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Rohee endorses Jagdeo statement that PPP is a ‘coolie people’ party

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

-    Says Afro Guyanese should welcome statement
General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, yesterday supported the statements made by his comrade, Bharrat Jagdeo, to the effect that the incumbent party is a “coolie people” party.

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee


As he hosted the PPP’s weekly press conference at Freedom House Robb Street, Georgetown, Rohee said that he saw nothing wrong with former President Jagdeo’s allusion to the PPP as a coolie people party.

Jagdeo made this statement on Sunday when he spoke at the memorial service held in honour of former President and founder member of the PPP, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan at Babu Jaan, Corentyne, Berbice.
Jagdeo, who is known to speak rashly at this yearly forum, told thousands who gathered at the event that the “opposition” whispers to its supporters, “Let us throw out the coolie people.”
Jagdeo added that the opposition “consistently shouts about the racism of the PPP but they practice racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote.”
Yesterday Rohee was questioned as to whether he supported the statements made by his comrade and he responded in the affirmative.
Rohee said that PPP is indeed a “coolie people” party as it is “overwhelmingly supported by Indians.”

Asked if he considered the impact such a statement can have on PPP supporters who are of another race, Rohee said that he doesn’t see that any harm can be caused.

He even told media operatives that PPP supporters who are Afro-Guyanese should welcome the statement as it is forthright.

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Originally Posted by warrior:

every year jagan keep taking a beating on his grave,i wonder what the man do to deserve this kind of disrespect.   

the bad deeds that he done to the Indian people, lives after him. Suh, dey gather every year to cuss and dance vulgar. Is like a voodoo festival or let say, it is worshiping Cheddie and his consort Janet. Hindus are noted for creating gods at the whim. Jagdeo, certainly paying homage-he sacrifice black folks each election time. He remind the Indoes, how the PNC banned aloo, dhall and flour. But, stop short of informing the East Indians, if Cheddie had only give up communism dey would had food and not starve fuh 28 years.


I hope Lis Harper comes toher senses and doan follow dem low life kulies in the PPP.   


Thank God for people like Jagdeo and Rohee.


They remind people why we need a change of govt, and why the PPP has become moribund.


I hope they use Jagdeo much in the campaign.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Well, it took the PPP about 60 years to admit something everyone knows. Now for the PNC to make this admission of reality that they're a Black nationalist party.

i can understand that the PNC is demonstrably the "black" party in Guyana; but what exactly does "nationalist" mean in context?


 . . . other than you needing a 'rationale' to fortify some low, race baiting polemic just in case "terrorist with a will to genocide" is kinda lil bit over the top, that is


It seems to me the PNC wants to be a party of national unity, APNU.


The PNC of today is not the PNC of Burnham, Hoyte, and Corbin.

PNC Grangerite is a moderate party we can work with. Granger has sidelined most in the terrorist wing.


Moses and Ramjattan are our best hope to work with the PNC.  Support the Coalition!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Well, it took the PPP about 60 years to admit something everyone knows. Now for the PNC to make this admission of reality that they're a Black nationalist party.

i can understand that the PNC is demonstrably the "black" party in Guyana; but what exactly does "nationalist" mean in context?


 . . . other than you needing a 'rationale' to fortify some low, race baiting polemic just in case "terrorist with a will to genocide" is kinda lil bit over the top, that is


Simple. Blacks in Guyana are a national/ethnic group. They behave and see themselves as such. The narrative extends to the Guyanese Nation as the rightful property of their Black nationalism. The very conception of Guyana by the PNC is as a Black State much in line with the Zionist view of Israel. This where we get the analogy of Guyana as the African house built by Blacks and Indians are free to pay some rent for the privilege of their continued residence. Of course, the ideology of Black Nationalism in Guyana is far more advanced and encompassing than this single analogy.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Well, it took the PPP about 60 years to admit something everyone knows. Now for the PNC to make this admission of reality that they're a Black nationalist party.

i can understand that the PNC is demonstrably the "black" party in Guyana; but what exactly does "nationalist" mean in context?


 . . . other than you needing a 'rationale' to fortify some low, race baiting polemic just in case "terrorist with a will to genocide" is kinda lil bit over the top, that is


Simple. Blacks in Guyana are a national/ethnic group. They behave and see themselves as such. The narrative extends to the Guyanese Nation as the rightful property of their Black nationalism. The very conception of Guyana by the PNC is as a Black State much in line with the Zionist view of Israel. This where we get the analogy of Guyana as the African house built by Blacks and Indians are free to pay some rent for the privilege of their continued residence. Of course, the ideology of Black Nationalism in Guyana is far more advanced and encompassing than this single analogy.

huh . . . ? where did u get this stuff bai?


show me


Ravi Dev dem hammering it into your skull is not a good answer

Last edited by Former Member

David Hinds and ACDA seem to hold some of those black nationalist notions.


I would not say the Grangerites are deep into that kind of thing.  That would be counter-productive for national unity initiatives.


The Coalition will value respect for all races and cultures.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

David Hinds and ACDA seem to hold some of those black nationalist notions.


I would not say the Grangerites are deep into that kind of thing.  That would be counter-productive for national unity initiatives.


The Coalition will value respect for all races and cultures.

David Hinds and Eric Philips are not in the PNC . . . what's your point?


further, i am not aware that they embrace the chauvinistic inventions thrown around by shaitaan, supposedly some mysterious PNC ideology known only to radical GY Hindutva initiates


that they are Black is enough to make them PNC for u nuh?


i am open to be corrected on these as with all matters i am not expert on, of course

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Simple. Blacks in Guyana are a national/ethnic group. ..

Such nonsense, and further evidence that your enemies will spread around Queens to ensure that you don't get any black votes.


Black people in Guyana cannot even agree as to what name to call themselves.  Don't even have any criteria to define who is black and who is mixed.   Most have no interest in Africa, except on August 1.


And yet you scream blacks are a nation.


Afro Guyanese see themselves as GUYANESE first and foremost and see their ethnicity as a subset of being Guyanese.


So take your Indo KKK nonsense for a stroll.  If you don't think that Indians are part of the GUYANESE NATION, then you know what you can do.


BTW if Afro Guyanese are so ethnically exclusive nationalists;


1.  why are the bulk of Guyanese of mixed ancestry part black?


2.  why are Afro Guyanese more accepting of mixed people of part African ancestry than are others of their mixed offspring?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

David Hinds and ACDA seem to hold some of those black nationalist notions.


Can you discuss why the mere suggestion that Afro Guyanese need to focus on developing solutions to the problems that they face, and that they most organize against racism arises to some blind nationalistic sentiment?


Indeed its these very gentlemen are the reason why you might know that black Guyanese do face racism in today's Guyana.


So what do you plan to do about those non black employers who don't see blacks as employees beyond menial levels?  Scream that these rumors aren't true?  And that its only black nationalists who spread that lie. Because you do know that most of these accused of this racism are Indian employers.


It started already on GNI.  Blacks vs Coolies.  This is what you all want.

The Amerindians are caught in the Middle.

The Propaganda machine of the alliance is very harsh as Moses will be spear heading the race campaign. The Man who said that he wouldn't merge with the PNC is now leading them.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

.as Moses will be spear heading the race campaign. ..

What has Nagamootoo to gain by playing race.  He needs to get as many Indian votes as he can to ensure that the PPP is defeated, and to ensure that he is seen as valuable to the PNC.


The only people with any thing to gain by playing race is the PPP as they think they own the Indians, who are the largest voting bloc.


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