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APNU+AFC Media Release


Thursday, March 19, 2015


PPP singing the tune of change - engaging in a campaign of intellectual bootlegging


GEORGETOWN – The APNU+AFC has noted that even the PPP has recognized that IT IS TIME for change and is singing the tune along with the Guyanese people.

The PPP, on the evening of Wednesday March 18, released their campaign song titled “IT IS TIME” which shamelessly copies the APNU+AFC campaign slogan.

APNU+AFC welcomes the PPP to the movement of change which is taking Guyana by storm and which shows every indication of reaching its crescendo on May 11.

“The Coalition however also recognizes that the PPP has also once again demonstrated that it is bereft of ideas and lacks originality. This, the Coalition believes, is a pattern of behavior which has become synonymous with the PPP,” said APNU+AFC Chief Communications Officer Imran Khan.

In their opening campaign infomercial featuring Donald Ramotar, the PPP copied, wholesale, a presentation by US President Barack Obama and was widely shamed and mocked when this was exposed. Then Ramotar’s son, Alexei Ramotar squatted on APNU+AFC internet domain names. The PPP then went on to copy the Move Forward (as developed and promoted by Youth Moving Forward) and Vote Like A Boss (as developed and promoted by Guyana National Youth Council) slogans for their social media efforts.

“The PPP is engaging in a campaign of intellectual bootlegging,” Khan said.

“This is wholesale copying, quasi-plagiarism and pilfering of ideas and slogans speaks to the PPP being bankrupt when it comes to intellectual capacity, creativity and originality. And it comes from a party which was belligerent and vociferous in its attempt to defend plagiarism, a position from which it had to recant after being widely condemned,” Khan added.

“It also appears as though that the PPP is incapable of convincing Guyanese of posing for photos to be used in their beleaguered and floundering campaign as they have been using stock photos with American and overseas models,” Khan explained.

“This,” Khan said, “is more evidence that the PPP has lost the confidence of the Guyanese people who are fed up with their mismanagement and are longing for change.”

APNU+AFC believes that the behavior of the PPP is a pattern which has a history of showing scant regard for the laws of Guyana, for decency, for morals and for behavior consistent with socially acceptable levels of good conduct.

APNU+AFC calls on all Guyanese to reject the PPP’s intellectual pilfering and condemn this practice in the strongest possible terms by voting for change on May 11. IT IS TIME the intellectually bankrupt PPP is removed from government, having demonstrated incapacity and rank incompetence in managing the affairs of the state.


Source APNU-AFC Facebook Press Release


The PPP is a copycat party, plain and simple.

Nandlall bragged that "QC people running dis country" but none of the PPP's QC stars can come up with an original idea.

It's great to see APNU+AFC exposing those Freedom House frauds.

Let the Guyanese voters see for themselves that APNU+AFC is innovative and forward looking while the moribund PPP is empty-headed and backward looking.


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