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Lusignan massacre was "race hate" - govt ministers

Junior Finance Minister, Juan Edghill [left) and Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall seated among a section of the attendees at the Lusignan Massacre commemorative event. Junior Finance Minister, Juan Edghill (left) and Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall seated among a section of the attendees at the Lusignan Massacre commemorative event.

The incumbent People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) on Monday used  the Lusignan Massacre to rally its traditional East Indo-Guyanese base, saying that the deadly attack was racist and those who represented the suspects should be rejected in their quest for political office.

Addressing an Indian Arrival Committee (IAC)-organised commemorative event held close to the houses in which  11 people were gunned down during the pre-dawn hours of January 26, 2008, Junior Finance Minister, Juan Edghill declared that the attack was racist.

“It wasn’t robbery that took place here in Lusignan; it wasn’t kick-down-the-door bandits that came here in Lusignan. It wasn’t people who came here because they wanted your jewels and your money. It was an act of hate, it was an act of race hate and we must not forget that,” said the former Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC).

He stressed that the assault on the helpless, defenseless, vulnerable and innocent people was an act of “vengeance.”   A protestant bishop, Edghill said that people with political agenda should not pounce and seek to send messages by hurting innocent people. The minister urged all Guyanese to “reject race hate,” violence and attempts to divide the country. “We must put a fence around our communities to ensure that the hate-mongers and race-baiters don’t find any accommodation amongst us. We are coming into a season when they come. We must ensure there is no place for them because what the people of Guyana have asked for is unity, togetherness..,” he said.

Acknowledging that everyone is entitled to legal representation, Edghill said he was disturbed that prospective Guyanese leaders offered legal representation to those who were accused of killing the persons.

 “To the amazement of all of us, they were those who went to the court and defended those people. It is wrong and they were those who defended that wrong and we must not forget that among those who defended those who were charged and were considered culpable of that crime that took place here, among those are some of the same people who want to come to tell us that they would like to be leaders of Guyana to take Guyana into the future,” he said. He believed that it was contradictory for someone to use his or her skills to help acquit criminals and then pursue national leadership.

Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes had represented James Anthony “Sally” Hyles, and Mark Royden “Smallie” Williams who were freed in August, 2013 from the charge of murder of 11 persons at Lusignan. The State has appealed the decision.

Apparently referring to the general and regional elections scheduled for May 11, 2015, the government minister told the gathering that they would have to soon choose between the caring and uncaring. “We have to choose between those who make empty promises  and between those who deliver- yes even sometimes fall short when they are seeking to deliver,” he said.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, who spoke in place of President Donald Ramotar, said the attackers’ motive was not to rob but to kill. “They came here with an agenda.” He echoed concerns similar to Edghill’s about Hughes’ role in securing acquittals for the accused persons.

Nandlall, who is responsible for the East Coast Demerara in the PPP’s structure, warned the resident of Lusignan to be wary of opposition election campaigners ahead of the polling day four months from now. “Those very people will come in the community of Lusignan in due course in an attempt to embrace you because of a political event that will come in May and they will try to tell you all sorts of things,” he said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It has already been disclosed in a US court that the PPP had something to do with that massacre.It was a drugs revenge massacre after some people in the PPP felt that they had been ripped off.

Even those who survived said that the attackers wore military style clothing. The Phantom squad were well known for wearing that kind of clothing when carrying out their attacks. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

It has already been disclosed in a US court that the PPP had something to do with that massacre.It was a drugs revenge massacre after some people in the PPP felt that they had been ripped off.

Even those who survived said that the attackers wore military style clothing. The Phantom squad were well known for wearing that kind of clothing when carrying out their attacks. 


Absolutely!!! Roger Khan personally ordered the Lusignan hit. A package of drugs was lost in Lusignan and the villagers did not cough it up by the alotted time so they were whacked. Plain and simple.


Drug dealer lost drugs. Drug dealer massacres suspected drug thieves to teach them a lesson not to tief from a drug dealer.


However, to abbe poor poor dalits, this was another act in a vast negro conspiracy hatched in the dark recesses of Congress Place to kill innocent coolies because as we know negroes wake up every morning with that coolie bloodlust on the brain.


Since 1966 more coolies were slaughtered by other coolies than there were murdered by any other race.

Bharat was involved in the murder of Sawh, but I don't see anyone in the PPP campaigning to get justice for Sawh. Instead they give Bharat and other PPP murderers a job and more money.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Since 1966 more coolies were slaughtered by other coolies than there were murdered by any other race.

Bharat was involved in the murder of Sawh, but I don't see anyone in the PPP campaigning to get justice for Sawh. Instead they give Bharat and other PPP murderers a job and more money.


It's perfectly fine when a fellow Bihari murders his fellow Bihari. That's just dharma. How Lord Ram meant the world to be.


It is adharmic when some random negro kills some random coolie. This offends the great gods of the ganges.


"“We have to choose between those who make empty promises  and between those who deliver- yes even sometimes fall short when they are seeking to deliver,” he said."




This, fall short, is this his way of saying the PPP will never deliver on those promises? Juan Edghill is a dam fake Minister, ignorant cow he is.




Originally Posted by cain:

"“We have to choose between those who make empty promises  and between those who deliver- yes even sometimes fall short when they are seeking to deliver,” he said."




This, fall short, is this his way of saying the PPP will never deliver on those promises? Juan Edghill is a dam fake Minister, ignorant cow he is.




Why are you calling Juan Edghill an ignorant cow? Are you calling all black people ignorant cows now? I am deeply offended by this derogatory remark.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by cain:

"“We have to choose between those who make empty promises  and between those who deliver- yes even sometimes fall short when they are seeking to deliver,” he said."




This, fall short, is this his way of saying the PPP will never deliver on those promises? Juan Edghill is a dam fake Minister, ignorant cow he is.




Why are you calling Juan Edghill an ignorant cow? Are you calling all black people ignorant cows now? I am deeply offended by this derogatory remark.


Are you so bereft of argument that you refer to some strawman nonsense that was never even uttered? How does one get from one black to all blacks?

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by cain:

"“We have to choose between those who make empty promises  and between those who deliver- yes even sometimes fall short when they are seeking to deliver,” he said."




This, fall short, is this his way of saying the PPP will never deliver on those promises? Juan Edghill is a dam fake Minister, ignorant cow he is.




Why are you calling Juan Edghill an ignorant cow? Are you calling all black people ignorant cows now? I am deeply offended by this derogatory remark.

i am what the ass you will do about it he is a ******ing house slave 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by cain:

"“We have to choose between those who make empty promises  and between those who deliver- yes even sometimes fall short when they are seeking to deliver,” he said."




This, fall short, is this his way of saying the PPP will never deliver on those promises? Juan Edghill is a dam fake Minister, ignorant cow he is.




Why are you calling Juan Edghill an ignorant cow? Are you calling all black people ignorant cows now? I am deeply offended by this derogatory remark.


Are you so bereft of argument that you refer to some strawman nonsense that was never even uttered? How does one get from one black to all blacks?

You ever heard of "an injustice to one is an injustice to all" . And btw you were the one to tar all Indians with the same brush when you came out of your hole yesterday.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by cain:

"“We have to choose between those who make empty promises  and between those who deliver- yes even sometimes fall short when they are seeking to deliver,” he said."




This, fall short, is this his way of saying the PPP will never deliver on those promises? Juan Edghill is a dam fake Minister, ignorant cow he is.




Why are you calling Juan Edghill an ignorant cow? Are you calling all black people ignorant cows now? I am deeply offended by this derogatory remark.

That fellow would be white if he can. He is duplicitous political hack. Do you remember anything from him on the equal rights commission except for him being a bigot and a homophobe? I am sitting on my rocks but as soon as I see him I will sacrifice one.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by cain:

"“We have to choose between those who make empty promises  and between those who deliver- yes even sometimes fall short when they are seeking to deliver,” he said."




This, fall short, is this his way of saying the PPP will never deliver on those promises? Juan Edghill is a dam fake Minister, ignorant cow he is.




Why are you calling Juan Edghill an ignorant cow? Are you calling all black people ignorant cows now? I am deeply offended by this derogatory remark.


Are you so bereft of argument that you refer to some strawman nonsense that was never even uttered? How does one get from one black to all blacks?

You ever heard of "an injustice to one is an injustice to all" . And btw you were the one to tar all Indians with the same brush when you came out of your hole yesterday.

is this fool for real

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by cain:

"“We have to choose between those who make empty promises  and between those who deliver- yes even sometimes fall short when they are seeking to deliver,” he said."




This, fall short, is this his way of saying the PPP will never deliver on those promises? Juan Edghill is a dam fake Minister, ignorant cow he is.




Why are you calling Juan Edghill an ignorant cow? Are you calling all black people ignorant cows now? I am deeply offended by this derogatory remark.

This is not about black or white, but who they are, like those cult asses in the OP.

Edghill is also a dam fake so-call bishop, like judas.   

Him and other religious leaders  in the government should be speaking-out about the corruption, vulgarity and vindictiveness  in the PPP, yet they remain silent and eat like Jagdeo lifestyle, on the backs of poor taxpayers.

The people will rememba on election day.    


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