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Former Member

PPP Govt pays reporter $16M to cover Walter Rodney COI


– total cost of inquiry exceeds $325M

By Abena Rockcliffe 
As he opined that the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) probably never envisioned defeat, Attorney General, Basil Williams, revealed that he has already discovered evidence of PPP careless utilization of the state’s financial resources.

Attorney General, Basil Williams

Attorney General, Basil Williams

Williams noted that to date, the previous administration spent over $325M on the “witch-hunt” it disguised as a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the death of Dr. Walter Rodney.
Of that amount, $150M has been expended on salaries for the three commissioners, two lawyers and “a certain journalist.”
Williams divulged this information yesterday during an interview at his Carmichael Street Office.
The Minister was reluctant to share the name of the journalist who benefited heftily from the COI, but noted that the individual was paid US$7,300 per month. This journalist has since been identified as Canada-based Shaun Samaroo.
Williams said that Samaroo was handed US$80,300 ($16.8M) for his work which the PPP obviously found to be quite exquisite.
Even when pressed to reveal the journalist’s name, Williams held out that the person’s identity will be revealed in due time.
However, the Attorney General indicated that “he” was attached to a state media entity. Williams also noted that the entity is classified as print media, eliminating the National Communication Network (NCN) and the Government Information Agency (GINA).  This means that this millionaire journalist

Former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

Former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

was attached to the only other state media house—the Chronicle.
“They didn’t know the government would have changed,” said Williams as he inferred that the PPP thought this would have never been revealed.
Williams told the media that this “useless” venture has already cost the state too much and the new government will therefore seek to ensure that the Commission wraps up its work soon “We are going to wind it down, we can’t afford it.”
The $325M quoted by Williams does not include the costs for future sittings, the next of which should take place in July.
Before the CoI is concluded, however, the various lawyers will be allowed to make submissions, after which the Commissioners must present their decision.
Williams said that there will be a sitting for submissions to be made, upon completion of which, the Commissioners would render their decision on the matter.
He said that the lawyers would most likely be given a three-week notice to prepare their final submissions.
“We are convinced that the real reason for it was political” said Williams.
However, he said that the PPP’s plan backfired as the electorate showed that it did not believe “this contention that the PNC was responsible for Dr. Rodney’s death.”
He also said that the CoI ended up serving “no useful purpose aside from vindicating the PNC…It was hearsay upon hearsay upon hearsay.”
Williams represented the interest of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) at the CoI. Because of his new position, Williams will have to withdraw. He will most likely be replaced by Attorney at Law James Bond.
On June 13, 1980 Dr. Walter Rodney, a scholar, social activist and founder of Working People’s Alliance (WPA) was killed when a device exploded in his car that was parked near the Camp Street Jail.
Following the incident, there was speculation that the event was set up by the then Prime Minister and Leader of the People’s National Congress (PNC), Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham.    As such, close relatives and associates of the late historian made numerous requests for a Commission of Inquiry into his death.
Decades after the event, On June 13, 2013, the Government of Guyana (GoG), under the Donald Ramotar Administration, announced that it had approved the establishment of the COI following a request from the Rodney Family.
Public notices on the matter outlined that the purpose of the COI is to receive testimony and evidence from interested parties to determine the circumstances immediately prior, at the time, and subsequent to the incident, in order to determine who or what was the cause of the explosion which resulted in the death of Dr. Rodney.
Among other things, the COI was set up to determine whether the cause of the explosion in which Dr. Rodney died, was an act of terrorism.
Ramotar had said that such an inquiry was necessary to allow Guyana to start the healing process after more than 30 years of uncertainty concerning Rodney’s death, and to avail his family closure.
The inquiry commenced April 2014, and was supposed to wrap up at the end of the year. The government, however, announced that it was extending the life of the Commission, indefinitely.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by VVP:

Clear out Lat 12 of the petty thieves to make room for them $#*nt!

The man has a contract, he is entitled to his $7,300 per month.


It is the Shameless PPP and Nandolala who should be jailed for giving away taxpayer's money.



This is so shameful.  Whata kind of writing he did for some GUY$1.5 million a month?


Was he writing with a GOLD PEN?

Originally Posted by Georgie:


THis shameless skunk was on all the blogs working hard for his supper writing nonsense at times.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Clear out Lat 12 of the petty thieves to make room for them $#*nt!

The man has a contract, he is entitled to his $7,300 per month.


It is the Shameless PPP and Nandolala who should be jailed for giving away taxpayer's money.



This is so shameful.  Whata kind of writing he did for some GUY$1.5 million a month?


Was he writing with a GOLD PEN?

Everybady gat a kantract with the PPP.  Whoever is responsible should be jailed.  They need to show how they came up with the salary/contract and what work was done.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Georgie:


THis shameless skunk was on all the blogs working hard for his supper writing nonsense at times.

Yep, he writings were total nonsense...the kind of shit that kept me away from the Chronicle.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Clear out Lat 12 of the petty thieves to make room for them $#*nt!

The man has a contract, he is entitled to his $7,300 per month.


It is the Shameless PPP and Nandolala who should be jailed for giving away taxpayer's money.



This is so shameful.  Whata kind of writing he did for some GUY$1.5 million a month?


Was he writing with a GOLD PEN?

Everybady gat a kantract with the PPP.  Whoever is responsible should be jailed.  They need to show how they came up with the salary/contract and what work was done.

banana republics always used this method to by pass accounting and forge an army of slaves. The PPP had a well organized and deep slave army of contract workers.

Originally Posted by gogo:

East Indian people cannot read between the lines, they cannot even read the lines, that is Y many illiterates are protesting, the game is "FOLLOW THE LEADER"


Ex-President Donald Ramotar did not set up the COI because of any loving concern for Walter Rodney. In fact, when Dr Rodney was alive, Freedom House was concerned that too many Indians were following him. I myself was scolded one evening by PPP Exco member Narbada Persaud when I told him I had just attended a WPA public meeting at Merriman's Mall. He shouted at me: "Why were you there?"

The COI was set up to get incriminating information which the PPP had hoped to use against David Granger and the PNC in election that was originally due next year. The Terms of Reference betrayed the PPP's intent. APNU+AFC cut short the PPP regime before the COI completed its work.

Now, the PPP didn't have money for UG workers or GuySuCo but spent $325 million on the Rodney COI. Meanwhile, the new government is forced to borrow $400 million from a Jamaican bank to keep GuySuCo running.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ex-President Donald Ramotar did not set up the COI because of any loving concern for Walter Rodney. In fact, when Dr Rodney was alive, Freedom House was concerned that too many Indians were following him. I myself was scolded one evening by PPP Exco member Narbada Persaud when I told him I had just attended a WPA public meeting at Merriman's Mall. He shouted at me: "Why were you there?"

The COI was set up to get incriminating information which the PPP had hoped to use against David Granger and the PNC in election that was originally due next year. The Terms of Reference betrayed the PPP's intent. APNU+AFC cut short the PPP regime before the COI completed its work.

Now, the PPP didn't have money for UG workers or GuySuCo but spent $325 million on the Rodney COI. Meanwhile, the new government is forced to borrow $400 million from a Jamaican bank to keep GuySuCo running.

Good point re Rodney. But I don't see why they need to borrow foreign to finance the operational expenses. Are they paying those sugar workers in US$? Is the money going only to buy spare parts? Why finance recurring expenses with foreign exchange debt? I can think of 10 ways they could have done this at home.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ex-President Donald Ramotar did not set up the COI because of any loving concern for Walter Rodney. In fact, when Dr Rodney was alive, Freedom House was concerned that too many Indians were following him. I myself was scolded one evening by PPP Exco member Narbada Persaud when I told him I had just attended a WPA public meeting at Merriman's Mall. He shouted at me: "Why were you there?"

The COI was set up to get incriminating information which the PPP had hoped to use against David Granger and the PNC in election that was originally due next year. The Terms of Reference betrayed the PPP's intent. APNU+AFC cut short the PPP regime before the COI completed its work.

Now, the PPP didn't have money for UG workers or GuySuCo but spent $325 million on the Rodney COI. Meanwhile, the new government is forced to borrow $400 million from a Jamaican bank to keep GuySuCo running.

Gilbakka looks like you have some bad hate for Comrade Nari. A man who I had fond memories of.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ex-President Donald Ramotar did not set up the COI because of any loving concern for Walter Rodney. In fact, when Dr Rodney was alive, Freedom House was concerned that too many Indians were following him. I myself was scolded one evening by PPP Exco member Narbada Persaud when I told him I had just attended a WPA public meeting at Merriman's Mall. He shouted at me: "Why were you there?"

The COI was set up to get incriminating information which the PPP had hoped to use against David Granger and the PNC in election that was originally due next year. The Terms of Reference betrayed the PPP's intent. APNU+AFC cut short the PPP regime before the COI completed its work.

Now, the PPP didn't have money for UG workers or GuySuCo but spent $325 million on the Rodney COI. Meanwhile, the new government is forced to borrow $400 million from a Jamaican bank to keep GuySuCo running.

Gilbakka looks like you have some bad hate for Comrade Nari. A man who I had fond memories of.

FYI, Wally, Narbada was my very close friend, and that was why he thought he could shout at me. When I got married in 1985, his red Lada led the baraat. He was one of the few comrades I said farewell to [at the GEC where he was working] in 1996 when I emigrated.

Facts are facts, friend or no friend. I don't know how you come up with the "hate" idea.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Clear out Lat 12 of the petty thieves to make room for them $#*nt!

The man has a contract, he is entitled to his $7,300 per month.


It is the Shameless PPP and Nandolala who should be jailed for giving away taxpayer's money.



This is so shameful.  Whata kind of writing he did for some GUY$1.5 million a month?


Was he writing with a GOLD PEN?

Everybady gat a kantract with the PPP.  Whoever is responsible should be jailed.  They need to show how they came up with the salary/contract and what work was done.

It is a trend. Perhaps you doan know. The PNC had some iron clad contracts wid their ambassadors. CBJ had to pay dem off to vacate their offices.


It is a sickness of the political system. When these fellas do these things, Guyana is no where on their minds.


Wouldn't surprise me, if the APNU+AFC doan pad the salaries of the faithfuls.


It tough to find a leadership that is focused on Guyana.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ex-President Donald Ramotar did not set up the COI because of any loving concern for Walter Rodney. In fact, when Dr Rodney was alive, Freedom House was concerned that too many Indians were following him. I myself was scolded one evening by PPP Exco member Narbada Persaud when I told him I had just attended a WPA public meeting at Merriman's Mall. He shouted at me: "Why were you there?"

The COI was set up to get incriminating information which the PPP had hoped to use against David Granger and the PNC in election that was originally due next year. The Terms of Reference betrayed the PPP's intent. APNU+AFC cut short the PPP regime before the COI completed its work.

Now, the PPP didn't have money for UG workers or GuySuCo but spent $325 million on the Rodney COI. Meanwhile, the new government is forced to borrow $400 million from a Jamaican bank to keep GuySuCo running.

Good point re Rodney. But I don't see why they need to borrow foreign to finance the operational expenses. Are they paying those sugar workers in US$? Is the money going only to buy spare parts? Why finance recurring expenses with foreign exchange debt? I can think of 10 ways they could have done this at home.

Surprise, that there isn't a great hurry to revamp the corporation. It already loosing money. And the loan is only to stave off the close down. 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
For the relation


Shaun Michael Samaroo's father was Quartermaster in the GDF in the 1970s. He was disciplined for some missing cans of salt biscuits. Hamilton Green, then a member of the Defence Board, had Samaroo's file and wrote about the missing biscuits after Shaun Michael wrote that his father got a raw deal in the army.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Clear out Lat 12 of the petty thieves to make room for them $#*nt!

The man has a contract, he is entitled to his $7,300 per month.


It is the Shameless PPP and Nandolala who should be jailed for giving away taxpayer's money.



This is so shameful.  Whata kind of writing he did for some GUY$1.5 million a month?


Was he writing with a GOLD PEN?

Everybady gat a kantract with the PPP.  Whoever is responsible should be jailed.  They need to show how they came up with the salary/contract and what work was done.

Hau is our Top Political Consultant who was reall busy here on GNI writing Nuff Skooont on a Daily BAsic for Tea Breakfast & Dinner.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ex-President Donald Ramotar did not set up the COI because of any loving concern for Walter Rodney. In fact, when Dr Rodney was alive, Freedom House was concerned that too many Indians were following him. I myself was scolded one evening by PPP Exco member Narbada Persaud when I told him I had just attended a WPA public meeting at Merriman's Mall. He shouted at me: "Why were you there?"

The COI was set up to get incriminating information which the PPP had hoped to use against David Granger and the PNC in election that was originally due next year. The Terms of Reference betrayed the PPP's intent. APNU+AFC cut short the PPP regime before the COI completed its work.

Now, the PPP didn't have money for UG workers or GuySuCo but spent $325 million on the Rodney COI. Meanwhile, the new government is forced to borrow $400 million from a Jamaican bank to keep GuySuCo running.

Good point re Rodney. But I don't see why they need to borrow foreign to finance the operational expenses. Are they paying those sugar workers in US$? Is the money going only to buy spare parts? Why finance recurring expenses with foreign exchange debt? I can think of 10 ways they could have done this at home.

What are some of the ways?  Credit or something like that?


NCN and other reporters were already doing what that guy was doing.


That's another type of scam from the PPP's Encyclopedia on Scams, the revised edition.


Someone needs to write a book on all the scams they will find.


This bannas look like a drug dealer.


Shun Samaroo

Multi-million dollar COI writer says reports false, gov’t still owes him


Shun Samaroo

Multi-million dollar COI writer says reports false, gov’t still owes him

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
For the relation

dem bais seem to get you for a flattie!!! Real shame that dunce gets 7k and  u get thanks and an inside line to the chat3!

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Clear out Lat 12 of the petty thieves to make room for them $#*nt!

The man has a contract, he is entitled to his $7,300 per month.


It is the Shameless PPP and Nandolala who should be jailed for giving away taxpayer's money.



This is so shameful.  Whata kind of writing he did for some GUY$1.5 million a month?


Was he writing with a GOLD PEN?

$7,300/month got alyuh so excited?  This will be the allowance for some of them PNC boys, wait will everybody eyes "off the ball".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Clear out Lat 12 of the petty thieves to make room for them $#*nt!

The man has a contract, he is entitled to his $7,300 per month.


It is the Shameless PPP and Nandolala who should be jailed for giving away taxpayer's money.



This is so shameful.  Whata kind of writing he did for some GUY$1.5 million a month?


Was he writing with a GOLD PEN?

$7,300/month got alyuh so excited?  This will be the allowance for some of them PNC boys, wait will everybody eyes "off the ball".

Stop speculating about the unknown, base. Let's deal with the facts we have now before our eyes.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
For the relation

dem bais seem to get you for a flattie!!! Real shame that dunce gets 7k and  u get thanks and an inside line to the chat3!


Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ex-President Donald Ramotar did not set up the COI because of any loving concern for Walter Rodney. In fact, when Dr Rodney was alive, Freedom House was concerned that too many Indians were following him. I myself was scolded one evening by PPP Exco member Narbada Persaud when I told him I had just attended a WPA public meeting at Merriman's Mall. He shouted at me: "Why were you there?"

The COI was set up to get incriminating information which the PPP had hoped to use against David Granger and the PNC in election that was originally due next year. The Terms of Reference betrayed the PPP's intent. APNU+AFC cut short the PPP regime before the COI completed its work.

Now, the PPP didn't have money for UG workers or GuySuCo but spent $325 million on the Rodney COI. Meanwhile, the new government is forced to borrow $400 million from a Jamaican bank to keep GuySuCo running.

Gilbakka looks like you have some bad hate for Comrade Nari. A man who I had fond memories of.

No hard feelings here Gilly/Bookman I have been in pissed off mood lately.


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