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PPP can face every challenge: PM


Last Updated On 22 December, 2012, -- Source


Addressing a public gathering at Attock, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf said that dictators tried their best to repress the PPP but its brave leadership did not surrender before the champions of power politics. 

He said that opposition parties left no stone unturned to scandalize the PPP but every time they had to face humiliation at the hands of masses who are real source of power.

He said that credit goes to the present government for completing its tenure of five years. Before this dictators and the establishment toppled the PPP government in order to derail the democratic system. “The future of the nation lies in democracy,” he said.

“It is the PPP leadership which gave an identity to the NWPF which had been ignored for many decades. We gave NFC Award to provinces so that they may be able to sustain their autonomy. Independent judiciary is also an achievement of the PPP government which paved way to liberty and justice”, said the prime minister.

He said that the PPP is the only political party which can face pressures because its brave leadership is always ready to give sacrifices.

He added that the PPP is heir to great leader Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who refused to surrender before dictator and preferred to sacrifice his life.

“We have complete trust in President Asif Ali Zardari who pulled the country out of crises,” he said.

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