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Former Member

PPP calls for Interim Management C’tee to run G/town City Council


THE People’s Progressive Party is concerned over the state of affairs at the Georgetown City Council and recent acts of illegality perpetrated against the administrative branch of the entity.

The party has noted the attempts by Georgetown Mayor Hamilton Green and his cabal to oust the legitimate and legally appointed Town Clerk, Carol Sooba from office via illegal and backdoor manipulations.

The PPP condemns this latest act of desperation by the Mayor and his (intimates), who have brought the City Council into disrepute by their actions which smack of racism and political bullyism; as this can only hurt the Council and its service to the citizens of Georgetown, a PPP statement said yesterday.

“The PPP demands the removal of Hamilton Green and the entire City Council, and (their) replacement by an Interim Management Committee,” the statement said.

“No charade or theatrical performance put on by the Mayor will fool right-thinking Guyanese. Mayor Green would be well advised to put the resources and energies that he is using to advance his game of witch-hunt against Sooba into meaningful use, rather than the divisive policies he and his ilk are currently carrying out.

“It is no secret that Hamilton Green is single-handedly responsible for the demise and deterioration of Georgetown and its environment. The PPP refuses to accept that the lack of local government elections is exclusively responsible for the shortcomings being faced now in the capital city.

“The Mayor and his cronies have looted the council’s treasury for their personal gain; and have allowed nepotism, cynicism and corruption to consume the Council, and have now put one of their cronies there to cover it up.

“The PPP has noted that the de facto Town Clerk has been unearthing heaps of corrupt and self-enriching activities being carried out through the underground economy run by a small clique of councillors.

“Green’s exercise of municipal lawlessness has been accepted by the APNU and the AFC, who remain silent on Green’s lawlessness which, according to their double standards, is acceptable for some but unacceptable for others,” the statement concluded.


extract from Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Now one would think that the PPP would use this current problem in G/twn as an excuse to announce local government elections, but no, just another attempt an installing a racist Indian dictatorship over the people of Georgetwon!  And then playing the race card when people object.



Let the citizens of Georgetown select their own leadership, and if that leadership doesn't perform, then demand that it be ousted!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:
“The PPP has noted that the de facto Town Clerk has been unearthing heaps of corrupt and self-enriching activities being carried out through the underground economy run by a small clique of councillors.


Green’s exercise of municipal lawlessness has been accepted by the APNU and the AFC, who remain silent on Green’s lawlessness which, according to their double standards, is acceptable for some but unacceptable for others,” the statement concluded.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
“The PPP has noted that the de facto Town Clerk has been unearthing heaps of corrupt and self-enriching activities being carried out through the underground economy run by a small clique of councillors.


Green’s exercise of municipal lawlessness has been accepted by the APNU and the AFC, who remain silent on Green’s lawlessness which, according to their double standards, is acceptable for some but unacceptable for others,” the statement concluded.

And yet you dont demand local govt elections which will removfe Green, as it doesnt appear as if he will even contest, and no party will be mad enough to select him as their candidate.


Instead you want an incompetent and  corrupt person foisted on to the people of Georgetwon whose only qualification is that she is a PPP Indian.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
“The PPP has noted that the de facto Town Clerk has been unearthing heaps of corrupt and self-enriching activities being carried out through the underground economy run by a small clique of councillors.


Green’s exercise of municipal lawlessness has been accepted by the APNU and the AFC, who remain silent on Green’s lawlessness which, according to their double standards, is acceptable for some but unacceptable for others,” the statement concluded.

collie call local government election


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