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December 21 2018


“We are bringing out the PPP top guns, the best of our leadership,” PPP/C’s Chief Whip Gail Teixeira said of the five opposition speakers slated to speak on the no-confidence motion against the APNU+AFC administration today.

Apart from Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo, the other speakers were not identified. The session is set to last for at least eight hours with Jagdeo beginning the debate at 2pm and speaking for 45 minutes as provided for by Standing Order 38 (9).

Other speakers are allowed a maximum of 30 minutes unless the Speaker grants extensions of time for periods of 15 minutes following a motion moved for such extensions.

Additionally, though the mover of the motion is allowed a reply after all the other Members present have addressed the House, it is likely that the last speaker will be from the government benches as Standing Order 39(2) provides at “a Minister may conclude a debate on any motion which is critical of the Government or reflects adversely on or is calculated to bring discredit upon the Government or a Government Officer.”

All 65 MPs are expected to be in parliament when the final vote is taken tonight. APNU+AFC control 33 seats and the PPP/C 32. The PPP/C will have to have a majority for the motion to be carried. If the motion is carried general elections would have to be called.

Teixeira would likely be one of the speakers along with Clement Rohee, Anil Nandlall and Irfaan Ali. The selections may give a hint as to which direction the party is moving in relation to its presidential candidate for 2020.  Others who could be in the line-up would include Dr Frank Anthony.

Stabroek News reached out to government Chief Whip Amna Ally for information on the government speakers but up to press time, her phone went unanswered.  Ally would likely be one of the five along with PM Moses Nagamootoo, Volda Lawrence, Joseph Harmon and Khemraj Ramjattan.  Attorney General Basil Williams could also be on the list.

Meantime, the opposition has challenged government to “answer the real issues” instead of spewing “senseless lies and half-truths” and using President David Granger’s illness as a “political football” in relation to the no-confidence motion.

In a statement yesterday, the PPP/C criticised leaders of the APNU+AFC for using Granger’s illness as grounds for attacking the motion.

According to the statement, the motion was filed only after it was reported that the “President was in good health and that he was in Cuba merely for ‘medical investigations’.” The party argued that since the President has no vote in the National Assembly, his presence in or absence from the country, is immaterial to the motion.

The motion was filed one day after the Ministry of the Presidency announced that President David Granger was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The opposition, however, maintained that the announcement of the President’s diagnosis was made after its filing and accused government of maintaining a propaganda machinery which “has been churning out one wild and baseless allegation after another.”

The party has claimed that the AFC has resorted to delusions by referring to “rumours of a diabolical plot by the PPP and moves to disrupt the House when the vote on the No-Confidence Motion fails.”

“This is not merely being delusional, but it is flagrant mischief because the nation is aware that it is the APNU+AFC who have called out persons ‘in the thousands’ to Parliament, to show their ‘confidence in the Government’,” the statement said. It added that “were the PPP as irresponsible and reckless as they are, we could have reciprocated. However, we have not, in recognition of the horrible consequences which can result.”

Accordingly, the opposition has concluded that “this is the type of unadulterated stupidity which disqualifies this grouping of persons from ever holding Government again.”

Further, the statement said that the party was in no way involved in setting the date for debate and therefore cannot be accused of attempting to disrupt the holiday season.

“When this motion was tabled a month ago, the PPP requested that the motion be debated earliest, more specifically, even before the reading of the National Budget. This request was rejected. The Government fixed the motion to be debated on the 21st of December. Recently, the Leader of the Opposition expressed a willingness to have the motion debated after the Christmas season and in early January. The Leader of the Opposition, having no control over and having not participated in the motion being fixed for debate on the 21st of December, made this suggestion out of concern for the disruption it may have on the lives of the ordinary Guyanese and the business community during the festive season,” the statement said.

Prime Minister Nagamootoo was accused of behaving in a “thoughtless” manner for rejecting the suggestion. The party argued that after recognising “an opening to exhibit egotistical bravado and arrogant brinkmanship,” the PM is now responding to “public pressure for a postponement of the motion…”

Nagamootoo, as well as AFC leader Raphael Trotman, have called on the PPP to withdraw the motion.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mr Jagdeo should defend his record before debating the Coalition’s record

December 21 2018


Dear Editor,

Once again as Mr Jagdeo proceeds to engage Parliament to debate the no-confidence motion against the APNU+AFC government, he should take up the challenge to debate his record. During the 2015 General and Regional Elections campaign, I called on then private citizen Bharrat Jagdeo, who was calling on then Leader of the Opposition David Granger to debate him, to debate me. I made this call because Mr Jagdeo likes to think he can debate others’ performance but doesn’t like his performance as Minister of Finance, President or Leader of the Opposition to be debated. Observe how flustered and angry he gets when the media ask questions about his record.

Leader of the Opposition Jagdeo has no moral authority and is in no position to claim or debate a no-confidence motion in any government other than his. As President, his record is that of an abysmal failure and embarrassment to Guyana and Guyanese.  Before he can debate the three-year old APNU+AFC government, he must first debate his twelve-year record as president (1999-2011), a record characterised by incompetence, evidence of greed, crime, narco-militarisation, marginalisation, racial discrimination, ethnic tension, strife, shame and disgrace on the presidency, intolerance of dissent, disrespect for our seniors, death squads, and abuse of a woman who he presented as his legal wife.

Let there be a debate of the bloodiest period of our independence, which was during his leadership. This must include the unsolved murders of Ronald Waddell, his Minister of Agriculture Satyadeow Sawh and the hundreds of others; the violation of laws and citizens’ rights; budgetary discrimination; numerous scams; association with nefarious characters; massacres; torture of children; hundreds of deaths that include citizens and members of the business community; the infamous Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan; the white elephant Skeldon Factory; the Amaila Falls scam; textbook, law book and milk powder scams; the floating wharves; attack on press freedom; Pradoville I and II; and a failing healthcare system that he felt safer travelling to Florida to treat his ailment.  Mr Jagdeo, let us have a debate on your record before debating the Coalition’s record. The jury is still out on yours. Furthermore, the list is so long it will require more than one sitting of Parliament to debate. He should debate the employment record during his time. Guyanese need him to answer why youth unemployment was the highest under his presidency. He talks often about sugar workers being retrenched by the APNU+AFC but he does not talk about his government retrenching them too, or about the thousands of workers retrenched in the public service and bauxite. Let there be a debate of this record.

Let there be a debate of him as a role model and young leader, and the example he set. In 1999, Mr Jagdeo ascended to the presidency through the anointment of Mrs Janet Jagan who stepped down from the position. Under his era, Guyana and Guyanese suffered immensely. He governed with a thick, dark cloud of fear always hanging over. He wants to keep our mood dark by continuing his fear tactics as Leader of the Opposition.

Let there be a debate on his statesmanship or lack thereof. There should be a debate on his dictatorial tendencies and what late president and leader of the opposition Desmond Hoyte called executive lawlessness. Let Mr Jagdeo debate giving away our wealth to foreigners like Bai Shan Lin and others. During his presidency, the get-rich-quick syndrome was pursued by any means necessary and Transparency International ranked Guyana the most corrupt English-speaking country this side of the equator.

Let Parliament first debate Mr Jagdeo’s record, temperament and lust for power.  The obsession with power that saw back door dealings to have a third term. Thanks to the Caribbean Court of Justice, this will not happen. In 2011, he told Guyanese that he was finished with political office but came back in 2015 and knocked former president Donald Ramotar clean out.

The Leader of the Opposition has asked Members of Parliament on the Government side to vote their conscience. I’m asking Members on the Opposition side to vote their conscience. A clear conscience knows that the APNU+AFC was elected by the people for a five-year term and willy-nilly excuses to prematurely end the term are unacceptable. My experience as a former Member of Parliament knows every government is answerable through the various parliamentary committees. Ministers of government, department heads, and any who the committee thinks can aid the information it needs, can be required to provide it. The Opposition knows this too and many of the crucial committees are headed by their Members.

The PPP/C is abusing the no-confidence motion. This is another attempt to want to remove the coalition through the back door. First it was non-stop chanting to delegitimise the government with wild accusations that the 2015 elections were rigged and saying former GECOM Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally must go. The list goes on and on and on. The PPP/C feels that they alone have the right to govern and no one else. When things do not go in their favour, they will use every pretext to cry foul and destabilise.

Though Mr Jagdeo is always running away from debating his record, the fact that the PPP/C lost in 2011 and 2015, shows that Guyanese have placed no-confidence in him.

Yours faithfully,

Vanessa Kissoon

Former Member of Parliament

Region 10 Representative


Ms Kissoon is right now with this letter engaging in a debate with herself....there is lots that was wrong about the Jagdeo tenure in government...

However, she misses an important point, clouded by her partisan blinders, as she tries to score points....that is ....Jagdeo and the PPP are not on trial here. 

This is a political matter.....

Why does Guyana history start with 1992....where was Kissoon during the 28 years when the PNC (her party?) ran a dictatorship in her country?

AND...why should Jagdeo debate a low level appatatchik like Kissoon and not a high ranking member of the ruling government?

Kissoon is “grandstanding”.... I am sure dem Guyanese gat a word for this....

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Jagdeo is the only gun here....the others carrying water pistols 

The water pistol can still fire up your Arss... watch yo self messenger. 

Big Christmas bonus for the messenger. I hope is in US dollars.

yuji22 posted:

She rass tek kick from the PNC and still wants more.

Forget her. Focus on the big motion picture. Show starts at 2PM. "BIG GUNS OF FREEDOM HOUSE" starring Bharrat Yul Brynner Jagdeo and Moses Budd Abbott Nagamootoo. 😁

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Jagdeo is the only gun here....the others carrying water pistols 

The water pistol can still fire up your Arss... watch yo self messenger. 

I see you gat some experience with dem water pistols, eh?

I retract what I said about Jagdeo gun...I am now convinced....his gun shooting blanks....

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Jagdeo is the only gun here....the others carrying water pistols 

The water pistol can still fire up your Arss... watch yo self messenger. 

I see you gat some experience with dem water pistols, eh?

I retract what I said about Jagdeo gun...I am now convinced....his gun shooting blanks....

Don't worry about his gun. He is the new Clint Eastwood in Guyana... Hang 'em High.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

She rass tek kick from the PNC and still wants more.

Forget her. Focus on the big motion picture. Show starts at 2PM. "BIG GUNS OF FREEDOM HOUSE" starring Bharrat Yul Brynner Jagdeo and Moses Budd Abbott Nagamootoo. 😁

I Like, I like.

I told my staff that I ain’t taking any calls today, I have some important Political Business to take care of. I just cant wait to see Bharrat Yul Brynner take on Bud Abbott Nagamootoo and Lou Costello Ramjattan.

I have my cup of decaf in hand at home and chatting at GNI until the sold out show starts. 

Last edited by Former Member

Mitwah is probably biting his nails in his lock up cell. DJ cutting bricks right now. Labba is having a He he day, Bai Labba, all skin teeth na laff.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Jagdeo is the only gun here....the others carrying water pistols 

The water pistol can still fire up your Arss... watch yo self messenger. 

I see you gat some experience with dem water pistols, eh?

I retract what I said about Jagdeo gun...I am now convinced....his gun shooting blanks....

Don't worry about his gun. He is the new Clint Eastwood in Guyana... Hang 'em High.

How he gon do that when yall already protestin against anticipated violence on the streets and calling on the police for protection....? 

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Jagdeo is the only gun here....the others carrying water pistols 

The water pistol can still fire up your Arss... watch yo self messenger. 

I see you gat some experience with dem water pistols, eh?

I retract what I said about Jagdeo gun...I am now convinced....his gun shooting blanks....

Don't worry about his gun. He is the new Clint Eastwood in Guyana... Hang 'em High.

How he gon do that when yall already protestin against anticipated violence on the streets and calling on the police for protection....? 

I ain't no blackman. Did you read as to who is outside parliament with gas cans waiting to unleash terror?

yuji22 posted:

Mitwah is probably biting his nails in his lock up cell. DJ cutting bricks right now. Labba is having a He he day, Bai Labba, all skin teeth na laff.

Yuji, I think Mitwah is released on parole. Amral was in the season of giving so he pardoned Mitwah. He said Granger might be pardoning some criminals for Christmas, so he was doing the same.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah is probably biting his nails in his lock up cell. DJ cutting bricks right now. Labba is having a He he day, Bai Labba, all skin teeth na laff.

Yuji, I think Mitwah is released on parole. Amral was in the season of giving so he pardoned Mitwah. 

O rass, how come Bossman didn’t make an announcement ? What are the terms of parole ? 

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah is probably biting his nails in his lock up cell. DJ cutting bricks right now. Labba is having a He he day, Bai Labba, all skin teeth na laff.

Yuji, I think Mitwah is released on parole. Amral was in the season of giving so he pardoned Mitwah. He said Granger might be pardoning some criminals for Christmas, so he was doing the same.

Granger already did during a low profile ceremony. I read it in a newspaper a couple of days ago. Three Afro Guyanese females from New Amsterdam Prisons were in the picture.


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