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Former Member


See full statement below issued by Opposition Nominated GECOM Commissioners Thursday:

At a Statutory Meeting of the Guyana Elections Commission held on the 26th February 2019, a letter written by President David Granger, was provided to Commissioners.

The said letter, dated the 25th February 2019, was presented to Commissioners upon arrival at the meeting. The letter, inter alia, urged the Guyana Elections Commission to commence preparations for the holding of General and Regional Elections.

Today, the 28th February, 2019, our attention was drawn by the Leader of the Opposition to the existence of a second letter, purportedly under the hand of President David Granger, also dated the 25th of February, 2019.

Commissioner Bibi Shadick made contact with the Office of the Chairman of GECOM and requested a copy of correspondence received by the Chairman from the President.

An email was received from the Office of the Chairman of GECOM at 1:07 pm on the 28th February, 2019 in which the one letter was attached.

At a meeting of the Commission held today at 3pm, an inquiry was made about the existence of a second letter and the Chairman only then confirmed the existence of a second letter and copies were hurriedly made and provided to Commissioners.

We believe that this β€˜second letter’ was only sent to GECOM after it was exposed at the Press Conference of the Leader of the Opposition that the letter posted on the Ministry of the Presidency’s website significantly differed in content from the one circulated to Commissioners on the 26th February, 2019.


No previous mention was made of this second letter nor was any effort made to present copies thereof to Commissioners.

A discussion on the content of this second letter ensued and upon inquiry, the Chairman responded that it was not his opinion that the second letter superseded the first.

Commissioner Vincent Alexander then tendered the view that it did supersede the first.

Thereafter, a request was made by Commissioner Shadick for the Secretariat to provide a plan for preparation for the holding of elections, in keeping with the urging of the President. At this point, Commissioners Alexander and Trotman insisted that any such plan must include House to House Registration.

This flies in the face of the urgent need, as prescribed by the Constitution of Guyana, to hold elections within 3 (three) months of the successful passage of a vote of no confidence.

Further, it can only be seen as another act in the series of dilatory tactics employed by certain Commissioners and the Secretariat of GECOM to derail this important and constitutionally mandated timeframe.

It has become very obvious that there was no plan to be discussed regarding the preparation for elections, we were left no option but to walk out of the meeting.


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Unfortunately Guyanese are generally selfish which keeps them back from doing the greater good. We don’t possess the drive that people from some other countries demonstrate. We do have drive but it is mostly for ourselves. Even after the legacies of Burnham and Jagan are deeply buried, there will still emerge others whose selfishness will propel them to similar shamelessness.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

The PNC are still a far way from catching up with civilization.

When the PNC depart from the ways of Burnham, and the PPP depart from the ways of Jagan, only then we shall see true progress and prosperity in Guyana.

I thought cuz Ralphy said the PPP has strayed far from the ways of the Jagans!  Is he wrong?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

The PNC are still a far way from catching up with civilization.

When the PNC depart from the ways of Burnham, and the PPP depart from the ways of Jagan, only then we shall see true progress and prosperity in Guyana.

Interesting because Ramjattan and Moses (now utter useless politicians) wanted to take the AFC back to Jagan ways. Luckily Jagdeo took PPP away from Jagan ways a looongg time again and angered a few old dinosaurs.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

The PNC are still a far way from catching up with civilization.

When the PNC depart from the ways of Burnham, and the PPP depart from the ways of Jagan, only then we shall see true progress and prosperity in Guyana.

Interesting because Ramjattan and Moses (now utter useless politicians) wanted to take the AFC back to Jagan ways. Luckily Jagdeo took PPP away from Jagan ways a looongg time again and angered a few old dinosaurs.

The PPP has long ceased being the party of the jagans. It’s now the party if Jagdeo.  Granger himself admitted this to one of my relatives!

In a few years it might well be the party of Ali!!


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