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Private accounts discovered in gov’t agencies; criminal proceedings likely

June 11, 2015 2:23 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Fareeza Haniff

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon addressing reporters at the press conference.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon addressing reporters at the press conference.

[] – The new APNU+AFC government, in just less than a month in office, discovered private bank accounts in several State agencies and were being controlled by “certain persons,” according to Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.

While refusing to name the agencies due to an ongoing investigation, the Minister made it clear that criminal proceedings are likely to follow once it is found that there were illegal transactions.

“Once we find criminal transactions, there will be criminal proceedings; there is no bone about that,” the Minister told a news conference on Thursday, June 11 at the Ministry of Presidency.

iNews had reported that cabinet approved audits for over 30 State entities, and that the new Minister of Finance is ensuring that monies assigned to the Consolidated Funds are indeed going there.

Audits have already commenced at the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), the Guyana Gold Board (GCB) and National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL).

The new government also discovered that there are bank accounts which were held at Bank of Guyana; the monies are now being paid into the Consolidated Fund.

“I am of the view that from my own understanding of how things were done, that we can be in a much better place in another month or so once we get a handle of all these transactions which were not finding themselves into the consolidated fund,” the Minister of State said.

Meanwhile, according to Harmon, the Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan has established an advisory team to assess the state of the country’s economy. The Minister explained that it is exactly one month now since elections and the new government is still trying to bring the country to a level of “regularity.”

“It is exactly one month since elections and a lot of things have happened between then and now; we’re asking for some level of patience and understanding. We’re trying to correct some of the things that have gone wrong in 23 years; we’re trying to correct it in 23 days,” Harmon said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I would like to hear the reply from the previous finance minister before passing judgement. This smacks of the usual political opportunism; jump first on a story to create the impression you want, and then put your opposition on the defensive. In the case of the PPP; with all the allegations of corruption and mismanagement, any story put out there to make them appear such, has a lot of traction. But I refuse to believe they could be that stupid, especially that this issue was apparently raised in parliament by the then APNU opposition. So before we jump to conclusions, lets hear the other side, if there is indeed one. I cannot believe the PPP will let this go without a response. Wait for it then decide.

Originally Posted by Franky:

 But I refuse to believe they could be that stupid, especially that this issue was apparently raised in parliament by the then APNU opposition.

They weren't stupid, they were all arrogant

Originally Posted by Franky:

I would like to hear the reply from the previous finance minister before passing judgement. This smacks of the usual political opportunism; jump first on a story to create the impression you want, and then put your opposition on the defensive. In the case of the PPP; with all the allegations of corruption and mismanagement, any story put out there to make them appear such, has a lot of traction. But I refuse to believe they could be that stupid, especially that this issue was apparently raised in parliament by the then APNU opposition. So before we jump to conclusions, lets hear the other side, if there is indeed one. I cannot believe the PPP will let this go without a response. Wait for it then decide.

what was the mantra? The PPP has never lost an election...maybe the reason the cannot accept that reality. Further, their cry was always PPP for another 100 years!!!!!


Check here...DG, Ugli. Rev, Nehru, Cobra, Alunitic06....another 100 years. And how many of us told them about counting chickens....!!!

Originally Posted by Franky:

I would like to hear the reply from the previous finance minister before passing judgement. This smacks of the usual political opportunism; jump first on a story to create the impression you want, and then put your opposition on the defensive. In the case of the PPP; with all the allegations of corruption and mismanagement, any story put out there to make them appear such, has a lot of traction. But I refuse to believe they could be that stupid, especially that this issue was apparently raised in parliament by the then APNU opposition. So before we jump to conclusions, lets hear the other side, if there is indeed one. I cannot believe the PPP will let this go without a response. Wait for it then decide.

accusations about the existence of accounts in PPP hands that ought to be directed to the consolidated fund is not opportunism except for those who had them. The information is verifiable. They would be yapping loudly of about "lies" were it not true.


Hardly anyone living believe in the PPP. They might support them out of ethnic concerns but practically every person believe they are exactly the crooks we suspect them to be.

Originally Posted by Gupta:
Originally Posted by Franky:

 But I refuse to believe they could be that stupid, especially that this issue was apparently raised in parliament by the then APNU opposition.

They weren't stupid, they were all arrogant

Yes, this is the reason the fools are in the pickle now. Imagine having the balls to think they could do anything their small minds told them to no matter how wrong and get away with it.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gupta:
Originally Posted by Franky:

 But I refuse to believe they could be that stupid, especially that this issue was apparently raised in parliament by the then APNU opposition.

They weren't stupid, they were all arrogant

Yes, this is the reason the fools are in the pickle now. Imagine having the balls to think they could do anything their small minds told them to no matter how wrong and get away with it.

Them chaps think they will never loose the election,look

at their faces when the results was declared.Every one

know they were crooks.


"The new APNU+AFC government, in just less than a month in office, discovered private bank accounts in several State agencies and were being controlled by “certain persons,” according to Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.

While refusing to name the agencies due to an ongoing investigation, the Minister made it clear that criminal proceedings are likely to follow once it is found that there were illegal transactions.

“Once we find criminal transactions, there will be criminal proceedings; there is no bone about that,” the Minister told a news conference on Thursday, June 11 at the Ministry of Presidency."

Originally Posted by Pointblank:

One Hundred percent of the Guyanese knew that the PPP govt are thieves and 49% voted for it continue

What were they thinking?

Were they thinking?

Were their brains numbed by Jagdeo's race-baiting concoction?

do they think now?

Their answer should be interesting.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Agree with Franky.  Apart from general statements, they have given no evidence of wrongdoing. Give details.

Jay, Minister Harmon says that while the forensic audits are being done, the government cannot publicize details. He was merely summarizing what the investigators have discovered so far. The details will be forthcoming pending criminal charges.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

In that case, he should shut up until he can give evidence, versus casting aspersions against the PPP. We want fairness not unfair demonization.

I'm beginning to see what others here are saying about you being a ppp mole.


Why should anyone shut up? When they do you will ask why are they not saying something. Look shut yo rass an settle down yeh.


Some people can't stand fair-minded, balanced people.


Remember the golden rule.


I support the Coalition but that does not mean I will agree with everything they do and say.  When they do good they will be praised, when they screw up or are unfair, I will critique.


Eternal vigilance.

Originally Posted by cain:

Jesus fkin Christ where the ass do these people get off thinking the new govt will have everything in order right away, the bs just keeps coming and coming.

Watch your language. There is no need to use the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST in your assessment of what the former government did with the people's money.We do not have the facts. We need the auditors to finish their work and the courts to decide if there was any wrongdoing . 

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Some people can't stand fair-minded, balanced people.


Remember the golden rule.


I support the Coalition but that does not mean I will agree with everything they do and say.  When they do good they will be praised, when they screw up or are unfair, I will critique.


Eternal vigilance.

You seem to be trying to find wrong where none exists.

Originally Posted by BGMAN:
Originally Posted by cain:

Jesus fkin Christ where the ass do these people get off thinking the new govt will have everything in order right away, the bs just keeps coming and coming.

Watch your language. There is no need to use the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST in your assessment of what the former government did with the people's money.We do not have the facts. We need the auditors to finish their work and the courts to decide if there was any wrongdoing . 

'The new APNU+AFC government, in just less than a month in office, discovered private bank accounts in several State agencies and were being controlled by “certain persons,” according to Minister of State, Joseph Harmon."


Is this legal???? this look's like wrong doing.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Franky:

I would like to hear the reply from the previous finance minister before passing judgement. This smacks of the usual political opportunism; jump first on a story to create the impression you want, and then put your opposition on the defensive. In the case of the PPP; with all the allegations of corruption and mismanagement, any story put out there to make them appear such, has a lot of traction. But I refuse to believe they could be that stupid, especially that this issue was apparently raised in parliament by the then APNU opposition. So before we jump to conclusions, lets hear the other side, if there is indeed one. I cannot believe the PPP will let this go without a response. Wait for it then decide.

what was the mantra? The PPP has never lost an election...maybe the reason the cannot accept that reality. Further, their cry was always PPP for another 100 years!!!!!


Check here...DG, Ugli. Rev, Nehru, Cobra, Alunitic06....another 100 years. And how many of us told them about counting chickens....!!!

Starbuck we will wait another 5 years to see what your incompetent PNC Government will do for Guyana. 


Still waiting on the evidence.  Believable but innuendo is not evidence.


Who, what accounts, where, how much money, what dates? Jury cannot make conclusion without evidence.


Making swipes while PPP is asleep not fair.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

In that case, he should shut up until he can give evidence, versus casting aspersions against the PPP. We want fairness not unfair demonization.

Jay, Minister Harmon was responding to a question from a journalist at his post-Cabinet briefing. The journalist asked him a specific question about the forensic audits. He couldn't just shut up.

Cabinet is taking a hands-on approach to those audits and is being furnished with progress reports regularly via the Minister of Finance. Unlike his predecessor Roger Luncheon who used to answer questions with a verbal global circumnavigation, Joe Harmon is a plain and direct fellow.


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