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GPL Deputy CEO still to return $27 Million to company

Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson said on Monday that the matter has been handed over to Attorney General, Basil Williams and Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan.

GPL Deputy CEO still to return $27 Million to company

The Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) for Operations at the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Company, Aerswar Deonarine is yet to return the $27 Million to the GPL account following a request early in August for the government to grant him additional time.

Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson said on Monday that the matter has been handed over to Attorney General, Basil Williams and Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan.

β€œI don’t know where those investigations are because it is out of my hands now,” he said.

According to Patterson, he received no report from either of the Ministers that the money had been returned.

When News Source contacted Crime Chief Wendelll Blanhum, he said that police investigators are yet to receive a file from the government on the illegal transaction.

The government had promised to hand the matter over to the police.

Deonarine was sent on leave after it was discovered that he had paid himself a retroactive salary increase which totaled $27 Million, without the approval of the Board of the company.

The transfer was discovered during the forensic audit of the Petro Caribe funds. The money had been transferred to GPL as part of a larger sum to assist the company with the purchase of fuel.

The Deputy CEO has now explained to the Government that he had already transferred the money to his accounts in the United States and would therefore need some time to have the money redirected to Guyana so that he could return it.

However, News Source understands that the Deputy CEO deposited the money into a local commercial bank and has been making withdrawals from the United States.

When the transfer was discovered, checks with the management and board of GPL revealed that there was never any authorization or approval for the raise of pay and retroactive payments.

The man was convinced that the Board had made a decision and the only Board member he got approval from for the transfer was Carvil Duncan who also give himself a raise of pay as Director.

Over $900,000 was transferred to his personal account from the same PetroCaribe funds.

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Police hands over $500M-plus PSM fraud files to DPP for advice

September 8, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 
Former Minister, Dr. Jennifer Westford

Former Minister, Dr. Jennifer Westford

The police have wrapped up their investigations into a $500M-plus fraud at the Public Service Ministry. The files were yesterday handed over to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice, according to Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum. The Ministry of the Presidency had filed an official complaint to the police in late July after finding more than $120M missing from the bank accounts of the Ministry. However, investigators stumbled on more than $400M missing from the bank’s accounts. The police, whom the matter had been handed over to, had dispatched a special team to the Ministry of the Presidency to examine records of the payments. Several staffers as well as former Minister of Public Service, Dr. Jennifer Westford and her ex-assistant, Margaret Cummings, were questioned during the probe. Investigators had initially looked at 2014 transactions at the Ministry but went back to 2012. The monies were transferred from the Office of the President and were to be used for training workers in the various regions. However, there was no evidence that the regions were in receipt of any money. Former Minister, Dr. Jennifer Westford and her ex-assistant, Margaret Cummings, were questioned by police and released on bail. Police sleuths would have wanted to know what role, if any, the two played in the withdrawals. Both of the women, a few weeks ago, appeared in court charged with the illegal transfer of eight vehicles belonging to the state. They were placed on a total of $2M in bail. Several persons from the Public Service Ministry who are involved in preparing documents for payments have been questioned. Westford is also reportedly being investigated for a recreational vehicle (RV) that was brought into the country but the correct tax was not paid. The new administration has said that it is investigating a number of irregularities at state agencies, including the Guyana Oil Company and the Guyana Power and Light Inc.


GRA demands millions in taxes from Irfaan Ali

September 8, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 
Former Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

Former Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

Former Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali, has reportedly received a letter from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to pay up to $40M in taxes for a Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) he imported last year.

However, Ali is insisting that he had received permission for exemptions. On August 23, he released a letter dated March 3, 2014 that he purportedly received from GRA’s Commissioner General, Khurshid Sattaur, approving the importation.

Under regulations, MPs, Ministers, State and other officials are entitled to tax waivers on vehicles. They can import used vehicles every three years. For new vehicles, officials are not allowed to import one before a five-year period has passed, a senior GRA official explained. GRA is contending that while serving as a Minister in the previous administration, Ali imported two luxury Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) within the last five years when he was only entitled to one.

Ali is now a Member of Parliament (MP) for the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

Ali had taken to his Facebook page late August claiming that it was brought to his attention by a senior GRA official that instructions have been given to institute taxes on β€œmotor vehicle I acquired through legal means as a Member of Parliament in the 10th Parliament.”

Ali insisted that the concession was recommended and approved by all the relevant authorities. β€œI was shocked when this officer approached me… after the Parliament to inform me that I will be receiving a letter from GRA…asking me to pay taxes on this vehicle.” Ali claimed that the issue is really about β€œwitch hunting” and β€œvindictive action” aimed at members of the former Government, which β€œwill not move me and my convictions”.

The GRA letter that Irfaan Ali said granted him exemptions.

The GRA letter that Irfaan Ali said granted him exemptions.

β€œAll my actions have been consistently within the laws of Guyana and as such, I am putting the country on notice that these targeted actions to silence me will not succeed.” Ali insisted that he is prepared to deal with and have all the documents to justify the facts. β€œI anxiously await the purported letter. I have nothing to hide or fear so would never succumb to any threats.”

The new coalition Government said it has been unearthing a number of irregularities involving former senior officials of the previous Government. Currently, the former Minister of Public Service, Dr. Jennifer Westford, is before the courts, facing charges for the illegal transfers of eight vehicles to family members and friends. Her former Assistant, Margaret Cummings was also charged. The transactions reportedly occurred a few days before the May 11 General and Regional Elections which resulted in the PPP/C losing power for the first time in 23 years. Both Westford and Cummings have been questioned too, in a $500M plus fraud at the Ministry of Public Service. The file on the investigations is expected to be sent this week to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice. Westford is also being investigated for possible tax evasion for a recreational vehicle (RV) that was imported but  wrongly classified, resulting in just $2M being paid instead of the estimated $13M that would have been due to GRA.


The new coalition Government said it has been unearthing a number of irregularities involving former senior officials of the previous Government. Currently, the former Minister of Public Service, Dr. Jennifer Westford, is before the courts, facing charges for the illegal transfers of eight vehicles to family members and friends. Her former Assistant, Margaret Cummings was also charged. The transactions reportedly occurred a few days before the May 11 General and Regional Elections which resulted in the PPP/C losing power for the first time in 23 years. Both Westford and Cummings have been questioned too, in a $500M plus fraud at the Ministry of Public Service. The file on the investigations is expected to be sent this week to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice. Westford is also being investigated for possible tax evasion for a recreational vehicle (RV) that was imported but  wrongly classified, resulting in just $2M being paid instead of the estimated $13M that would have been due to GRA.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Why is he not charged for embezzlement?

Yuh think Nehru, Yuji, Cobra and Dem PPP Crablouse gon show up and answer

You too stupid to understand Mits question.  Mits Bhai, Explain to him slowly.

Bhaaa..Rat is a.....

Soviet Trained

Expert Economist....


Rat promise Granger

to help Moses & Ramjattan

 Recover...and Lock up

all them PPP Thieves...


who ....Stole Billions


from Guyana Govt


in the last 23 Years...





Ratting out everyone.... in Freedom House


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