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PPP demands removal of Mayor Green, entire City


May 12, 2014 6:02 amCategory: latest newsA+ / A-


Mayor Hamilton Green. [iNews' Photo]

Mayor Hamilton Green. [iNews' Photo]

[] – Given the recent developments within the Mayor and City Council, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is demanding that Mayor Hamilton Green and the entire Council be removed.


In a statement issued to the media, the governing PPP stated that it has taken note of the “attempts by Georgetown Mayor Hamilton Green and his cabal to oust the legitimate and legally appointed Town Clerk Carol Sooba from office via illegal and backdoor manipulations.”

“The PPP condemns this latest act of desperation by the Mayor and his inmates who have brought the City Council into disrepute by his actions which smacks of racism and political bullyism which can only hurt the Council and its service to the citizens of Georgetown. The PPP demands the removal of Hamilton Green and the entire City Council and its replacement by an Interim Management Committee,” the PPP noted.

According to the Party, “No charade or theatrical performance put on by the Mayor will fool right-thinking Guyanese. Mayor Green would be well advised to put the resources and energies that he is using to advance his game of witch-hunt against Sooba into meaningful use rather than the divisive policies he and his ilk are currently carrying out.”

The Party alleged that Green is single handedly responsible for the demise and deterioration of Georgetown and its environment.

Additionally, the PPP refused to accept that the lack of local government elections is exclusively responsible for the shortcomings being faced in the capital city.

“The Mayor and his cronies have looted the council’s treasury for their personal gain and have allowed nepotism, cynicism and corruption to consume the Council and have now put one of their cronies there to cover it up.”

The statement noted, “The PPP has noted that the de facto Town Clerk has been unearthing heaps of corrupt and self-enriching activities being carried out through the underground economy run by a small clique of councillors.”

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Was Sooba legally elected and by who?

As far as I am aware, the operation and running of the local council is down to the local councillors. The PPP is attempting to take over the local council by undemocratic means. The return of communism in Guyana? Time for the military to step in maybe?


The Corrupt PPP/c is refusing to face the facts hence:


Additionally, the PPP refused to accept that the lack of local government elections is exclusively responsible for the shortcomings being faced in the capital city.


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