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PPP defaulters will be jailed under AFC led government – Ramjattan

January 26, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The Leaders of the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) are highly optimistic that they can emerge victorious at the May 11 General and Regional Elections. But how much “house-cleaning” would the PPP/C’s successor have to do before the nation can truly feel the effects of a new party’s policies and programmes for progress? AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, in a recent interview, said that he is most confident that an AFC-led government will be taking over Guyana but he is of course worried about the state of the country. The lawyer reminded that his party has spoken at length about the massive scale of financial corruption that has taken place under the current administration and emphasized that once a new party takes over, “house cleaning or a national cleanse” is in order.

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramjattan said that while the country is in a state where it is “severely damaged by the PPP/C’s corrupt practices”, the first step of an AFC-led government would be to ensure order and provide a fresh start for the electorate. “We must not get fearful or become scared at the fact that out there it is one hell of a mess. It will require a herculean effort to cleanse and we feel that for the sake of Guyana and the fact that we are committed patriots and nationalists, we must ensure that we take on the task of cleaning up, notwithstanding that it will be such a massive effort. As to where the biggest mess is? “It would definitely have to be the state of the country’s finances. It is there where there is substantial disorder and the other has to do with bringing up the culture of the work ethic back into the Guyanese society so that they can see what has to be done by their own initiative and how to do it having seen it,” the AFC Leader asserted. On the matter of how long it will take for the nation to possibly feel the effects of the AFC’s programmes and policies for progress, Ramjattan said that cleaning and implementation of their action plan would be done simultaneously. “We will be multitasking on that score because we can be cleaning together while doing programmes to ensure we have a corrupt-free and happier country and ensuing that people enjoy their rights and privileges and enjoy life generally in the country. Guyanese love to enjoy life. When they do that knowing that there is an administration that is regularizing all the nonsense which occurred under the PPP/C in relation to education, finances and health, they are just going to be further satisfied, knowing for sure that we have their interest at heart,” the politician stated.

Leader of APNU, David Granger

Leader of APNU, David Granger

As for the defaulters who left the country in such a state, Ramjattan charged that such persons like the Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh and NICIL’s Head, Winston Brassington, “who sit at the helm of financial lawlessness” will be dealt with accordingly. “We will send them to jail. And you expect that of an AFC-led government,” he added. The AFC leader also said that there is a serious need to cleanse the country of corruption because it is placing the nation on a frightening precipice and the effects for the future generations are all too dangerous to conceive. In this vein, he emphasized that the AFC will ensure that international auditors are also brought in to supplement its own “anti-corruption fighters” who will work assiduously towards unearthing all hidden forms of corruption which occurred under the PPP/C and have the defaulters jailed. Faced with the same question by Kaieteur News on Friday last, Leader of APNU, David Granger said “I am confident that there are enough committed public servants, persons in the defence and police forces, who are committed to seeing a better Guyana. So it won’t be a task for the APNU alone.” Granger said that his partnership is committed to ensuring inclusionary democracy and involving persons in the governance process. “We are committed to sharing power with other parties, so even if the APNU wins a majority, we are going to invite the AFC and others to work with us. So I’m not daunted by the amount of cleaning that we will need to do. I don’t feel we will be overwhelmed with the condition of the country because there will be a lot of hands willing to help us.” Granger said, however, that he does not feel that it would be necessary to bring in international auditors to help uncover corruption, for he believes that there are enough local professionals who would be more than willing to undertake the task. “I think that we can manage our own investigations and there are those, some of them retired, who are prepared to give advice and help. I am convinced that people want a better place and they will come out and help. The people want a better environment and I am convinced about that. People are fed up with what they were made to endure for 22 years but that will change for the better under an APNU-led government,” the Opposition leader firmly stated.

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The lawyer reminded that his party has spoken at length about the massive scale of financial corruption that has taken place under the current administration and emphasized that once a new party takes over, “house cleaning or a national cleanse” is in order.


As for the defaulters who left the country in such a state, Ramjattan charged that such persons like the Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh and NICIL’s Head, Winston Brassington, “who sit at the helm of financial lawlessness” will be dealt with accordingly. “We will send them to jail.




Good. It's time these guys spoke up and stop dilly dallying.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, in a recent interview, said that he is most confident that an AFC-led government will be taking over Guyana but he is of course worried about the state of the country. The lawyer reminded that his party has spoken at length about the massive scale of financial corruption that has taken place under the current administration and emphasized that once a new party takes over, “house cleaning or a national cleanse” is in order.



PPP defaulters will be jailed under AFC led government – Ramjattan, January 26, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

Simply words about an AFC-led government after the elections in 2015.


1. AFC's seats will be reduced if it contest the elections alone.

2. AFC/PNC as a single party will gain less votes than the PPP/C.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


Where is ASJ...Working for the ONC/AFC?

Who is this ASJ character?  Looks like this was a full out PNC site except for a few people prior to 2015.  These guys did their mischief and ran into hiding.

Bibi Haniffa

I know Bibi don't support crooks, but if she see Jagdeo in handcuff, she might faint. ASJ is wutlis to post this thread. Lol

Owe gyal, Bibi, you prappa like them chacundars in the PPP, eh. Lol 

Wah the saying is? Them a run a day till night catch them. Lol 

Prince posted:

I know Bibi don't support crooks, but if she see Jagdeo in handcuff, she might faint. ASJ is wutlis to post this thread. Lol

Owe gyal, Bibi, you prappa like them chacundars in the PPP, eh. Lol 

Wah the saying is? Them a run a day till night catch them. Lol 

She might say that's kinda kinky! LOL! 

Prince posted:

I know Bibi don't support crooks, but if she see Jagdeo in handcuff, she might faint. ASJ is wutlis to post this thread. Lol

Owe gyal, Bibi, you prappa like them chacundars in the PPP, eh. Lol 

Wah the saying is? Them a run a day till night catch them. Lol 

Alyuh leff mi gyaal alone.  Nah spile shi dreams!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


Where is ASJ...Working for the ONC/AFC?

Who is this ASJ character?  Looks like this was a full out PNC site except for a few people prior to 2015.  These guys did their mischief and ran into hiding.

ASJ was a big time PPP supporter in 2011.  Went to Guyana campaigning for PPP.  Not sure what happened after that, but he flip like a pancake!


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