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Priate Cabal meeting between PPP & PNC recently




Granger’s scathing attack on party membersPDFPrintE-mail
Written by PAUL RODMAN   
Wednesday, 07 March 2012 21:50
THE just concluded General Council of my party left much to be desired, thus, I am disappointed and shocked at the direction and tone the General Council took. A cursory look at the agenda and the thematic areas therein, I immediately got the impression that the leadership of the party is serious about repositioning to once again take the reins of government.
Not to bore my readers, I would like to concentrate this missive on the presentation of the newly elected Opposition Leader and party leader hopeful, Brigadier David Granger. On the programme, Brigadier Granger was scheduled to make a presentation on the “Opportunities and Challenges of the New Dispensation”. However, much to my bewilderment the goodly gentleman, from the time he took the podium, descended into the gutter and started to lash out at party members who dare to question the decisions or direction of the party, and to share an opposite view to him and the leadership cabal. At no time during his 37-minute ramblings did he focus on the thematic area he was mandated to speak on; leaving attendees clueless of his and the APNU perspective on the “Opportunities and Challenges in the New Dispensation”.
This unbecoming approach to the body politic of the party is immature, despicable and does not augur well for the continuous consolidation and reunification of the party. This venomous representation is more than enough reason why Brigadier David Granger should never be elected at this critical junction of the party’s history and the present political environment in Guyana. The PNCR needs a leader that will reposition the party by consolidating its support base; reunite and broaden the intellectual and talent pool of the party; expand the impact and influence of the APNU in the political landscape in Guyana, as well as prepare a structured programme to finally remove the PPP/C from office at the next elections whenever they are called.
The last thing, our party has an individual who is self-centred, cannot see beyond personalities, and one who is unwilling to look beyond the divisive politics of Robert Corbin and his cabal.
When one considers the future and relevance of this political giant, the PNCR, particularly in this new dispensation, the title of Dr. Tyrone Ferguson’s book “To Survive Sensibly or Court Heroic Death” is applicable. Thus the choices we make as members of this great party will determine how sensibly we survive in the future.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 March 2012 21:51

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