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Government of Guyana statement

The Government of Guyana notes with grave concern the unashamed and unfounded attacks levelled against it by Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan. The PPPC administration is not surprised that such wanton and misleading assault was given much prominence in the Kaieteur News, which over time has become an Opposition mouthpiece.


While the paper is free to align itself with the Opposition given the freedom of choice that now permeates in Guyana and restored to Guyana by the PPP/C, journalistic ethics would demand that fairness is paramount as against sensationalism and peddling of falsehood and political conspiracies.


The Government forthrightly condemns Mr. Ramjattan’s spurious and dangerous assertions as carried in the Kaieteur News of Sunday, August 12, 2012. We wish to remind Mr. Ramjattan that the issue regarding increased electricity tariffs for Linden is not new and was first mooted in the 1970s by former Prime Minister Forbes Burnham when the PNC was in government. Further, when the said proposed increase was tabled in the National Assembly in April this year, Leader of the Opposition, Mr. David Granger, publicly voiced his support given the need to have Linden integrated into the national grid.


Immediately following Mr. Granger’s concurrence, it was the AFC along with some members of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) that instigated the protest in Linden that has resulted in the loss of lives, looting, indiscriminate destruction of public and private property, the prevention of law abiding Lindeners to exercise their right to work and free access, the unconscionable increase in transportation costs and food and the loss of jobs. Throughout the protest it was common to see leading members of the AFC deliberately misleading the people of Linden.


In a protest that was held subsequently in Georgetown under the guise of supporting Linden, it was AFC//APNU members such as, David Hinds, who vociferously articulated that all cooperation with the government to resolve the situation in Linden cease forthwith! He was vehemently supported by another such Opposition personality, Desmond Trotman and others within the gathering including AFC leading voices. This is a clear indication that the AFC, which touts itself as a responsible Party, is not interested in having the situation amicably resolved so that normalcy can return to Linden.


From all its rhetoric since the protest began, the AFC has barefacedly demonstrated its proclivity to capitalize on such situation for political mileage. By such callous actions, they have once again confirmed their disregard for the hardships that have come to bear on the law abiding people of Linden following the protest which the Party instigated. Further, the actions taken by Mr. Ramjattan and the AFC over the last few weeks can only be viewed as explicit support for the disregard of law and order following the burning of several buildings in Linden and the support for extortion by criminal elements meted out against the citizens there.


Such blatant support of criminal activities by Mr. Ramjattan and the AFC must not be allowed to go unnoticed and all Guyanese and civil society must make their voices heard in  condemnation of such irresponsible behaviour by a former Presidential Candidate and his Parliamentary Party. The strides made in the negotiations following the protest action must be supported for a swift implementation and the cries of those in Linden who have been made hostage as a result of the protest must not go unheard.


The position taken by Mr. Ramjattan is clearly counter-productive to peace and harmony and must be denounced. He must curtail his proclivity to mislead and the Kaieteur News must endeavour to adhere to the basic tenets of journalism and not allow its political allegiance to the Opposition to take precedence over responsible reporting. 


August 12, 2012

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Linden, a diversion from corruption – AFC


August 12, 2012 | By | Filed Under News -- Source


The ruling PPP government thrives on chaos and is triggering delaying tactics in settling the Linden unrest to keep corruption off the front pages, Khemraj Ramjattan, the leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC) said yesterday.

Ramotar charged that the government is aggravating the unrest in Linden instead of seeking an early resolution, because, as far as Ramjattan is concerned, the PPP is playing on the thought that insecurities and hostilities could help to win back its disenchanted supporters.


Khemraj Ramjattan


He said that in prolonging the negotiating process and delaying a resolution of the crisis, the government is intent on taking the public’s gaze away from massive corruption that the press and the opposition have been exposing.

By now resorting to blaming social media and internet news networks, Ramjattan warned that the government is setting up grounds for the suppression of freedom of expression.

He said that the Linden crisis could become a national crisis if the issue is not dealt with speedily.

The AFC has welcomed assurances by the Guyana Defence Force of their commitment to abide by international standards with regards to the Linden situation and said it was looking forward for similar assurances coming from the Police Force.

In this regard, the AFC urged the Government to ensure that members of the joint forces operating in the area do so with the highest level of professionalism and with due regard for the civil rights of all citizens, those residing in the area and those traversing through.

The AFC also urged the people of Linden to ensure that their legitimate protest is not hijacked by criminal elements. The Party condemned extortion and other criminal activities and condemned the destruction of property and all attacks.

“The people of Linden must be mindful of and guard against any destruction of property, as this would tarnish the credibility of their cause,” the AFC stated.

The AFC said it considered it most unfortunate that at a time when significant progress was finally being made to address the legitimate core issues of the community of Linden, “that the government would initiate actions that were calculated to inflame fresh tensions.”

The party said that given the present circumstances, it is critical that the negotiating parties, namely the Government and Region Ten, conclude their negotiations quickly and in good faith, and with the clear intention of acting in the best interest of the people of Linden and others who are affected by the situation.

Further the AFC stated that they are deeply concerned that after four weeks there has been no attempt at the highest level of Government to engage Lindeners directly.

“Linden is hurting, adjoining regions are affected, the nation is at risk that the situation could be exploited to reintroduce traditional fears, insecurities and hostilities…Every day that the President fails to visit Linden is a day lost in resolving the situation”.

The Government forthrightly condemns Mr. Ramjattan’s spurious and dangerous assertions as carried in the Kaieteur News of Sunday, August 12, 2012. We wish to remind Mr. Ramjattan that the issue regarding increased electricity tariffs for Linden is not new and was first mooted in the 1970s by former Prime Minister Forbes Burnham when the PNC was in government. Further, when the said proposed increase was tabled in the National Assembly in April this year, Leader of the Opposition, Mr. David Granger, publicly voiced his support given the need to have Linden integrated into the national grid.


Government of Guyana statement

August 12, 2012
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The Government forthrightly condemns Mr. Ramjattan’s spurious and dangerous assertions as carried in the Kaieteur News of Sunday, August 12, 2012. We wish to remind Mr. Ramjattan that the issue regarding increased electricity tariffs for Linden is not new and was first mooted in the 1970s by former Prime Minister Forbes Burnham when the PNC was in government. Further, when the said proposed increase was tabled in the National Assembly in April this year, Leader of the Opposition, Mr. David Granger, publicly voiced his support given the need to have Linden integrated into the national grid.


Government of Guyana statement

August 12, 2012

So given that this situation is so old why did the PPP not raise it BEFORE the elections?


Apparently they thought that they could fool Lindeners into voting for them and now because they didnt the PPP wants REVENGE....which has now blown up in their own face.


Who does write these BS pieces for the PPP/Chronicle? I mean can they tell the truth just for ONE day? Or they afraid that gan spoil their reputation as the the most terrorist government of Guyana ?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The Government forthrightly condemns Mr. Ramjattan’s spurious and dangerous assertions as carried in the Kaieteur News of Sunday, August 12, 2012. We wish to remind Mr. Ramjattan that the issue regarding increased electricity tariffs for Linden is not new and was first mooted in the 1970s by former Prime Minister Forbes Burnham when the PNC was in government. Further, when the said proposed increase was tabled in the National Assembly in April this year, Leader of the Opposition, Mr. David Granger, publicly voiced his support given the need to have Linden integrated into the national grid.

Government of Guyana statement

August 12, 2012

So given that this situation is so old why did the PPP not raise it BEFORE the elections?


Apparently they thought that they could fool Lindeners into voting for them and now because they didnt the PPP wants REVENGE....which has now blown up in their own face.

Relative to the specific issues, your points, are .. ??

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The Government forthrightly condemns Mr. Ramjattan’s spurious and dangerous assertions as carried in the Kaieteur News of Sunday, August 12, 2012. We wish to remind Mr. Ramjattan that the issue regarding increased electricity tariffs for Linden is not new and was first mooted in the 1970s by former Prime Minister Forbes Burnham when the PNC was in government. Further, when the said proposed increase was tabled in the National Assembly in April this year, Leader of the Opposition, Mr. David Granger, publicly voiced his support given the need to have Linden integrated into the national grid.

Government of Guyana statement

August 12, 2012

So given that this situation is so old why did the PPP not raise it BEFORE the elections?


Apparently they thought that they could fool Lindeners into voting for them and now because they didnt the PPP wants REVENGE....which has now blown up in their own face.

Relative to the specific issues, your points, are .. ??

Your point was that this electricty is is an old one.  My point was that the PPP should have told Linden what their plans were LAST YEAR.  Clearly they would have felt this to be a necessity.


Now why didnt they?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Your point was that this electricty is is an old one.  My point was that the PPP should have told Linden what their plans were LAST YEAR.  Clearly they would have felt this to be a necessity.


Now why didnt they?

Just your usual speculations.






This is why Ramotar is enraged.  After he boasted that "Linden is within our grasp" they turned around and bounced the PPP out of Linden.  Of course he "forgot" to tell them that he was going to try to hike electricity a matter of mere months after this.


"You know dem black people really ungrateful...after we gi dem free food, gi dem Tshirt and concert, look at wha dem do to we".


"Dem embarrass we BAAD.  After we tell dem Jargetung people how we gun tek Linden dis time".


"Well we fix dem now!".

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Who does write these BS pieces for the PPP/Chronicle? I mean can they tell the truth just for ONE day? Or they afraid that gan spoil their reputation as the the most terrorist government of Guyana ?

You would NOT know the truth if it hits you on your nhead!!!


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