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Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted: "I am not Indo-Centric"

This is a true statement. Give Django his jacket. 

Another way of saying he is an intra-racist who fits perfectly with the PNC boys.

Or he has no sense of humility, decency, morality or humanity!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted: "I am not Indo-Centric"

This is a true statement. Give Django his jacket. 

Another way of saying he is an intra-racist who fits perfectly with the PNC boys.

Or he has no sense of humility, decency, morality or humanity!!!!!

I told you umpteen times,you don't know any thing about Django,I doubt you can measure up.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

Time to stand up to dictatorship.  Keep the pressure on, bring the young people out from all over the country and let your voices be heard.  


Most dictators have several characteristics in common. They usually rule autocracies, governments with a single self-appointed leader and no governing body to check his power. Often, dictators have totalitarian regimes, keeping their power through control of the mass media.


PPP mantra,Dictator and Rigging,lick alyuh wounds.

You are here to justify fraud and corruption in the present government. Don't try to be subtle. It's crystal clear to see through you.

The PPP boys you are defending are clean as a whistle,don't take much to see through you either.

There is a huge difference "I am not Indo-Centric"

Nagga did say he is not Indian, I guess ,you are the same.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted: "I am not Indo-Centric"

This is a true statement. Give Django his jacket. 

Another way of saying he is an intra-racist who fits perfectly with the PNC boys.

Or he has no sense of humility, decency, morality or humanity!!!!!

I told you umpteen times,you don't know any thing about Django,I doubt you can measure up.

Measure up to GARBAGE!!  NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!

kp posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

Time to stand up to dictatorship.  Keep the pressure on, bring the young people out from all over the country and let your voices be heard.  


Most dictators have several characteristics in common. They usually rule autocracies, governments with a single self-appointed leader and no governing body to check his power. Often, dictators have totalitarian regimes, keeping their power through control of the mass media.


PPP mantra,Dictator and Rigging,lick alyuh wounds.

You are here to justify fraud and corruption in the present government. Don't try to be subtle. It's crystal clear to see through you.

The PPP boys you are defending are clean as a whistle,don't take much to see through you either.

There is a huge difference "I am not Indo-Centric"

Nagga did say he is not Indian, I guess ,you are the same.

Ok boss let us clear it up,Indian to the bone,two weeks ago traced my Indian Ancestry,my great,great grandfather came with his pregnant wife and three children from Ghazipur,in the year 1869 destined to Hague WCD,his last child was born on the ship,I have digital copies of their documents and the year they died.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted: "I am not Indo-Centric"

This is a true statement. Give Django his jacket. 

Another way of saying he is an intra-racist who fits perfectly with the PNC boys.

Or he has no sense of humility, decency, morality or humanity!!!!!

I told you umpteen times,you don't know any thing about Django,I doubt you can measure up.

Measure up to GARBAGE!!  NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!

You may think you are superior,that's how Christmas Blow Blow carry themselves.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

Time to stand up to dictatorship.  Keep the pressure on, bring the young people out from all over the country and let your voices be heard.  


Most dictators have several characteristics in common. They usually rule autocracies, governments with a single self-appointed leader and no governing body to check his power. Often, dictators have totalitarian regimes, keeping their power through control of the mass media.


PPP mantra,Dictator and Rigging,lick alyuh wounds.

You are here to justify fraud and corruption in the present government. Don't try to be subtle. It's crystal clear to see through you.

The PPP boys you are defending are clean as a whistle,don't take much to see through you either.

There is a huge difference "I am not Indo-Centric"

Nagga did say he is not Indian, I guess ,you are the same.

Ok boss let us clear it up,Indian to the bone,two weeks ago traced my Indian Ancestry,my great,great grandfather came with his pregnant wife and three children from Ghazipur,in the year 1869 destined to Hague WCD,his last child was born on the ship,I have digital copies of their documents and the year they died.

That's nice to know. But I would hesitate to post personal info here. Some peeps would try to use it against you. 

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
alena06 posted:

Time to stand up to dictatorship.  Keep the pressure on, bring the young people out from all over the country and let your voices be heard.  


Most dictators have several characteristics in common. They usually rule autocracies, governments with a single self-appointed leader and no governing body to check his power. Often, dictators have totalitarian regimes, keeping their power through control of the mass media.


PPP mantra,Dictator and Rigging,lick alyuh wounds.

You are here to justify fraud and corruption in the present government. Don't try to be subtle. It's crystal clear to see through you.

The PPP boys you are defending are clean as a whistle,don't take much to see through you either.

There is a huge difference "I am not Indo-Centric"

Nagga did say he is not Indian, I guess ,you are the same.

Ok boss let us clear it up,Indian to the bone,two weeks ago traced my Indian Ancestry,my great,great grandfather came with his pregnant wife and three children from Ghazipur,in the year 1869 destined to Hague WCD,his last child was born on the ship,I have digital copies of their documents and the year they died.

That's nice to know. But I would hesitate to post personal info here. Some peeps would try to use it against you. 

Bhai, that's limited info,i don't worry with folks who uses personnel to get back at you.

Cobra posted:

I don't dislike Moses Nagamootoo of being the PM of the coalition government, but I dispies his dishonesy of labellng the opposition as hooligans at the parliament today. He is trying to make Granger look like Saint which he is not. Moses on the other hand and his now PNC colleagues have all engaged in hooliganism in the dishonorable house. Moses shouldn't play like people are forgetful of what's taking place in his HO house.

The PPP has yet to disclose how Granger's action was unconstitutional.

1.  The Carter protocol wasn't enshrined in the constitution.

2.  Granger had no obligation to follow precedent unless obligated to by the constitution.

It is in fact the constitution which is flawed.  Please note Jagdeo's SILENCE on this fact!

Mars posted:
RiffRaff posted:

there is something off when you see protestors in suits.....just does not work....

I would not trust someone who wears a suit to protest

Usually PPP protesters are bussed in from Berbice for a fried rice and a Banks beer or a Pepsi. 

Now that they can no longer use taxpayer funds to feed PPP protestors apparently only a dozen or so show up.

One can only guess how many Guyanese really care about this issue.  Something tells me no more than those who care about transgender bathrooms.

kp posted:

Nagga did say he is not Indian, I guess ,you are the same.

Indians are born in India and are citizens of that nation.  Does this apply to you, or are you a Guyanese of East Indian descent.  In fact THAT is how Nagamootoo described himself.

I suggest that all of those who think that they are "Indians" and NOT Guyanese fund their return trip to India and leave the rest of us alone.

Gilbakka posted:

When Nagamootoo utters the word "hooliganism" he must be reminded that his PNC partners are proven masters of hooliganism. During the 2015 election campaign a PNC woman in Warlock East Ruimveldt spread a PPP flag on the road and urinated on it:


And Granger condemned that behavior and told them to stop harassing people who they assumed were PPP supporters.

When PPP supporters had black dolls hanging from trees to simulate a lynching did Jagdeo condemn this?  No.  Just as he never condemned that infamous Chronicle article which lambasted blacks as being savages.

I see that Gilbakka has run back to the PPP now that his PPP massa has blown his horn.  No surprise to me.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Nagga did say he is not Indian, I guess ,you are the same.

Indians are born in India and are citizens of that nation.  Does this apply to you, or are you a Guyanese of East Indian descent.  In fact THAT is how Nagamootoo described himself.

I suggest that all of those who think that they are "Indians" and NOT Guyanese fund their return trip to India and leave the rest of us alone.

You would like that,so you can have an all Black state,boats don't sail to Africa.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

. What they are upset about is the blatant disregard for the Carter formula

And why are they bothered when they have been very silent on the whole issue of the constitution.

The Carter formula is NOT part of the constitution and so failure to adhere to it is NOT illegal.

caribny posted:

When PPP supporters had black dolls hanging from trees to simulate a lynching did Jagdeo condemn this?  No.  Just as he never condemned that infamous Chronicle article which lambasted blacks as being savages. [This is a valid observation, Carib]

I see that Gilbakka has run back to the PPP now that his PPP massa has blown his horn.  No surprise to me. [I don't get your drift here. My political views are now sympathetic to the PPP, thanks to APNU+AFC deception and wrongdoings. But in practical terms I have no "PPP massa" since I'm not in contact with the PPP leadership. Furthermore, as you might have noticed, I am still criticizing the PPP as I did yesterday.]


caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

When Nagamootoo utters the word "hooliganism" he must be reminded that his PNC partners are proven masters of hooliganism. During the 2015 election campaign a PNC woman in Warlock East Ruimveldt spread a PPP flag on the road and urinated on it:


And Granger condemned that behavior and told them to stop harassing people who they assumed were PPP supporters.


Please cite where Granger condemned this behavior and told them to stop harassing people who they assumed were PPP supporters.

Gilbakka posted:
. [I don't get your drift here. My political views are now sympathetic to the PPP, 


So you join the PPP in celebrating the illegal constitution instead of insisting that the PPP and the coalition government and civic society make it a priority to replace Burnham's virus which he concocted to ensure that he be allowed to operate above the law.

Jagdeo bangs his drum and all his slaves come home, not even insisting that Jagdeo should prioritize changing the constitution.

Do you not think it interesting this focus on national elections, from the same man who had no interest in local gov't elections, and the same man who screamed that Guyana constitution is the "most advanced in the English speaking Caribbean".

Yes the illegal concoction of Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham being praised by Jagdeo and Jagdeo holding this same fraud as sacrosanct.

Guyanese truly deserve every bit of ridicule that they face in the Caribbean.  Some people from the DR said, and this when the PPP was still in power, that in their opinion Guyana was only marginally better than Haiti.  The DR of course having its own problems with governance.

ksazma posted:


Please cite where Granger condemned this behavior and told them to stop harassing people who they assumed were PPP supporters.

Given that you were an enthusiastic supporter of PPP racism, even screaming that Indians led everything because blacks are incompetent, I don't owe any explanation to you.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Please cite where Granger condemned this behavior and told them to stop harassing people who they assumed were PPP supporters.

Given that you were an enthusiastic supporter of PPP racism, even screaming that Indians led everything because blacks are incompetent, I don't owe any explanation to you.

I didn't say that you owe me anything. However, it looks like you don't owe yourself any respect either.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

When Nagamootoo utters the word "hooliganism" he must be reminded that his PNC partners are proven masters of hooliganism. During the 2015 election campaign a PNC woman in Warlock East Ruimveldt spread a PPP flag on the road and urinated on it:


And Granger condemned that behavior and told them to stop harassing people who they assumed were PPP supporters.


Please cite where Granger condemned this behavior and told them to stop harassing people who they assumed were PPP supporters.

That LTING PIECE OF CRAP has no evidence and since his head is stuck up his Kakahole, he is speaking with his Batty. Typical RACIST PIG abs SLAVE !!! Toby is going to die a friggin SLAVE!!!!

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:
. [I don't get your drift here. My political views are now sympathetic to the PPP, 


So you join the PPP ....

Jagdeo bangs his drum and all his slaves come home, not even insisting that Jagdeo should prioritize changing the constitution.


Whatever more you're trying to extract or extort from me, you won't get it. I shall not be bullied to write anything to please you or anyone.

I refuse to look over my shoulder when I state my views here. With patience and respect I already elaborated to you why I've shifted my political sympathies back to the PPP. I stressed that neither Jagdeo nor race determined my decision. In turn, you've addressed me with words like "PPP massa" and Jagdeo's "slaves".

Let me tell you this. You're bloody mistaken to think that all those APNU+AFC deserters like myself have mindlessly gone over to a PPP slave ship or barrack yard or bound-coolie yard.

I have observed lately a general tendency in social media to suggest that the PPP is a racial party and that all Indians who associate with the PPP are congenital or closet racial bigots. This is a false, dangerous and divisive claim. 

Moving on, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION as a basic human right. For all its flaws, the Fundamental Rights Section of the Guyana Constitution guarantees Freedom of Association. Gilbakka is committing no crime by associating with the PPP now. I owe no one an explanation.

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:
I don't get your drift here. My political views are now sympathetic to the PPP, 


So you join the PPP ....

Jagdeo bangs his drum and all his slaves come home, not even insisting that Jagdeo should prioritize changing the constitution.


Whatever more you're trying to extract or extort from me, you won't get it. I shall not be bullied to write anything to please you or anyone.

I refuse to look over my shoulder when I state my views here. With patience and respect I already elaborated to you why I've shifted my political sympathies back to the PPP. I stressed that neither Jagdeo nor race determined my decision. In turn, you've addressed me with words like "PPP massa" and Jagdeo's "slaves".

Let me tell you this. You're bloody mistaken to think that all those APNU+AFC deserters like myself have mindlessly gone over to a PPP slave ship or barrack yard or bound-coolie yard.

I have observed lately a general tendency in social media to suggest that the PPP is a racial party and that all Indians who associate with the PPP are congenital or closet racial bigots. This is a false, dangerous and divisive claim. 

Moving on, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION as a basic human right. For all its flaws, the Fundamental Rights Section of the Guyana Constitution guarantees Freedom of Association. Gilbakka is committing no crime by associating with the PPP now. I owe no one an explanation.

Carib like using code words on people who don't agree with him. He does the same to me although he doesn't even know me personally. It may just be that I am more friendly with black people than he is with non-black people but that is beside the point. He feels that he can label Indians as slaves even if he doesn't think he has the need to prove his argument. When someone like myself show him proof of the many instances where black folks are involved in bad, dangerous and criminal behavior, he brushes it off as racism. He prefer to brush off the realities of South Central Los Angeles, Chicago, New York (preferably Brooklyn and the Bronx), Liberty City, Tiger Bay, to name a few as racism even though the evidence is smacking him in the face. I can freely mention the ills of these places because I am also critical of the ills amongst my own kind whether it is race or religion. Carib hasn't been able to cross that threshold as yet. Maybe he is in denial. The time has come for Muslims to stop making excuses for their conditions. The same with others including blacks. Likewise the people of Guyana.


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