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Former Member

PPP doing all the heavy lifting – Jagdeo on formation of new parties

…says parties not speaking out on major elections issues

While the Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) says it is not fettered by the increased establishment of new political parties, it noted, however, that it seems to be the one doing all the heavy lifting when it comes to speaking out on major issues such as the hosting of the upcoming General and Regional Elections in March next year.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Of recent, there has been an increase in the number of new and small parties entering the political scene.
Speaking at his weekly press conference last week, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said that the formation of these new parties allows for the newcomers to talk about current issues and help in the fight against the excesses of the coalition Government.
However, he noted that this is not happening.
“I don’t hear anybody fighting for probity at GECOM (Guyana Elections Commission), and a clean [voters’] list, and free and [fair] elections, and all of that. I don’t hear them speak about these issues. It seems as though we have to do all the heavy lifting on these matters. I would welcome their involvement in these other issues…” Jagdeo contended.
Only two weeks ago, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) said it is not threatened by these new entries into the political scene.
This was expressed by PNCR’s executive member, retired Rear Admiral Gary Best when he was asked about the implications these small parties can have on the traditional voting patterns in Guyana. According to Best, these new parties bring nothing new to the table that has not been raised before.
The PNCR is among the five members that formulated APNU which formed a coalition with the Alliance For Change (AFC) in 2015 to get into office.
The PNCR-led APNU also comprises of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), Justice For All Party (JFAP), National Front Alliance (NFA) and the Guyana Action Party (GAP).
Earlier this month it was revealed by APNU Leader, President David Granger, that the partnership is in talks with one of the new small parties – Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), after its founder, Lenox Shuman, reached out for discussions.
Meanwhile, at last week’s press conference, the Opposition Leader posited that there is space for persons to form new parties if they want to but warned that they should not be coming after the PPP.
“I saw one [member] of one of the parties saying some very derogatory things about the People’s Progressive Party and I have not responded as yet because that particular person, he is dissatisfied because of corruption within APNU (A Partnership of National Unity – the largest fraction of the coalition Administration). He wanted something too and he didn’t get the perk there, another APNU person got the perk…”
Jagdeo continued that “If you criticise us we will defend ourselves but right now we are not picking a fight with anyone. They have a space, they have a right to do so – to create political parties… It’s a free country [and] people have a right to set up whatever party they want”.

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“I saw one [member] of one of the parties saying some very derogatory things about the People’s Progressive Party and I have not responded as yet because that particular person, he is dissatisfied because of corruption within APNU (A Partnership of National Unity – the largest fraction of the coalition Administration). He wanted something too and he didn’t get the perk there, another APNU person got the perk…”
Jagdeo continued that “If you criticise us we will defend ourselves but right now we are not picking a fight with anyone. They have a space, they have a right to do so – to create political parties… It’s a free country [and] people have a right to set up whatever party they want”.


Jags is the official opposition leader who has to hold press conferences. President Ali time will come. He still wearing short pants and polishing up his recent DR DR accomplishment. 

TK jealous bad bad. He padna Labba seh suh.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

I think ANUG presidential candidate Ralph Ramkarran expressed disfavor with some GECOM actions. The other mini parties are tight-lipped.

How come he did not find mouth when BJ took away the PPP and kicked them all to the curb but now dem find mouth to attack?

Gilbakka posted:

I think ANUG presidential candidate Ralph Ramkarran expressed disfavor with some GECOM actions. The other mini parties are tight-lipped.

And Shuman is busy lobbying the PNC/APNU for the PM position.

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

When will Hon Dr Jagdeo allow Dr Irfan Ali 😁 more frontline exposure?

Good observation, it’s time man. 

And the man in now a Dr, time to kick some butt!


The PPP/PNC would never tell you that they're worried about smaller parties surfacing, but they do. The 2020 election is too important to play a losing game. It's all about "wait and see" how things play out. 

Sean posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I think ANUG presidential candidate Ralph Ramkarran expressed disfavor with some GECOM actions. The other mini parties are tight-lipped.

And Shuman is busy lobbying the PNC/APNU for the PM position.

I believe the PNC hardliners view the Amerindian vote as more viable and attractive than the Indian vote. So I see an alliance between the 1st and the 2nd people to relegate the 3rd people!

PPP always trying to appease to no avail. PNC more practical, they appease the AFC cane cutters just to get over the top, now the ain’t worth much!


The PPP might be making a strategic mistake by not engaging with Shuman. The Amerindian vote is critical. 

They need to broaden the Civic component of the party. 

Internal polling numbers are showing a PPP majority but Shuman is like buying insurance, you never know. Despite the small parties passing gas, every single vote is crucial.

Last edited by Former Member

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