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PPP concerned about “reduced” number of Registration Office; says selection of sites show “bias”

February 11, 2015 2:27 pm Category: Politics A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

[] – General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee has voiced his Party’s concern over the reduced number of Registration Offices in the East Bank Demerara area.

Rohee at a press conference on Wednesday, February 11 said the Party has noticed that general large communities have a lesser amount of registration offices; however the same amount can be found within smaller communities along the East Bank corridor.

According to Rohee, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) identified offices for the Claims and Objections reflect a clear “bias and lack of objectivity.”

The General Secretary noted that three offices will operate in a small cluster in the Timehri ,Soesdyke area, while the next available office is as far as Grove.

“Another office is in Mocha but none for Little Diamond, Herstelling and Providence where the voting population is in excess of five times that of Mocha. Further there are thirteen offices in South Georgetown, while there are only four offices in North Georgetown,” he said.

The PPP General Secretary also related that the Party has made public its concern over the use of mobile units to carry out GECOM’s mandate but to no avail.

“Convenient days and times to residents must be a priority for GECOM when preparing schedules for outreaches. The Party is hopeful that these issues will be addressed by GECOM in a timely manner so as to pave the way for free and fair elections and free from fear,” said Rohee.

When contacted by iNews on Wednesday, Public Relations Officer for GECOM Richard Francois declined to comment.

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QUOTE: "Further there are thirteen offices in South Georgetown, while there are only four offices in North Georgetown,” he said."


South Georgetown has a much larger population than North Georgetown. That simple.

Regarding the East Bank Demerara, GECOM should look into Rohee's claim.


GECOM CEO Lowenfield is already putting in place the apparatus for getting the Elections rigged, hence his surprise for the Nation -Results next day. What were the other Commissioners doing when this policy was being operationalized? Sleeping or sumply turning a blind eye?


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