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September 30,2016 Source

Dear Editor,

THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has noted with interest attempts by some member states of MERCOSUR to take over the presidency jointly from Venezuela for this coming semester.The four countries — namely Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay — in a joint statement, called on Venezuela to speed up ratification of the agreements of the regional mechanism or face the possibility of suspension from the bloc.

The PPP calls on the Guyana Government to state its position on this matter, since Guyana is a member of MERCOSUR. It would appear from the statements released that there are highly coincidental positions taken by certain member states in collaboration with Brazil, who have adopted a more extreme position, threatening the expulsion of Venezuela from MERCOSUR by December 1, 2016.

Such a move would be reminiscent of the expulsion of Cuba from the Organization of American States (OAS) at a meeting of that organization held in 1962 in Punta del Este, Uruguay.

It is of interest to note that this concerted action by some member states comes just weeks after the removal of former Brazilian President Ms. Dilma Rousseff in what is seen as a constitutional coup; and similar attempts by the internal and external political forces to remove President Maduro of Venezuela before the constitutionally due date.

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Mr.T posted:

What business is it of the PPP to get involved in the politics of our neighbours? Who asked them for their opinion?

What is the business of the PNC to ask other governments to overthrow the PPP? Is is because they figured they cannot win a free and fair election?

Mr.T posted:

What business is it of the PPP to get involved in the politics of our neighbours? Who asked them for their opinion?

The PPP are still trying to get MadBURRO to invade Guyana, and to install Jagdeo as the governor of the Estado de Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

What business is it of the PPP to get involved in the politics of our neighbours? Who asked them for their opinion?

What is the business of the PNC to ask other governments to overthrow the PPP? Is is because they figured they cannot win a free and fair election?

Can you tell us when the PNC asked other governments to over throw the PPP?

In 2011 more than 50% of Guyanese rejected the PPP.  In 2015 more than 50% of Guyanese rejected the PPP.

Get over your loss, dump Jagdeo and reposition the PPP, eradicating its Indo KKK instincts, and maybe you might win in 2020.  The current incompetence of APNU/AFC isn't exactly making that task difficult if the PPP were to change its ways.

skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

What business is it of the PPP to get involved in the politics of our neighbours? Who asked them for their opinion?

What is the business of the PNC to ask other governments to overthrow the PPP? Is is because they figured they cannot win a free and fair election?

Why you asking me? You should be asking Jagdeo that. He is the unofficial spokesman of the PNC. Just ask Corbyn.


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