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“PPP crying like a cornered rat” – Bulkan says “the tide has turned against them”

September 5, 2014 1:41 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-
APNU Member, Ronald Bulkan

APNU Member, Ronald Bulkan


[] –


Shadow Local Government Minister Ronald Bulkan, in a statement of confidence in his Party’s victory at the next general elections, says the tide has turned against the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) as he declared them defeated.

The member of the Parliamentary Coalition – A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) – deemed the PPP’s consistent criticism of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) as frivolous; adding that the PPP is “crying like a cornered rat.”

Bulkan was speaking as a member of a panel at the APNU’s weekly press conference this morning (Friday September 5).

He told reporters that an end for the incumbent, which held office for the last 21 years, is imminent. 

“Their support base has deserted them, they have never been afraid of elections but now we are seeing a different mindset and attitude,” he pointed out in support of positions held by the other panelist: APNU’s Chief Whip/ Scrutineer Amna Ally and Shadow Security Minister and Local Government Campaign Director Winston Felix.

Opposition Chief Whip, Amna Ally.

Opposition Chief Whip, Amna Ally.

Ally, who read the statement, said that there are several persons to whom the PPP/C has objected to as being dead that are alive and well. She is of the opinion that the PPP/C is seeking to have their [APNU] supporters removed from the list; pointing out that most of the objections are in divisions that are traditional PNC strongholds.

“Clearly, we believe that Mr. Clement Rohee [PPP General Secretary] and his party are fearful of facing the upcoming polls. Hence, his intentions are clear: to blame GECOM, to employ delaying tactics for the holding of elections, to prepare the wicket to cry foul when they lose the elections” she added.

She said the APNU wants a clean and transparent list of electors; adding that the Party does not subscribe to the disenfranchisement of any elector.

Meanwhile, Felix was forceful in making the point that the support base of the PPP and its popularity have declined.

He said no list will ever be perfect; adding that the APNU will not object to the list unless such protests are substantial and can be supported by evidence.

Former Police Commissioner, and APNU Parliamentarian, Winston Felix

Former Police Commissioner, and APNU Parliamentarian, Winston Felix

He slammed the PPP/C’s complaint that 18 persons were found at one address and that persons could not be found as being laughable.

“I can easily find a place where 18 and more people lives… at Cotton Tree there are 238 persons living at one address,” he added.

Felix said GECOM is not as malleable as it used to be and should be allowed to do its job.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You are looking at the faces of two well-known crooks and an aspiring one.


AFC is rotten and corrupt at their very core. Top to Bottom, the AFC is rotten and corrupt. 


They are broke and have no foreign financial support left. The PPP will Crush the AFC. A few welfare collectors are now supporting the AFC.


This election will be about deep pockets and the PPP has very affluent supporters who are ready and willing to crush the AFC to Baigan Choka.

Last edited by Former Member

Shadow Local Government Minister Ronald Bulkan, in a statement of confidence in his Party’s victory at the next general elections, says the tide has turned against the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) as he declared them defeated.


APNU Member, Ronald Bulkan

APNU Member, Ronald Bulkan


“PPP crying like a cornered rat” – Bulkan says “the tide has turned against them”, -- September 5, 2014 1:41 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


Perhaps, Ronald Bulkan already has firmly in his hands the results of the next election in Guyana .

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Shadow Local Government Minister Ronald Bulkan, in a statement of confidence in his Party’s victory at the next general elections, says the tide has turned against the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) as he declared them defeated.


APNU Member, Ronald Bulkan

APNU Member, Ronald Bulkan


“PPP crying like a cornered rat” – Bulkan says “the tide has turned against them”, -- September 5, 2014 1:41 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


Perhaps, Ronald Bulkan already has firmly in his hands the results of the next election in Guyana .

Perhaps not.


The PPP\C has totally failed Berbice

September 5, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Please allow me a space in your letter column to share with my views and I know lots of Berbicians will share same as to what has been taking place here in Berbice since 1992 when the PPP\C came to power. During the elections campaign in the months leading up to October 5, 1992 the PPP\C under the leadership of the visionary and strong advocate for democracy, who is said to be the father of the nation, the great late Dr. Cheddi Jagan many things was said and promised to Berbicians, so that we can have a better and comfortable life under the PPP\C. After the death of this great man things changed with Berbice. Bringing Better Education, Health care, Employment, Industries, Social Services, Youth Development, Airport, Deep Water Harbour and much more was laid out for the betterment of the residents of Berbice in the PPP\C manifesto since 1992. But after almost twenty two years in government it still leaves many, especially in Berbice to wonder, what’s happening to us under this PPP\C regime? Berbicians are being fooled year after year so as to allow the PPP\C to be in power and they use that power after elections to punish us. The PPP\C talks of free education for all. Well, in Berbice, we are not having that because the only free things that we are getting in the promise that was made to us are the desks and benches. Parents have to find thousands of dollars on a daily and weekly basis to give to their children to complete school base assignments. How? Most of the assignments have to be done on the internet and also have to be printed as hard copies to be taken to the teacher. Therefore the children have to use private internet cafés to do their work and thus have to pay. There are hardly any proper IT labs in the Secondary Schools in Berbice that can be used by the children. Parents have to buy text books, sometime exercise books, chalk, etc. So education is not free in Berbice. With all the talks from the Minister, many of the children that have good grades had to go to private lessons. Why? And yet the government is proud of their achievement in this sector. But credit must be given to the parents for making the sacrifices that they are making to better the lives of their children. We in Berbice were told that too many Berbicians are travelling on a daily basis to the airport to receive or to carry out someone and that’s not good because we can be robbed and that people have to sleep overnight at the stelling and airport. We were told that the PPP\C government, when it gets into office, will build an airport here in Berbice. What happened to that promise? How many people remember that promise? And, how many people here in Berbice were in high praise for such idea of the PPP\C? We were promised better health care for all in 1992, and yet simple things like panadol tablets are not available in our hospitals in 2014. The PPP\C failed to build a proper hospital here in Berbice since 1992 and yet they are self praising themselves for the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, which by the way was built through aid from the people and government of Japan, but yet these people try to fool Berbicians that they built it. Imagine that the people and government of Japan were so kind to us in building that hospital and yet this PPP\C government through the Ministry of Health has failed us in providing simple health services and care for our people. Hundreds of Guyanese youths are sent to be train in Cuba to become medical doctors and return but yet at the Forth Wellington, Port Mourant and Skeldon Hospitals we hardly get doctors on duty, especially at nights and weekends. We were promised in 1992 and every election after, that when the PPP\C get into power that Berbicains will become better off as they will be creating thousands of jobs by opening up new Industries. Today we must ask the PPP\C, where are the Industries and job opportunities that they have created? I will argue the point that since 1992 to now the PPP\C has not created close to a thousand jobs for young people of Berbice. . The only places that the PPP\C is creating jobs for our young secondary and university graduates are in the Cane Fields. They want us to know that there is where we came from and there is where we belong, but PPP\C must understand that the days are over even for the sugar industry that needs almost fifty eight billion dollar for bail out. What happened to the deep water harbor that was promised us here in Berbice? Well PPP\C, will this be once again be placed in your manifesto come next elections so as to brainwash Berbicians? Abel Seetaram Chairman AFC RMC REGION 5

Bulkan was speaking as a member of a panel at the APNU’s weekly press conference this morning (Friday September 5).


He told reporters that an end for the incumbent, which held office for the last 21 years, is imminent


APNU Member, Ronald Bulkan


“PPP crying like a cornered rat” – Bulkan says “the tide has turned against them”

September 5, 2014 1:41 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

Perhaps with a possible slight decrease of votes in about fifty years' time.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Slight decrease? you clearly do not an understanding of basic arithmetic.



That ole goat lost his marbles a long time ago. He couldn't count the amount of balls he has if you asked him.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Slight decrease? you clearly do not an understanding of basic arithmetic.



That ole goat lost his marbles a long time ago. He couldn't count the amount of balls he has if you asked him.

Well at least they may allow him to hide his easter eggs.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Slight decrease? you clearly do not an understanding of basic arithmetic.



That ole goat lost his marbles a long time ago. He couldn't count the amount of balls he has if you asked him.

Well at least they may allow him to hide his easter eggs.

Ole Fella......Look & Listen to the PPP

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP has been giving one spurious excuse after another for not holding local government elections 17 years overdue.

Now that the AFC no-confidence motion and attendant general elections looming, the PPP is putting up more spurious excuses regarding GECOM's voters list.

Reason? The PPP is afraid of the electorate's verdict. And what an historic verdict that would be!

The PPP will be humiliated at coming elections. The PPP's big war-chest that yuji brags about will not prevent a resounding defeat.


Defeating the AFC and PNC is not a difficult task. The people just have come out in large numbers and vote. Sad that only PNC supporters are always voting and participating in political events. PPP supporters are too laid back and have a negative view of politics. This has to change if we want our country to continue to thread on the democratic path. We must lift the political consciousness of our people so they have proper understanding of political events and how it impact on their lives as well as the society as a whole. Lets get the vote and send a message to all that we take pride in freedom and democracy.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Defeating the AFC and PNC is not a difficult task. The people just have come out in large numbers and vote. Sad that only PNC supporters are always voting and participating in political events. PPP supporters are too laid back and have a negative view of politics. This has to change if we want our country to continue to thread on the democratic path. We must lift the political consciousness of our people so they have proper understanding of political events and how it impact on their lives as well as the society as a whole. Lets get the vote and send a message to all that we take pride in freedom and democracy.

Hey hey, ppp tief too Nuffield, dat is why dem stay home

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Defeating the AFC and PNC is not a difficult task. The people just have come out in large numbers and vote. Sad that only PNC supporters are always voting and participating in political events. PPP supporters are too laid back and have a negative view of politics. This has to change if we want our country to continue to thread on the democratic path. We must lift the political consciousness of our people so they have proper understanding of political events and how it impact on their lives as well as the society as a whole. Lets get the vote and send a message to all that we take pride in freedom and democracy.

Hey hey, ppp tief too Nuffield, dat is why dem stay home

Welcome back, Kapa. Didn't see your posts for some time.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Is the mansions:




and the pensions that cost them the elections.


“PPP crying like a cornered rat” – Bulkan says “the tide has turned against them”


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