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Dondadda posted:
. The PPP is not seriously interested in balancing the GPF anf the GDF. .

Curious. Can you prove that large numbers of Indos wanted to be soldiers and cops, and weren't allowed to be hired?

Surely if this was the case we would have heard about it.

Face facts, Indians don't want those jobs.   This is as silly as if blacks claimed that relatively few plant rice because most of the farmers are Indians.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:

It's interesting how you demonize and degrade a former president of a country, ..

You make several comments about Granger, which you have no more proof about than those who say that Jagdeo is a thief.

Its amazing how stupid you are.

Dirty liar!!!!!  There you go again!!

Just examine what you say about Granger, Nagamootoo, and others.

Any way you are a PPP slave, so you cannot help your behavior.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

.  The PPP will have to learn that whoever controls the military controls the country.  

Jagdeo knew this fully well, and ensured that those who headed the GDF and the GPF were people loyal to him. Once of them was even one of his lovers.

"Jagdeo knew this fully well, and ensured that those who headed the GDF and the GPF were people loyal to him. Once of them was even one of his lovers."


Banna....this sounds like must have some inside information!

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Why does almost every thread have to degenerate to personal attacks? Can't we have a civil exchange of views? It isn't rocket science; it simply requires a change of bad habit.

I support the PPP call for the Crime Chief to be promoted in rank. We are seeing positive and confidence-building results under this man's leadership.

The supporters of PPP on this BB have common traits they have the tendency to think, belittling their opponents they will become weak and thinks they have the upper hand,their crude behavior have chased a few good people from this forum.

To be fair, Django, both sides are guilty. We all need some self-improvement.

man, i tell u, some comments are vile. Lang time ago, people use to say, "some people are brought up and some are dragged up."

One thing fur sure, "there is no racism." Both blacks and indians getting on real bad, equally. Suh, who sey we doan have a common cause. For vileness, both races are par.

caribny posted:
Dondadda posted:
. The PPP is not seriously interested in balancing the GPF anf the GDF. .

Curious. Can you prove that large numbers of Indos wanted to be soldiers and cops, and weren't allowed to be hired?

Surely if this was the case we would have heard about it.

Face facts, Indians don't want those jobs.   This is as silly as if blacks claimed that relatively few plant rice because most of the farmers are Indians.

That is not true. I know old indians who were in the police force and army. There is discrimination there. It is a myth, that indians doan want to serve.

I guess u should know of Major Sattaur-that was open discrimination.


seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Why does almost every thread have to degenerate to personal attacks? Can't we have a civil exchange of views? It isn't rocket science; it simply requires a change of bad habit.

I support the PPP call for the Crime Chief to be promoted in rank. We are seeing positive and confidence-building results under this man's leadership.

The supporters of PPP on this BB have common traits they have the tendency to think, belittling their opponents they will become weak and thinks they have the upper hand,their crude behavior have chased a few good people from this forum.

To be fair, Django, both sides are guilty. We all need some self-improvement.

man, i tell u, some comments are vile. Lang time ago, people use to say, "some people are brought up and some are dragged up."

One thing fur sure, "there is no racism." Both blacks and indians getting on real bad, equally. Suh, who sey we doan have a common cause. For vileness, both races are par.

You forget we putagee peeps aready man, no props for we?

Last edited by cain
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

.  The PPP will have to learn that whoever controls the military controls the country.  

Jagdeo knew this fully well, and ensured that those who headed the GDF and the GPF were people loyal to him. Once of them was even one of his lovers.

"Jagdeo knew this fully well, and ensured that those who headed the GDF and the GPF were people loyal to him. Once of them was even one of his lovers."


Banna....this sounds like must have some inside information!

either he was the fly on the wall or he was holding the kerosene lamp. Whichever it is, he saw the wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhole action.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

.  The PPP will have to learn that whoever controls the military controls the country.  

Jagdeo knew this fully well, and ensured that those who headed the GDF and the GPF were people loyal to him. Once of them was even one of his lovers.

"Jagdeo knew this fully well, and ensured that those who headed the GDF and the GPF were people loyal to him. Once of them was even one of his lovers."


Banna....this sounds like must have some inside information!

Every one in Guyana is in on the gossip.

When you all call Granger an Indian killer is that libel?   I don't care whether you did this or not, as others did, and you didn't have anything to say when others made that accusation.  Even accusations that he was responsible for Fineman, and the assassination of Sat Sawh.

That is way more libelous than discussing what two consulting adults might be doing.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Why does almost every thread have to degenerate to personal attacks? Can't we have a civil exchange of views? It isn't rocket science; it simply requires a change of bad habit.

I support the PPP call for the Crime Chief to be promoted in rank. We are seeing positive and confidence-building results under this man's leadership.

The supporters of PPP on this BB have common traits they have the tendency to think, belittling their opponents they will become weak and thinks they have the upper hand,their crude behavior have chased a few good people from this forum.

To be fair, Django, both sides are guilty. We all need some self-improvement.

man, i tell u, some comments are vile. Lang time ago, people use to say, "some people are brought up and some are dragged up."

One thing fur sure, "there is no racism." Both blacks and indians getting on real bad, equally. Suh, who sey we doan have a common cause. For vileness, both races are par.

You forget we putagee peeps aready man, no props for we?

putagees are prim and proper people. Dey tek the side of the blackman to beat up coolie people. Once they they hutz de blackman to beat up on abhe, dem putagees gat no heat to contend with. The day blackman and cooolie man get along. It goan be razz to play with the putucks. U all got complexion that can show all kinds a colors. Black like blue and bruises wid brown, yellow and red. Run fuh cover, we coming soon. Granger meking Indo and Afro one people.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

.  The PPP will have to learn that whoever controls the military controls the country.  

Jagdeo knew this fully well, and ensured that those who headed the GDF and the GPF were people loyal to him. Once of them was even one of his lovers.

"Jagdeo knew this fully well, and ensured that those who headed the GDF and the GPF were people loyal to him. Once of them was even one of his lovers."


Banna....this sounds like must have some inside information!

Every one in Guyana is in on the gossip.

When you all call Granger an Indian killer is that libel?   I don't care whether you did this or not, as others did, and you didn't have anything to say when others made that accusation.  Even accusations that he was responsible for Fineman, and the assassination of Sat Sawh.

That is way more libelous than discussing what two consulting adults might be doing.

They like to pelt mud when pelted back at them all hell break loose.

Last edited by Django
seignet posted:

man, i tell u, some comments are vile. Lang time ago, people use to say, "some people are brought up and some are dragged up."

One thing fur sure, "there is no racism." Both blacks and indians getting on real bad, equally. Suh, who sey we doan have a common cause. For vileness, both races are par.

that is a barefaced, but very predictable LIE of the indefensible guilty

on GNI, there are no OTHER RACE bigots comparable to the out, anti-Black, INDIAN racists who, by any sane measure, outclass all pretenders in vileness, fascistic/religious fervor & IGNORANCE

these multi-handle bannas get some sort of thrill at what they get away with and are constantly pushing the race envelope

those who point to this phenomenon tend to get banned for saying . . .

but nice try dere seignet 

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Why does almost every thread have to degenerate to personal attacks? Can't we have a civil exchange of views? It isn't rocket science; it simply requires a change of bad habit.

I support the PPP call for the Crime Chief to be promoted in rank. We are seeing positive and confidence-building results under this man's leadership.

The supporters of PPP on this BB have common traits they have the tendency to think, belittling their opponents they will become weak and thinks they have the upper hand,their crude behavior have chased a few good people from this forum.

The people that ran away were the anti PPP cuss birds who are now ashamed to what the put in power in Guyana.  They cannot defend their past positions, so they ran under a rock and hide.  Now that the PNC getting hammered, alyuh crying foul!!  Deal with it!


caribny posted:
seignet posted:
. It is a myth, that indians doan want to serve.



That excuse expired after 1992.  Jagan literally got down on his hands and knees and begged Indians to join.

They refused.  Had there been discrimination against Indians joining, most assuredly he would have been vocal on that.

The complaints was mainly on diet and living spaces. The police force has always been a black fraternity. Nothing wrong with that unless the Indian had to be transformed. There is no reason for the Indian to confirm. I know retired indian policemen relating their experiences, they had to change the way their lives were conducted. It wasn't a complaint, it was just the way things were done. They slept together, they showered, they drank together, they endured racist comments as jokes. Threats kept many of them up at nights. Intimidation was more like it for them to quit. But the madrassie clan gat some bad ass people-they survived. And their fellow police officer, black ones respected them.

Try telling a coolieman to tek off his clothes in public and eat pork, black pudding and souse or arrest his family for meking bushrum. Coolie and blackman is not the same in the thinking department. A Blackman will speak quietly and carry a big stick. Let a coolie man go and arrest a black fella-that is a comedy act.

ba$eman posted:

. . . Now that the PNC getting hammered, alyuh crying foul!!  Deal with it!

"PNC" getting "hammered" by their own is a good thing

it's a democratic trait that y'all instinctive Stalinists in the PPP should pay attention to and learn

and baseman, juss FYI . . . this is not the kind of 'hammering' u, rat kwame and the rest accustomed to


Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

The complaints was mainly on diet and living spaces.

Try telling a coolieman to tek off his clothes in public and eat pork, black pudding and souse or arrest his family for meking bushrum.

Pure nonsense.  I have seen Indians take off their clothes and go in the trench NAKED, to catch fish. 

That is public nudity. Undressing in the barracks, or bathing in the showers isn't.

I really don't think that any one loves the diet available. Many blacks don't eat pork, and quite a few are vegetarian.  I very much doubt that black pudding and souse is regularly available, as it is way too labor intensive to prepare.  More likely cookup rice, or chow mein and fried rice.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

The complaints was mainly on diet and living spaces.

Try telling a coolieman to tek off his clothes in public and eat pork, black pudding and souse or arrest his family for meking bushrum.

Pure nonsense.  I have seen Indians take off their clothes and go in the trench NAKED, to catch fish. 

That is public nudity. Undressing in the barracks, or bathing in the showers isn't.

I really don't think that any one loves the diet available. Many blacks don't eat pork, and quite a few are vegetarian.  I very much doubt that black pudding and souse is regularly available, as it is way too labor intensive to prepare.  More likely cookup rice, or chow mein and fried rice.

I know black pudding, but whats a "souse"??

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

.  The PPP will have to learn that whoever controls the military controls the country.  

Jagdeo knew this fully well, and ensured that those who headed the GDF and the GPF were people loyal to him. Once of them was even one of his lovers.

"Jagdeo knew this fully well, and ensured that those who headed the GDF and the GPF were people loyal to him. Once of them was even one of his lovers."


Banna....this sounds like must have some inside information!

Every one in Guyana is in on the gossip.

When you all call Granger an Indian killer is that libel?   I don't care whether you did this or not, as others did, and you didn't have anything to say when others made that accusation.  Even accusations that he was responsible for Fineman, and the assassination of Sat Sawh.

That is way more libelous than discussing what two consulting adults might be doing.

No one called Granger an Indian killer. I think the wikileaks people referred to him as an anti-Indian racist.

The Sash Sawh killing took place under the PPP, so the PPP should have done the investigation. If I recall  correctly Fineman was embraced by some black public figures.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

No one called Granger an Indian killer.

Obviously you don't read the rants of baseman, cobra, yuji, and others.

Even now they scream that black doctors, lawyers, and executives, and IT professionals are now in Guyana lusting for the blood of dead Indians.  With Granger leading the charge.

Listen you shameless liar.  show me the post where i said such things of the man.  i think he is a closet racist and is weak, but i never accused him of killings.  he was a senior officer during the pnc rig-a-marole, not sure of his involvememt in the 28 year reign of terror, but it's hard to see him totally clean of any involvement.

ba$eman posted:

Listen you shameless liar.  show me the post where i said such things of the man.  i think he is a closet racist and is weak, but i never accused him of killings.  he was a senior officer during the pnc rig-a-marole, not sure of his involvememt in the 28 year reign of terror, but it's hard to see him totally clean of any involvement.

You are always wailing about the fact that Indians have to leave Guyana because there is an Indian Eradication program filled with violence.

You really need to remember that I remember what you write.  Just yesterday you were ranting about how evil upper middle class black Guyanese are, as we lust for the blood of Indians.

Now when I tell you what you write you then se how ridiculous it sounds.

Jagdeo is very explicit in the fact that he divides Guyanese according to race. What ever you might say about Granger (I agree that he is weak) you have NO proof that he is a closet racist.  Look at his family and you will see that you lie!

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

Fella, have respect for people experiences. I am relating experiences of a few very old police officers. The men are in their late seventies. Do you know what it was like in the early 1940's in Guyana. Indian people were old custom people and yet dared to break old customs and join the police force. 

Siggy, I accept what you say. Here's the deal, and it applies to armed services internationally. Every recruit must go through a period of basic training. That intensive and grueling course is designed to transform the recruit physically and psychologically. He must cease thinking like a civilian and start thinking like a soldier. When he was a civilian, he was taught that killing another person is criminal. Now, as a soldier he is trained to kill people without a guilty conscience. As a civilian, he could be an introvert or extrovert. As a soldier, he has to put his group first and behave like the group. Whatever the group eats, he must eat. During basic training, drill sergeants are deliberately dictatorial and rough so as to accomplish the transformation of each recruit in a short time. An Indo-Guyanese youth must be prepared to change his dietary and bathroom habits when he joins the armed services. 

Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:

Fella, have respect for people experiences. I am relating experiences of a few very old police officers. The men are in their late seventies. Do you know what it was like in the early 1940's in Guyana. Indian people were old custom people and yet dared to break old customs and join the police force. 

Siggy, I accept what you say. Here's the deal, and it applies to armed services internationally. Every recruit must go through a period of basic training. That intensive and grueling course is designed to transform the recruit physically and psychologically. He must cease thinking like a civilian and start thinking like a soldier. When he was a civilian, he was taught that killing another person is criminal. Now, as a soldier he is trained to kill people without a guilty conscience. As a civilian, he could be an introvert or extrovert. As a soldier, he has to put his group first and behave like the group. Whatever the group eats, he must eat. During basic training, drill sergeants are deliberately dictatorial and rough so as to accomplish the transformation of each recruit in a short time. An Indo-Guyanese youth must be prepared to change his dietary and bathroom habits when he joins the armed services. 

Aaare Baapre (sp?), finally getting the answer to "that" question.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:

Fella, have respect for people experiences. I am relating experiences of a few very old police officers. The men are in their late seventies. Do you know what it was like in the early 1940's in Guyana. Indian people were old custom people and yet dared to break old customs and join the police force. 

. As a civilian, he could be an introvert or extrovert. As a soldier, he has to put his group first and behave like the group. ...

.... An Indo-Guyanese youth must be prepared to change his dietary and bathroom habits when he joins the armed services. 

Wow, is that what a soldier is trained to do?  You must have read the play book of the Interahamwe!!  If that is also the play book of the GDF, then Indians have a lot more to worry about other than the resurgence of the Buxton FF terrorists!  No wonder passport applications and US visa applications are up!

ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:

Fella, have respect for people experiences. I am relating experiences of a few very old police officers. The men are in their late seventies. Do you know what it was like in the early 1940's in Guyana. Indian people were old custom people and yet dared to break old customs and join the police force. 

. As a civilian, he could be an introvert or extrovert. As a soldier, he has to put his group first and behave like the group. ...

.... An Indo-Guyanese youth must be prepared to change his dietary and bathroom habits when he joins the armed services. 

Wow, is that what a soldier is trained to do?  You must have read the play book of the Interahamwe!!  If that is also the play book of the GDF, then Indians have a lot more to worry about other than the resurgence of the Buxton FF terrorists!  No wonder passport applications and US visa applications are up!

Indians happily join the US army, dare not complain about cultural factors, and face gunfire in Iraq and elsewhere.  If you want to see a killing machine, just witness the US soldier.

Come up with another excuse.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:

Fella, have respect for people experiences. I am relating experiences of a few very old police officers. The men are in their late seventies. Do you know what it was like in the early 1940's in Guyana. Indian people were old custom people and yet dared to break old customs and join the police force. 

. As a civilian, he could be an introvert or extrovert. As a soldier, he has to put his group first and behave like the group. ...

.... An Indo-Guyanese youth must be prepared to change his dietary and bathroom habits when he joins the armed services. 

Wow, is that what a soldier is trained to do?  You must have read the play book of the Interahamwe!!  If that is also the play book of the GDF, then Indians have a lot more to worry about other than the resurgence of the Buxton FF terrorists!  No wonder passport applications and US visa applications are up!

Indians happily join the US army, dare not complain about cultural factors, and face gunfire in Iraq and elsewhere.  If you want to see a killing machine, just witness the US soldier.

Come up with another excuse.

Nah, they are very bothered when innocents get harmed.  They would think 100 times before harming women, children and non-combatants!  Sometimes terrorists are allowed to escape due to their proximity to civilians!

And yes, many Guyanese Indians do join the US military contradicting your assertion that they don't like military service.  In Guyana, the GDF carries a racist and bad reputation of being the enforcer of PNC apartheid policies against Indians and, as such, Indians shy away.  Apart from the Rupununi uprising, the Guyana military had its guns trained on the domestic population, mostly Indians but also some non-conformant Blacks.

ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
. . . Here's the deal, and it applies to armed services internationally. Every recruit must go through a period of basic training. That intensive and grueling course is designed to transform the recruit physically and psychologically. He must cease thinking like a civilian and start thinking like a soldier. When he was a civilian, he was taught that killing another person is criminal. Now, as a soldier he is trained to kill people without a guilty conscience. As a civilian, he could be an introvert or extrovert. As a soldier, he has to put his group first and behave like the group. Whatever the group eats, he must eat. During basic training, drill sergeants are deliberately dictatorial and rough so as to accomplish the transformation of each recruit in a short time. An Indo-Guyanese youth must be prepared to change his dietary and bathroom habits when he joins the armed services. 

Wow, is that what a soldier is trained to do?  You must have read the play book of the Interahamwe!!  If that is also the play book of the GDF, then Indians have a lot more to worry about other than the resurgence of the Buxton FF terrorists!  No wonder passport applications and US visa applications are up!

yes, you light-thinking moron . . . that is what soldiers are trained to do

and btw baseman, who exactly is the PPP antiman who told you that the US army teaches from the playbook "Interahamwe"?

redux posted:
ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
. . . Here's the deal, and it applies to armed services internationally. Every recruit must go through a period of basic training. That intensive and grueling course is designed to transform the recruit physically and psychologically. He must cease thinking like a civilian and start thinking like a soldier. When he was a civilian, he was taught that killing another person is criminal. Now, as a soldier he is trained to kill people without a guilty conscience. As a civilian, he could be an introvert or extrovert. As a soldier, he has to put his group first and behave like the group. Whatever the group eats, he must eat. During basic training, drill sergeants are deliberately dictatorial and rough so as to accomplish the transformation of each recruit in a short time. An Indo-Guyanese youth must be prepared to change his dietary and bathroom habits when he joins the armed services. 

Wow, is that what a soldier is trained to do?  You must have read the play book of the Interahamwe!!  If that is also the play book of the GDF, then Indians have a lot more to worry about other than the resurgence of the Buxton FF terrorists!  No wonder passport applications and US visa applications are up!

yes, you light-thinking moron . . . that is what soldiers are trained to do

and btw baseman, who exactly is the PPP antiman who told you that the US army teaches from the playbook "Interahamwe"?

I think you lack basic comprehension!

ba$eman posted:
redux posted:
ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
. . . Here's the deal, and it applies to armed services internationally. Every recruit must go through a period of basic training. That intensive and grueling course is designed to transform the recruit physically and psychologically. He must cease thinking like a civilian and start thinking like a soldier. When he was a civilian, he was taught that killing another person is criminal. Now, as a soldier he is trained to kill people without a guilty conscience. As a civilian, he could be an introvert or extrovert. As a soldier, he has to put his group first and behave like the group. Whatever the group eats, he must eat. During basic training, drill sergeants are deliberately dictatorial and rough so as to accomplish the transformation of each recruit in a short time. An Indo-Guyanese youth must be prepared to change his dietary and bathroom habits when he joins the armed services. 

Wow, is that what a soldier is trained to do?  You must have read the play book of the Interahamwe!!  If that is also the play book of the GDF, then Indians have a lot more to worry about other than the resurgence of the Buxton FF terrorists!  No wonder passport applications and US visa applications are up!

yes, you light-thinking moron . . . that is what soldiers are trained to do

and btw baseman, who exactly is the PPP antiman who told you that the US army teaches from the playbook "Interahamwe"?

I think you lack basic comprehension!

logic uncommonly haaard fuh u nuh? . . . condolences

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:


And yes, many Guyanese Indians do join the US military contradicting your assertion that they don't like military service. .

Indos join because the white man is in charge of the US army.  This love of whites is well known. 

If you feel so, then run with it!

In fact on another thread you are screaming what a great place the USA was 50 years ago for blacks.  Obviously you love white domination, backed by the rule of law.


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