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The opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) yesterday condemned the decision of the Special Organised Crimes Unit (SOCU) to arrest and charge six former members of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), including two of its parliamentarians, saying that it is the most recent act of political victimisation by the government.

“Guyanese have witnessed today the depths to which the Coalition government has sunk, in continuing with its political victimisation,” the party said in a statement, hours after charges were read to Jagnarine Singh, former GRDB General Manager; Prema Roopnarine, former Deputy Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Agriculture; Ricky Ramraj, agricultural consultant; Badrie Persaud, business consultant; Dharamkumar Seeraj, the General Secretary of the Rice Producers Association and a PPP/C MP; and Nigel Dharamlall, also a PPP/C MP.

“The actions of SOCU reflect the latest ‘another act of desperation’ by the Coalition Government, more so coming after the publication of its list of ‘non-achievements’ in its two years in office,” it added.

The six were read charges for allegedly failing to record entries for funds amounting to over $250 million in total in the agency’s general ledger between 2011 and 2015.

In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned.

The PPP also noted that the six accused at various times acted as GRDB Directors but they were the only ones charged although over a dozen persons had served the GRDB in the same capacity for the years cited by SOCU in the charges. “…the six persons charged are only those who have been linked to the PPP,” the party pointed out.

The party further said that the charges are matters of accounting and not issues that the directors would have been directly responsible for and as a result it again questioned the basis for the charges being laid.

It also said the charges come at a time when its parliamentarians are engaged in community outreaches across the coastal regions.

The PPP reiterated that SOCU is being used as a tool to continue “the witch hunting of political opponents,” and was being diverted from its intended purpose as part of Guyana’s international obligations to strengthen its Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism apparatus.

“The PPP will not be not be intimidated, nor will we be silenced or cease our efforts to expose the wrongdoings of the APNU+AFC government,” it added.

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Eh Eh

The Racist PNC slop can carrier Cain shows up in his role to defend PNC racism, Cain does it again ! Just like his Papa Burnham.

Last edited by Former Member

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."


Reason of the Charges:

Blatant racism and discrimination. Anti Indo sentiment is growing in Guayana as a result of PNC's racist policies.

Cain is using the C word with liberty at GNI to further humiliate Indos.

yuji22 posted:

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."

The PPP speaks to suit themselves and fool their Piss Pot Porters.

SOCU said the money was found in a hidden bank acoount.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."

Throw all dem coolies out and replace them with niggroes who know nothing about rice. The coolies will be replaced with the highest PNC drug fundraising money. There go the rice industry and coolie livelihood. Niggroes will starve too and we will see further see crime spiraling out of control. Burnhamism, racism, nepotism and crime raise their heads for the second time around.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."

The PPP speaks to suit themselves and fool their Piss Pot Porters.

SOCU said the money was found in a hidden bank acoount.

Can YOU provide proof for that allegation ? SOCU is full of shyte.

Ker you Dirty Indo aside. I hope that the PNC slop can spills on you. Karma will soon catch up with a Dirty Indo like you. It never fails.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."

Throw all dem coolies out and replace them with niggroes who know nothing about rice. The coolies will be replaced with the highest PNC drug fundraising money. There go the rice industry and coolie livelihood. Niggroes will starve too and we will see further see crime spiraling out of control. Burnhamism, racism, nepotism and crime raise their heads for the second time around.

Wan Brazillan will be soon planting 5000 Acres of rice in the Rupununi.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."

The PPP speaks to suit themselves and fool their Piss Pot Porters.

SOCU said the money was found in a hidden bank acoount.

And you believe the niggroes. If it was hidden in a bank account, how come they found it and COULD NOT FIND THE $5 MIL THAT HARMON TIED AROUND HIS GOADY?

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."

The PPP speaks to suit themselves and fool their Piss Pot Porters.

SOCU said the money was found in a hidden bank acoount.

Can YOU provide proof for that allegation ? SOCU is full of shyte.

Ker you Dirty Indo aside. I hope that the PNC slop can spills on you. Karma will soon catch up with a Dirty Indo like you. It never fails.

My KARMA is intact,

no sarapee can  hamper.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."

The PPP speaks to suit themselves and fool their Piss Pot Porters.

SOCU said the money was found in a hidden bank acoount.

Can YOU provide proof for that allegation ? SOCU is full of shyte.

Ker you Dirty Indo aside. I hope that the PNC slop can spills on you. Karma will soon catch up with a Dirty Indo like you. It never fails.

My KARMA is intact,

no sarapee can  hamper.

You sir, are a very Dirty Indian. Karma will soon catch up with you.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."

The PPP speaks to suit themselves and fool their Piss Pot Porters.

SOCU said the money was found in a hidden bank acoount.

Can YOU provide proof for that allegation ? SOCU is full of shyte.

Ker you Dirty Indo aside. I hope that the PNC slop can spills on you. Karma will soon catch up with a Dirty Indo like you. It never fails.

My KARMA is intact,

no sarapee can  hamper.

Django, just out of curiosity, do you have negro members in some of your extended family?

yuji22 posted:

And the racism continues.

I agree with the PPP here.  On what basis were they being charged if the investigation is not complete?  What is the charge, not recording transactions in the GL?  Were assets actually diverted?  If neither the entries nor assets hit the books, how did they trace the missing transactions?  The more I read, the more it sounds flimsy, thus the PPP's position.  What about the Auditors, why are they not roped in?  Oh, I forgot, the former Auditor General now cozy with the PNC I think.

This shyte looks like it headed straight into the dust bin, like all others thus far!  I have great reservations with charges before the completion of the investigation.  This is highly abnormal, especially it seems, they are building their case on circumstantial vs substantial evidence!

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."

The PPP speaks to suit themselves and fool their Piss Pot Porters.

SOCU said the money was found in a hidden bank acoount.

When they said hidden, what the mean?  Whose name was the account in?  Remember, early on the PNC said large sum of "missing funds" was in Govt accts they did not know of.  But it was Govt accts.  As I said in my other comment, this headed for the dust bin, with all others!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

"In its statement, the PPP said SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, therefore, was unable to provide statements to the court. “If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?” it questioned."

The PPP speaks to suit themselves and fool their Piss Pot Porters.

SOCU said the money was found in a hidden bank acoount.

Can YOU provide proof for that allegation ? SOCU is full of shyte.

Ker you Dirty Indo aside. I hope that the PNC slop can spills on you. Karma will soon catch up with a Dirty Indo like you. It never fails.

My KARMA is intact,

no sarapee can  hamper.

Django, just out of curiosity, do you have negro members in some of your extended family?

Yes i do,i have French neices and nephews whose father is Afro and you wanna know some more three of them,their spouses are white and the other spouse mother is white and father is black who is from the Caribbean.

Their spouses are mixed with German,Swiss and French.

Two of my nephews are in to the Rock Climbing Sports [As Instructors and participants] representing France through out the world,they were in California last year for some film shoot.

Haven't seen them for a couple of years,heading up there next month to celebrate my birthday.

Last edited by Django

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