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PPP calls for probe by int’l auditors 

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Fake SOP’s; flawed elections

 …slams GECOM Chairman for being “biased”

 Amid the uncertainty regarding the entrance of fraudulent Statements of Poll (SOPs) into the Guyana Election’s Commission (GECOM) machinery on Elections Day and GECOM’s Chairman, Dr Steve Surujbally’s refusal to look into the matter, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is pressing for clarity through a thorough investigation conducted by professional international auditors.

Jagdeo’s renewed calls for answers on the issue came in light of statements made by Dr Surujbally who obdurately maintained that there is no need for an investigation, calming conclusively that even if a probe is conducted, nothing of substance would be discovered.

GECOM Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally

GECOM Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally

His statements, however, did not settle well with the Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C). In a media release, the Party highlighted that such a position clearly demonstrates the “gross incompetence and an indictment of the organisation’s inability to conduct a free and fair elections”, slamming the GECOM Chairman in the process. for his evident biasness in his line of duty.

Meanwhile, Jagdeo, speaking during a press conference at Freedom House on Friday, emphasised that the public deserves to know how fake SOPs entered GECOM and who was responsible for putting them there – a grave act which saw the integrity of the constituency’s votes being compromised.

The former President pointed out the slightest attempt to interfere with the will of the people of Guyana is a criminal matter and therefore requires an investigation by the Guyana Police Force – an act which should have been undertaken since the fake SOPs were discovered.

However, Jagdeo argued that having Police investigate the matter now could compromise the truth since he alleged that Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan might influence the outcome, given his track record of interfering into operational matters of the Police Force.

“An investigation (by local Police) will not be transparent and above the board,” Jagdeo firmly posited.

Therefore, Jagdeo reasoned that the best way to shed some light on the issue would be through an investigation conducted by international experts.


Impossible to prove

On the other hand, Dr Surujbally declared that it would be impossible to prove who was responsible for introducing the fake documents, concluding that the investigations would be useless.

But Jagdeo contended that such a conclusion ought to be done by professionals and not the GECOM Chairman, especially since the Opposition Party and a significant portion of the population distrust him.

The PPP/C Opposition in a press statement noted that the Chairman’s position confirms suspicions that his judgment is subjective.

Moreover, the Party renewed calls for Surujbally to resign from his post.

“The newly constituted GECOM should meet and must not allow Mr Surujbally to get away with his shenanigans,” it stated.

The PPP/C noted that the greatest and most valuable asset in any country is its human resources and therefore demands that GECOM be equipped with staff complement that can deliver free and fair elections.

“If Mr Surujablly does not value the vote by each elector then this is most unfortunate and reaffirms the loss of confidence the PPP has publicly expressed in him as Head of GECOM,” the Party stated.

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Meanwhile, Jagdeo, speaking during a press conference at Freedom House on Friday, emphasised that the public deserves to know how fake SOPs entered GECOM and who was responsible for putting them there – a grave act which saw the integrity of the constituency’s votes being compromised.


“An investigation (by local Police) will not be transparent and above the board,” Jagdeo firmly posited.

Therefore, Jagdeo reasoned that the best way to shed some light on the issue would be through an investigation conducted by international experts.


A practicing Hindu who supported the coalition reminded me of the Bhima vs Duryodhana battle. The PPP broke all the rules of decency and protocol prior to May 2015. They never once listened to any other voice in the then opposition. 2011 should have been a wake up call and they should have governed with more decency. The PPP today is all about promoting the wish of Jagdeo's third term. The PPP is Jagdeo and Jagdeo is the PPP. Jagdeo leads his sheep. Now, when they do need some sympathy on the SoP matter no one is there to offer up any...anyhow I support the international investigation of the fake SoPs. But this must be done along with constitutional and electoral reforms.


Amid the uncertainty regarding the entrance of fraudulent Statements of Poll (SOPs) into the Guyana Election’s Commission (GECOM) machinery on Elections Day and GECOM’s Chairman, Dr Steve Surujbally’s refusal to look into the matter, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is pressing for clarity through a thorough investigation conducted by professional international auditors.


PPP/C is saying there were lots of fraudulent SOP's, there were thousands of fraudulent polling papers also, Jagdeo is simple asking how did all these frauds documentations gets into the GECOM Machinery? and yet Surujbally do not want to ascertain whether Jagdeo accusation is accurate.......the only way to tell is to go back and check, not doing this, there will still be the accusations that the Elections were fraud.


The AFC/PNC/GECOM is seemingly scared to go and do a recheck.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:

A practicing Hindu who supported the coalition reminded me of the Bhima vs Duryodhana battle. The PPP broke all the rules of decency and protocol prior to May 2015..

Wasn't Reep a practicing Hindu?  I think back in the day, there was another one jumped with PNC called pandit Chandrika Sukul!


According to you, PPP broke all rules of decency in the 1992 election!

Originally Posted by asj:


PPP/C is saying there were lots of fraudulent SOP's, there were thousands of fraudulent polling papers also, Jagdeo is simple asking how did all these frauds documentations gets into the GECOM Machinery? and yet Surujbally do not want to ascertain whether Jagdeo accusation is accurate.......the only way to tell is to go back and check, not doing this, there will still be the accusations that the Elections were fraud.


Simply put. The PPP was in control of "their" country, any fraudulent activities would have been on account of their actions. They thought they had the country in their hands and could do as they bloody well pleased.


The people spoke up and the PPP were tossed out so now they are pissed things backfired. They are not in power and they should not be telling the government how to run things, screw 'em.


Yes, I know some of you here would say the Govt need their assistance, yes they do but it is trying to put some sense into how the country was being governed. 

Just imagine taking over a business where the previous owner never did the books for 20 years, never paid taxes due and any time it was done, made matters worse due to "cooking"




Jagdeo kicking butts as usually.  The AFC is running scared. They all should be tried and sent to prison for misleading the nation and stole an election.  The GECOM commissioner was bribed.  An audit is in order. 


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