.

He knows way more than the little trigger men that Jagdeo got rid of.


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