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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not have Palls informing me how to think .I write because it is common sense that this kind of naked corruption strangles the society.


I also do not know what the hell it is the relevance of the mention that other governments are corrupt. We are speaking on our own where we have a responsibility to seek redress.


Lots of things can be addressed in parliament but there again you miss the point. These are men on a criminal bent and confronting them so the people understand they are unworthy of office comes about only with exposure.


There is no seeming here. Practically everyone of these people double and triple dip. Ms Dass gets a salary from Freedom house as a secretary but she is a bench warmer on NIS Board as well While gail has squatting rights on UG board


For all your verbosity, you have yet to point out the illegality, case for corruption or suggest legislation to block such multiple appointments.  Is it illegal to have 3 jobs? It happens all the time in the US as politicians sit on different boards collecting multiple salaries. 

Illegality and immorality are different things. These people are double dipping and triple dipping at the state trough. If that does not get your fall then you are as immoral as they are.


Drinking to the point of drunkenness is not against the law  nor is cheating on your wife with a 17 year old or keeping a mistress and neglecting the needs of your child. There will never be legislation against these things or against many of the social taboos but we adhere to many of them with strict diligence because we understand them to be immoral.


The law must not only be the guide to good behavior. Ones internal moral compass and that of the society at large should be good guides. It is what prevents one from running red lights, giving way to pedestrian on paths and opening doors for women or tipping service people.




Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Illegality and immorality are different things. These people are double dipping and triple dipping at the state trough. If that does not get your fall then you are as immoral as they are.


Drinking to the point of drunkenness is not against the law  nor is cheating on your wife with a 17 year old or keeping a mistress and neglecting the needs of your child. There will never be legislation against these things or against many of the social taboos but we adhere to many of them with strict diligence because we understand them to be immoral.


The law must not only be the guide to good behavior. Ones internal moral compass and that of the society at large should be good guides. It is what prevents one from running red lights, giving way to pedestrian on paths and opening doors for women or tipping service people.





So now you are the authority on morality, deciding what is moral and what is not. You and your cronies are not interested in enacting legislation to prevent what you perceive to be immoral, and why? I will tell you, the AFC/PNC contingent are interested in filling their pockets if ever they get into power in the very same way. You are all just crooks criticizing when it is someone else and reserving the right to do the same when it is your turn. hahahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Illegality and immorality are different things. These people are double dipping and triple dipping at the state trough. If that does not get your fall then you are as immoral as they are.


Drinking to the point of drunkenness is not against the law  nor is cheating on your wife with a 17 year old or keeping a mistress and neglecting the needs of your child. There will never be legislation against these things or against many of the social taboos but we adhere to many of them with strict diligence because we understand them to be immoral.


The law must not only be the guide to good behavior. Ones internal moral compass and that of the society at large should be good guides. It is what prevents one from running red lights, giving way to pedestrian on paths and opening doors for women or tipping service people.





So now you are the authority on morality, deciding what is moral and what is not. You and your cronies are not interested in enacting legislation to prevent what you perceive to be immoral, and why? I will tell you, the AFC/PNC contingent are interested in filling their pockets if ever they get into power in the very same way. You are all just crooks criticizing when it is someone else and reserving the right to do the same when it is your turn. hahahahah

 I do not decide what is moral or not. Morality is a community imperative fool. If the PPP wants to pass of a freedom house secretary as a board member off our NIS and also have her receiving a salary from the OP then they are immoral. If they think they and their operatives can have a feast on states assets as they will then that is immoral. If you do not see it I do not care. That would be expected since you have the morality of a rat. As for crookedness and supporting crooks, examine who support these thieves in office!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

 I do not decide what is moral or not. Morality is a community imperative fool. If the PPP wants to pass of a freedom house secretary as a board member off our NIS and also have her receiving a salary from the OP then they are immoral. If they think they and their operatives can have a feast on states assets as they will then that is immoral. If you do not see it I do not care. That would be expected since you have the morality of a rat. As for crookedness and supporting crooks, examine who support these thieves in office!


Oh you were not the one who decided this was immoral? Tell us which community decided this? The AFC/PNC when it suits their needs?  If it were immoral then legislation would fix this by making multiple appointments illegal. Why are you and your cronies not pursuing legislation in parliament to stop this practice?  Your claims of feasts is hogwash, if it was illegal you and your cronies would be pursuing legal means or using your majority votes in parliament to halt this practice. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity, a salary greater than her boss Dr. Lunch.

Mits that is about US 4000, youstill thinki it is too much?

The average Guyanese earns less than US$200/month.  If you were to tell a Bajan that they would think that you are lying and that even though they know Guyana is in a bad way it couldnt be so bad.


Let me add that college educated tecahers at QC make less than $400/m.


Now what do these people do, and if they all disappeared who would miss them?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:






So now you are the authority on morality, deciding what is moral and what is not.


Clearly you arent when you celebrate the arming of criminals by wealthy PPP supporters, some with ties to the drug trade, with guns ILLEGALLY smuggled into Guyana.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:






So now you are the authority on morality, deciding what is moral and what is not.


Clearly you arent when you celebrate the arming of criminals by wealthy PPP supporters, some with ties to the drug trade, with guns ILLEGALLY smuggled into Guyana.

Some people will remain Slaves forever!!! Mental Slavery is worst.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

 I do not decide what is moral or not. Morality is a community imperative fool. If the PPP wants to pass of a freedom house secretary as a board member off our NIS and also have her receiving a salary from the OP then they are immoral. If they think they and their operatives can have a feast on states assets as they will then that is immoral. If you do not see it I do not care. That would be expected since you have the morality of a rat. As for crookedness and supporting crooks, examine who support these thieves in office!


Oh you were not the one who decided this was immoral? Tell us which community decided this? The AFC/PNC when it suits their needs?  If it were immoral then legislation would fix this by making multiple appointments illegal. Why are you and your cronies not pursuing legislation in parliament to stop this practice?  Your claims of feasts is hogwash, if it was illegal you and your cronies would be pursuing legal means or using your majority votes in parliament to halt this practice. 

go take a class in sociology 101 then come back after being informed on the matter. Morality is organic. I know what it is because of acculturation.


I do not know what PPP thievery and corrupt practices as paying their cronies two or more salaries and the morality of the matter has to do with whether the PNC or the AFC judge it to be so or not.


You are simply dissimulating to cover crookedness and that makes you a deviant likewise.The absence or presence of laws do not intervene on the matter of thievery. If you conspire to take more than your share of someone's else property ( in this case the community's weal) you are a crook.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Fat cats unmasked… ‘Disgraceful’ OP operating ‘Dharm Shala’ for friends, cronies

July 29, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



…super salaries being paid to do little or nothing, “mostly nothing” – Moses Nagamotoo  
Attorney-at-law Moses Nagamootoo, who made headlines on Nomination Day when he defected from the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) and campaigned for the Alliance for Change, says that the latest revelation coming out of Office of the President has vindicated his position during the recent Budget Cuts.
Nagamootoo coined the phrase ‘fat cats’ in reference to persons at Government agencies being paid huge amounts and while he was unable during the budgetary process to unveil them, he says that the information which has been now made public demonstrates that “Office of the President is running a Dharm Shala for friends and cronies.”

Nagamootoo said that it is clear as day to see that there are persons being paid by Office of the President “to do little or nothing, mostly nothing.”


Nagamootoo, during an interview yesterday, said that it is clear as day to see that there are ‘Sinecure appointments’ (persons past political prime)” being paid by Office of the President as well as numerous Freedom House operatives.

He said that it is unfair of the government to be asking sections of the population such as Linden to take on additional hardships while others are being rewarded for next to nothing with super salaries.

Nagamootoo reminded of a proposal recently to pay cane cutters $800 per punt of cane when others were being paid more than 800 per cent above the average worker.

He said that “it is disgraceful that Office of the President would be running a Dharm Shala for friends and cronies.”

Nagamootoo was adamant that it is equally “disgraceful that this is happening under the watch of a government that champions the working class.”

The AFC Member of Parliament pointed to what he called persons being paid by Office of the President to be ‘ghost writers.”

He identified a David DeGroot and asks, “What else could this man be paid for?  What else does he do at Office of the President?” asked Nagamootoo.

He was adamant that this has nothing to do with personal attacks against individuals, but he queried how the Freedom House Secretary, Chitraykha Dass, could be earning more than $250,000 payable from Office of the President.

As the House prepared to debate a motion of no confidence against Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee this past Wednesday, the information was made available as a result of a request by A Partnership for National Unity’s Joseph Harmon.

The APNU Executive Member had requested the names and designations of persons terminated as a result of the 2012 Budgetary Cuts.

The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.

According to the information which was presented by Dr. Singh in the House on Wednesday, Mahendra Roopnarine, earns $395,000 per month and the salary is paid by Office of the President.

His designation is listed as “Press Undersecretary, OPL” whose salary payable at the end of last month was $395,000.

Roopnarine currently hosts the weekly programme “Getting it Right,” which was previously undertaken by the then Junior Health Minister Bheri Ramsaran.

Roopnarine was also a staple on pro-government television channels during the 2011 Election Campaign.

Controversial Office of the President figure, in the person of the President’s Information Liaison Officer, Kwame McCoy is being paid $334,850 per month. McCoy’s designation is listed as a ‘Communications Coordinator.’

It was also revealed that Government Information Agency (GINA) which had its Budget reduced to $1, pays its Director Neaz Subhan $295,530, while GINA’s Editor-in-Chief Shanta Goberdhan earns $295,460 per month.

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon, is listed as being paid by Office of the President, a salary of $895,326 while his Deputy, Hydar Ally is paid $550,064.

Office of the President also pays the son of Former Attorney General, Charles Ramson, $430,196 for the position of Technical Legal Director.

Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who has been retained by Office of the President as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440 for his services while OP’s Protocol Advisor Eshwar Persaud is paid $268,000.

A Cabinet Monitor Officer named Leroy Cort also earns from Office of the President some $155,628.

“Presidential Pol. Liaison Officer” Chitraykha Dass earns $255,000 for his services while Parliamentarian Reverend Kwame Gilbert also receives $294, 585 for his services as a ‘Community Develop. (Social Policy Officer).’

Cheddi Jagan 11, the Attorney-at-Law earns from Office of the President $489,666.

Desmond Kissoon, the Presidential Political Liaison Officer Region Nine, earns some $280,000 while Clive Lloyd, the President’s Advisor on Sports earns $721,000 in this capacity.

Reepu Daman Persaud the ailing Pandit is listed on the June payroll for Office of the President to receive $412,320 for his services as an Advisor to the President while former Regional Chairman for Region Six, Zulfikar Mustapha earns for himself as Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer some $307,600.

Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity, a salary greater than her boss Dr. Lunch.

The taxpayers are Santa Claus for these clowns.


She also Squats on UG board as one of the PPP cronies that aim to stymie objectivity at our seminal education institution. Even Cricked is not a leech source of these crooks as they try to steal its management and bring it under the umbrella of PPPinc.


Nagamootoo said that it is clear as day to see that there are persons being paid by Office of the President “to do little or nothing, mostly nothing.”


Nagamootoo, during an interview yesterday, said that it is clear as day to see that there are ‘Sinecure appointments’ (persons past political prime)” being paid by Office of the President as well as numerous Freedom House operatives.

Originally Posted by Balwant Persaud:

That is just one salary they are collecting from one source. These people are collecting directors fees on the many boards and agencies they sit on. For example, Luncheon is the Chairman of NIS, Romel Roopnarine is the Communications Officer of GUYSUCO etc. Gail Texeira and others are on the UG Council.

But as Tar_K said, we need their job descriptions and the results of their work.

Hello Mr Balwant.


Is it true that Gail texiera gets $1 million a month from the treasury.


Fat cats unmasked… ‘Disgraceful’ OP operating ‘Dharm Shala’ for friends, cronies

July 29, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



…super salaries being paid to do little or nothing, “mostly nothing” – Moses Nagamotoo  
Attorney-at-law Moses Nagamootoo, who made headlines on Nomination Day when he defected from the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) and campaigned for the Alliance for Change, says that the latest revelation coming out of Office of the President has vindicated his position during the recent Budget Cuts.
Nagamootoo coined the phrase ‘fat cats’ in reference to persons at Government agencies being paid huge amounts and while he was unable during the budgetary process to unveil them, he says that the information which has been now made public demonstrates that “Office of the President is running a Dharm Shala for friends and cronies.”

Nagamootoo said that it is clear as day to see that there are persons being paid by Office of the President “to do little or nothing, mostly nothing.”


Nagamootoo, during an interview yesterday, said that it is clear as day to see that there are ‘Sinecure appointments’ (persons past political prime)” being paid by Office of the President as well as numerous Freedom House operatives.

He said that it is unfair of the government to be asking sections of the population such as Linden to take on additional hardships while others are being rewarded for next to nothing with super salaries.

Nagamootoo reminded of a proposal recently to pay cane cutters $800 per punt of cane when others were being paid more than 800 per cent above the average worker.

He said that “it is disgraceful that Office of the President would be running a Dharm Shala for friends and cronies.”

Nagamootoo was adamant that it is equally “disgraceful that this is happening under the watch of a government that champions the working class.”

The AFC Member of Parliament pointed to what he called persons being paid by Office of the President to be ‘ghost writers.”

He identified a David DeGroot and asks, “What else could this man be paid for?  What else does he do at Office of the President?” asked Nagamootoo.

He was adamant that this has nothing to do with personal attacks against individuals, but he queried how the Freedom House Secretary, Chitraykha Dass, could be earning more than $250,000 payable from Office of the President.

As the House prepared to debate a motion of no confidence against Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee this past Wednesday, the information was made available as a result of a request by A Partnership for National Unity’s Joseph Harmon.

The APNU Executive Member had requested the names and designations of persons terminated as a result of the 2012 Budgetary Cuts.

The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.

According to the information which was presented by Dr. Singh in the House on Wednesday, Mahendra Roopnarine, earns $395,000 per month and the salary is paid by Office of the President.

His designation is listed as “Press Undersecretary, OPL” whose salary payable at the end of last month was $395,000.

Roopnarine currently hosts the weekly programme “Getting it Right,” which was previously undertaken by the then Junior Health Minister Bheri Ramsaran.

Roopnarine was also a staple on pro-government television channels during the 2011 Election Campaign.

Controversial Office of the President figure, in the person of the President’s Information Liaison Officer, Kwame McCoy is being paid $334,850 per month. McCoy’s designation is listed as a ‘Communications Coordinator.’

It was also revealed that Government Information Agency (GINA) which had its Budget reduced to $1, pays its Director Neaz Subhan $295,530, while GINA’s Editor-in-Chief Shanta Goberdhan earns $295,460 per month.

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon, is listed as being paid by Office of the President, a salary of $895,326 while his Deputy, Hydar Ally is paid $550,064.

Office of the President also pays the son of Former Attorney General, Charles Ramson, $430,196 for the position of Technical Legal Director.

Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who has been retained by Office of the President as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440 for his services while OP’s Protocol Advisor Eshwar Persaud is paid $268,000.

A Cabinet Monitor Officer named Leroy Cort also earns from Office of the President some $155,628.

“Presidential Pol. Liaison Officer” Chitraykha Dass earns $255,000 for his services while Parliamentarian Reverend Kwame Gilbert also receives $294, 585 for his services as a ‘Community Develop. (Social Policy Officer).’

Cheddi Jagan 11, the Attorney-at-Law earns from Office of the President $489,666.

Desmond Kissoon, the Presidential Political Liaison Officer Region Nine, earns some $280,000 while Clive Lloyd, the President’s Advisor on Sports earns $721,000 in this capacity.

Reepu Daman Persaud the ailing Pandit is listed on the June payroll for Office of the President to receive $412,320 for his services as an Advisor to the President while former Regional Chairman for Region Six, Zulfikar Mustapha earns for himself as Head, Community Relations Liaison Officer some $307,600.

Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity, a salary greater than her boss Dr. Lunch.


The APNU Executive Member had requested the names and designations of persons terminated as a result of the 2012 Budgetary Cuts.

The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The APNU Executive Member had requested the names and designations of persons terminated as a result of the 2012 Budgetary Cuts.

The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.

Is all soupatunists. 


Kweshtun for Drugee: Drugmaster, Joe Singh is willing to forfeit one month of his welfare cheque.


Are you willing to giveup one month of your food  stamps?


Yugi, aap Kaise hain swaamiji?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Nagamootoo needs to go back to school or go live in a Jungle. Is he aware that ALL Govt s have high paying Consultants and special Assistants. He really expect a Canecutter to make as much as these People?? If yes, he has to be the BEST COMMUNIST on the bloody Planet.Everytime this man opens his mouth, he spews Garbage and he wanted to be Speaker. He deserves to be locked away in a Basement somewhere. People like him will bring Guyana to the Sewer should they EVER get into POWER!!!1

Let me interpret into english for the masses:

If Nagamootoo becomes president he will be too honest and stop all PPP and government ministers from openly stealing hardworking taxpayers money.


Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The APNU Executive Member had requested the names and designations of persons terminated as a result of the 2012 Budgetary Cuts.

The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.

Is all soupatunists. 

Surprised, that's all, is not a lot of money.  I know non-political guys (private industry senior employees) in GT making USD 5,000 per month.  PPP folks are underpaid.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The APNU Executive Member had requested the names and designations of persons terminated as a result of the 2012 Budgetary Cuts.

The question was posed to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, where it was revealed that another Freedom House operative is paid almost $400,000.

Is all soupatunists. 

Surprised, that's all, is not a lot of money.  I know non-political guys (private industry senior employees) in GT making USD 5,000 per month.  PPP folks are underpaid.

LOL! Is this not stealing by paying the Freedumb house operative with taxpayers money? How many more phantom operatives are there?


according to Baseman...

De PPP policy is to pay themselves More,

Pay the Workers less.....

and this will guarantee them more votes in de next elections.


Full de Funny fellas pocket, thief as much as you could because PNC use to do that for 28 years.....

Originally Posted by Jalil:

according to Baseman...

De PPP policy is to pay themselves More,

Pay the Workers less.....

and this will guarantee them more votes in de next elections.


Full de Funny fellas pocket, thief as much as you could because PNC use to do that for 28 years.....

Are you saying comrade Baseman is a funny fella?

@Mitwah posted:

Perhaps it's time to bring back Baseman. His Trump is losing.

Perhaps Baseman hiding alone in he Baseless Basement, eating Saltfish and Bake three times daily. Cause Trump was a  Baseless loser, for not knowing that he is now a Bareface loser. 

@Mitwah posted:

Should he be allowed back, he has to promise not to dis the Admin.

Baseless is like Trump, their minds are stuck in one gear, with no oil. He was warned too many times by the admin and like Trump,  will not abide with the rules. 


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