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PPP claims Govt neglecting Amerindians

August 20, 2016 11:31 am Category: latest news, Politics,

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on Friday blasted the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government for what it said is its blatant neglect of the Indigenous peoples of Guyana.

The People’s Progressive Party Civic members from left former Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai, PPPC Chief Whip Gail Teixeira and Former Head of the National Toshaos Councils Yvonne Pearson

Member of Parliament (MP) and former Amerindian Affairs Minister, Pauline Sukhai, said since the new Administration took office just over 15 months ago, there has been little progress seen in the lives of Amerindians, particularly the youth. She spoke of the disbanding and cancellation of several beneficial projects for Amerindian students and questioned the reason behind Government’s move to do this.

Her comments followed inquiries from the media on whether the PPP was pleased with the way it left the communities back in 2015, and if it should be criticising the current Administration for its move to distribute shoes to Amerindian students.

But Sukhai said there cannot be a comparison between the work the previous Administration did and what is currently being done by the APNU/AFC Government.

“What is alarming is the fact that the PPP/Civic Government was in the process and had been giving minibuses and pickups, and boats and other forms of transport to assist children to access education in and out of their communities. Today there is a total turnaround,” the MP stated.

Sukhai said the only item students are receiving is a few boots and it is not even being given to every child of every community.

“We could point to the dismantling of the land titling unit and the dismissal of the Project Coordinator, Associate, and the CDP Project Coordinator… We saw the discrimination against the youth, the dismantling of the Young Entrepreneurship Programme which was replaced with a less effective programme, HEYS.”

She said what was more disturbing is that the Minister had assured villages that the new programme would have been much better than the previous programme.

Meanwhile, fellow Member of Parliament and former Head of the National Toshaos Council, Yvonne Pearson said at this point in time, and with the upcoming Indigenous Heritage Month set for September, persons are already asking what will be there be to celebrate.

Joining in on the conversation also was the Party’s Chief Whip Gail Teixeira, who said that while the PPP Government does not boast reducing poverty to zero during its tenure, it was able to do significantly well enough to improve the lives of persons living in the hinterland region. She said when the Party left office in 2015, there was water, lights and every village had a nursery and primary school. “But the process did not end, not in Guyana, nor in the Amerindian villages.”

What happened, she said, was that Indigenous peoples were able to have greater access to opportunities offered to every Guyanese who live on the coastland. She said the PPP would be willing to fully support any venture the Government would take to improve the lives of the Amerindians.

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The only time the PPP ever did anything for those people would be just prior to elections when they bribed them with one or two items.

What else have they done for them in the years they were in government? Anyone?


Amerindians have a funny way of responding to Granger's neglect.  Lethem, as thoroughly an anti PNC stronghold as one might find in Guyana, even more anti PNC than is the Corentyne, now has an APNU AFC town council.  In Mabaruma APNU AFC tied with the PPP.  Region 1 being yet another traditional PPP stronghold.

This election was after they had a chance to see Granger in action.

The PPP has its stooges braying and apparently no one else is listening.

Granger is definitely wooing the Amerindian vote, even more than he is wooing the African vote.  This is what has the PPP petrified.  Their alliance of the "straight hairs" against "savage blackman" seems to be fraying.


PPP administration has provided far more focused attention and support to the Indigenous peoples when in the administration from 1957 to 1964 and from 1992 to 2015.

PNC has extremely little to show during their administration from 1964 to 1992.

For the past fifteen months, PNC/AFC are only providing lots of talk.

Demerara_Guy posted:


PNC has extremely little to show during their administration from 1964 to 1992.


But Granger is now wooing the Amerindian vote and is already drawing success as APNU AFC now controls Lethem, and tied with the PPP in Mabaruma.  Two formerly solidly PPP areas.

I hear the screams and cries as Amerindians abandon the PPP.  This must make you all frantic.

Now had you been nicer to blacks and mixed people they wouldn't hate the PPP so much.

Demerara_Guy posted:

PPP administration has provided far more focused attention and support to the Indigenous peoples when in the administration from 1957 to 1964 and from 1992 to 2015.

What, they gave out one off road bike and a couple wellington boots?
In all seriousness, seeing I don't know what the PPP did for these people enlighten me DG
cain posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

PPP administration has provided far more focused attention and support to the Indigenous peoples when in the administration from 1957 to 1964 and from 1992 to 2015.

What, they gave out one off road bike and a couple wellington boots?
In all seriousness, seeing I don't know what the PPP did for these people enlighten me DG

Just a few of the large numerous programmes and assistance the PPP provided to the Indigenous people.

Perhaps, you can start a review of the other numerous activities.

1. PPP/C Government implemented the hinterland road programme which led to ensuring better access to the regions and also within.

2. Youth Entrepreneurship and Apprenticeship Programme was started in  Regions 1, 7, 8 and 9 with an initial start-up of $200 million dollars.

3. Distribution of 10,858 solar systems where students can study in their own homes in the evenings.

4. 65 boats and 107 engines, 53 All Terrain Vehicles, 25 minibuses, 17 4×4 pickups for transportation purposes.

5. Extension activities in a number of villages and investigation for others in 2013.

6. Etc., etc., etc..

Demerara_Guy posted:
cain posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

PPP administration has provided far more focused attention and support to the Indigenous peoples when in the administration from 1957 to 1964 and from 1992 to 2015.

What, they gave out one off road bike and a couple wellington boots?
In all seriousness, seeing I don't know what the PPP did for these people enlighten me DG

Just a few of the large numerous programmes and assistance the PPP provided to the Indigenous people.

Perhaps, you can start a review of the other numerous activities.

1. PPP/C Government implemented the hinterland road programme which led to ensuring better access to the regions and also within.

2. Youth Entrepreneurship and Apprenticeship Programme was started in  Regions 1, 7, 8 and 9 with an initial start-up of $200 million dollars.

3. Distribution of 10,858 solar systems where students can study in their own homes in the evenings.

4. 65 boats and 107 engines, 53 All Terrain Vehicles, 25 minibuses, 17 4×4 pickups for transportation purposes.

5. Extension activities in a number of villages and investigation for others in 2013.

6. Etc., etc., etc..

Etc, etc. Well hear this.  The Amerindians aren't impressed as they are shifting their votes to APNU AFC. Regions 1 and 9 were PPP strongholds 15 months ago.  Now APNU AFC controls the largest population centers in these regions, clearly suggesting shifting of votes away from the PPP.

Pure panic as the PPP campaigns on "bad black man good Indian" and then ropes Amerindians on the same screams of the black bogeyman, now that there aren't enough Indians to ensure their victory.

As they see some Amerindian votes bleeding away to this "black man" govt I can understand their panic.


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