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PPP condemns MP Jordan’s “bullying tactics” towards Minister Parag

Sonia Parag

See full statement from the People’s Progressive Party:

The People’s Progressive Party condemns in the strongest possible terms the obstruction of an engagement between Minister of Public Service Sonia Parag and residents of Belladrum, Region Five by APNU+AFC Member of Parliament Vinceroy Jordan.

Minister Parag’s visit to the community was as a result of a request made by residents during an earlier visit by President Dr Irfaan Ali. The residents had sought the president’s intervention to facilitate access to skills training, scholarships and other empowerment opportunities.

It is in this regard that the Minister visited the community on Tuesday November 8th, and was prevented from accessing the Community Development Council building by Jordan and a small group of APNU+AFC activists.

The PNC led APNU+AFC has demonstrated time and time again that it is incapable of offering meaningful leadership to their constituents or anyone for that matter, and is therefore in its familiar obstructionist mode with racism being its tool of choice.

While in office they took multi-million dollar scholarships for themselves and their relatives and denied ordinary Guyanese these very opportunities.

Their attempt to obstruct the PPP/C government’s housing drive at Amelia’s Ward in Linden, Region Ten and at Mocha Arcadia on the East Bank of Demerara are just a few examples of how they wanted development to bypass certain communities so that they can continue to peddle false claims of discrimination.

The blame for this worrying development should be laid squarely at the feet of PNC and Opposition Leader Mr. Aubrey Norton who has been unabatingly setting a tone of racism and aggression towards the legitimately elected government and its officials.

Norton has also started pivoting his poisonous rhetoric and confrontational tone towards members of the media as was recently witnessed during a community rally in the East Bank Demerara community of Mocha Arcadia.

The PPP unequivocally condemns MP Jordan’s cowardly behaviour and bullying tactics towards Minister Parag and urge that it be similarly denounced by Civil Society and other national stakeholders.

The party further calls on Civil Society and other national stakeholders, as well as all patriotic Guyanese at home and abroad to make their voices heard to Mr. Aubrey Norton and members of his cabal, on this most vexing and worrying matter of his racist and aggressive posture, and the subtle as well as overt messages he continues to send to his cabal and supporters against the duly elected Government and its functionaries, and against the national interest of the state.

Edghill condemns acts of intimidation against Minister Parag

Public Service Minister Sonia Parag on November 2 met with residents of Belladrum, West Coast Berbice to follow-up on commitments made by President Dr. Irfaan Ali during an outreach last month

See full statement from Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill:

Today, as I reflect on some events of yesterday, I want to quickly note my perplexity at the news that the Hon. Sonia Parag, Minister of Public Service, was obstructed from engaging residents of Belladrum, Region Five, by a member of the APNU+AFC, who is also a Member of Parliament.

It disappoints me that an elected opposition, tasked with objectively representing the business of the people of Guyana, can scheme and seek to prevent and withhold development from communities, and citizens of this country they purport to love.

Today, I join with every right-thinking individual in Guyana to condemn, in the strongest possible term, the obstruction of the Hon. Sonia Parag in carrying out her duties and that of the government at Belladrum, Region Five, yesterday.

“No village is the personal property of any political group. Government ministers and other officials must have access to provide services through direct community engagements.

I urge people not to become guilty by association and allow themselves to be held hostage by participating in activities that they do not support or agree with, activities that seek to stymie their own or their community’s development.

“Resist their intimidation, use your voice, and stand against all forms of bullying.” The PPP/C government is not a government of its own supporters; we are a government for all of Guyana, regardless of your political persuasion, religion, or race.

This has been demonstrated time and time again in our projects and investments in every region of Guyana, in education, housing, job creation, youth, agriculture and infrastructure development, etc.

Our government, led by our President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, continues to lead the charge in ensuring development in every community across Guyana, so again, I say, condemn every action by anyone seeking to stop or prevent your community’s development. Let’s support “One Guyana.”


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