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PPP exposes APNU’s flip flop on the education sector


Written by, Wednesday, 04 September 2013 00:01, Source - Guyana Chronicle


THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) says it finds the call for a Commission of Inquiry into the public education system by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) misplaced and generally designed to politically grandstand on such a crucial sector.

“We are fully aware that the education system is not perfect; hence the many efforts, inclusive of forging partnerships with critical stakeholders to improve problem areas,” the party said in a statement yesterday.


In fact, it was made public during the 2013 budget debate in the National Assembly that a new five-year strategic plan for the sector is being crafted, taking into consideration the complexities of the challenges and efforts to overcome them in the shortest possible timeframe.

This however, cannot hide the revolutionary strides of Guyana’s education sector over the past two decades.

According to the PPP, for the first time in our history, universal access to primary education has been achieved and efforts are underway towards repeating this feat in the area of secondary education.

The party alluded to the fact that Guyana’s efforts have been internationally recognised with U.N. Head Mr. Ban Ki Moon selecting President Donald Ramotar to be a member of the United Nations Steering Committee to examine the world’s education system and make recommendations for its improvement.

Testimony to the commitment of the PPP in this regard is the fact that from 2008 to 2013, some 139 billion dollars was allocated to finance the National Education Strategic plan.

Over $1.2 billion was spent last year on the National School Feeding programme benefitting 64,000 students, close to 300 million was spent on the national school uniform project benefitting 190,000 students in nursery, primary and secondary schools. Efforts continue to train our teachers in several subject areas, in fact close to 3000 were trained in ICT last year.

Added to this is the One Laptop per Family Project and the Fibre Optic project which aims to provide internet access to each and every school which will revolutionise access to educational material, research and training, the PPP stated.

It also alluded to the possibility of virtual classrooms where highly specialised teachers could access classrooms from all across Guyana which will now be possible with the advent of this project.

These, the PPP said,  are just some of the initiatives which will revolutionise Guyana’s education system and provide equitable access to quality education for all of our children.

How can APNU explain their Shadow Minister of Education, Ms. Amna Ally praising the Minister of Education Mrs. Priya Manickchand for the sterling work she has been doing in the sector during the budget debate and now, a few months after, the very Ms. Ally is saying the education sector is in crisis, the PPP questioned.

“The confusion is even greater when on one hand Ms. Ally during the budget debate of 2013, chastised the PPP/C Government for building new schools across Guyana in our efforts to provide easier access to education for children of all communities, but then on the other hand, APNU’s leader Mr. David Granger sitting right next to Ms. Ally on August 23rd 2012 attacked Government for not building new schools fast enough, where he referred to the dropout rates in communities because completing secondary schools in some areas usually take students far from the communities where they reside.”

“The APNU leadership needs to make up their mind on what their position really is as these contradicting statements and grandstanding by no stretch of the imagination will benefit our children or the education sector,” the PPP declared.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) says it finds the call for a Commission of Inquiry into the public education system by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) misplaced and generally designed to politically grandstand on such a crucial sector.

“We are fully aware that the education system is not perfect; hence the many efforts, inclusive of forging partnerships with critical stakeholders to improve problem areas,” the party said in a statement yesterday.

No educational system in the world is perfect; however the efforts to always seek improvements should be noted by the administrators.


Guyana continues to have the WORST educational system in the English speaking Caribbean.  The PPP has had 21 years to fix the problems thatthey encountered.  The kids taking CXC exans were not even born when the PPP took over.  So why is the PPP using the PNC as an excuse when they have had 21 years to fix the problem.  AND unlike virtually all of their counterparts in the English speaking Caribbean Guyana benefitted MASSIVERLY from debt forgiveness which freed up significant amounts of the budget to be used for educational, rather than for debt service.


The problem is that the best teachers either leave Guyana or focus on proving private lessons, available only to kids from affluent families.


Why doesnt the PPP take a page from the PNP in Jamaica.  Rather than casting blame they recognized that the performance of Jamaican kids was abysmal and rapid remedies needed to be put in place to fix the problem.  Jamaican kids outperformed Guyanese...this being to Guyana's shame because Jamaica has always been well known in having an atrocious system for kids outside of the elites.


The PPP needs to go back to the drawing board becasue what ever they are doing clearly isnt working.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

No educational system in the world is perfect; however the efforts to always seek improvements should be noted by the administrators.

Jamaica admits they have have serious problems even though only 38% got grades I-III in maths.  Only 28% of Guyanese acheived this and yet the PPP wants to be praised??????!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP has had 21 years to fix the problems thatthey encountered.  The kids taking CXC exans were not even born when the PPP took over.


So why is the PPP using the PNC as an excuse when they have had 21 years to fix the problem.

The PNC created the problem during its twenty eight years - 1964 to 1992 - in Government.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP has had 21 years to fix the problems thatthey encountered.  The kids taking CXC exans were not even born when the PPP took over.


So why is the PPP using the PNC as an excuse when they have had 21 years to fix the problem.

The PNC created the problem during its twenty eight years - 1964 to 1992 - in Government.

This year CXC graduates were all born and educated after '92 but if you want to blame the PNC prior to '92 go ahead but would be shooting yourself in the foot because because you worked for the PNC during those years...

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The PNC created the problem during its twenty eight years - 1964 to 1992 - in Government.

How is the PNC to blame when none of the kids who are currently being miseducated were born then?  These kids began school around 2002.  The PPP had already been in power for 10 years by then.


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