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yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

I do not know that they are running the country to the ground. To the contrary, they cleaned up the city, is rehabilitating stabroek wharf and kitty market, stopped the 500 container of unprocessed hardwoods from leaving, is regularizing mining, has practically wiped out the parallel underground economy by stepping up monitoring of the money laundering, gold smuggling, tax fraud etc.  They have a long way to go given the state the PPP left the economy and civil society so I give them good marks since they entered office. You can hyperventilate on pol pot but the PPP killed some 400 I do not know they iced anybody to date.

The clean up of the city was at gained at the neglect of the rural Indian areas, a redistribution of resources from Indian to Black areas. Also it was private people involved mostly in the cleanup, my family alone were responsible for paying workers and hauling 50 truck loads of garbage out of GT. The Stabroek warf is not rehabilitated so please don't toot your horn before the job is done or even started. What good is it if 500 containers of wood is being held to rot when the trees are already felled? There is no evidence that afc/apnu had anything to do with regularizing mining or that it is actually true. Many miners closed down their operations due to low gold prices and the Brazilians have gone back home due to depressed prices.  Also your claim of parallel underground economy being wiped out is a blatant lie as there is no evidence of it. What is your benchmark measurement of this? The chronicle and kaiteur prattle?  Also there is no evidence that the PPP killed 400 people, this is merely claims by anti ppp operatives. 


I want to say that many people who watch the political discussions on GNI are very impressed with your posts. I've been told that you alone are capable of battling the AFC/APNU team. Keep up the good work.  Our Amerindian brother, Stormy, has become ineffective as a defender of the Granger regime.

The people who watch are not all PPP sheep. And if they are impressed by the posts of that PPP shill my writing is not intended for them. It is intended for people with an independent mind that is concerned for our nation and not for the PPP or the APNU or any of the alphabet soup of parties.  I do not defend Granger. I defend my country.

Your posts don't reflect what you want us to believe about you. You have become an angry man.

And he is also attempting to sell PNC snake oil. Guyanese will NEVER be fooled again, never.

Sell Storm, Sell. Nobody is buying.

Storm, talk is cheap and you can prove ZERO of your claims, yes ZERO of your claims.


You are right nobody is buying...nobodies like you.  Do you know what constitute proof you semi literate moron?


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