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PPP exposes blackmail attempts, threats to its Prime Ministerial candidate





The People’s Progressive Party today exposed threats as well as blackmail attempts directed towards its Prime Ministerial candidate, Elisabeth Harper. In a release issued by the party Mrs Harper said since being selected as the running mate of incumbent President Donald Ramotar there were attempts by a known individual to blackmail and extort her in regards to a legal dispute between her son and his former business partners. She provided 2 emails to support her claim.


One of the emails which emanated from ‘’ has ‘APNU/AFC are offering me US$ 5 MM to expose you and your son.... what say you?’ as the subject. The other which came from ‘’ the author wrote “I will wait for his response. But time is scarce. We don't have too many options left. We will pull the trigger if we need to. We need our obligation satisfied ASAP”.

Since being selected as the PPPC Prime Ministerial candidate Harper has come under attack from the political opposition and its supporters. Businessman and BLUE CAPS founder Clinton Urling also suffered a similar fate with calls of a boycott of his fast food restaurant being made.


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Yes....they are going to black mail here and not lit a fire under her backsides for having dubious business dealings. I guess this is like Crumb being killed by the opposition or the protesters in linden shooting themselves. The PPP is as credible as Pinocchio.

Originally Posted by alena06:

This needs to be escalated pronto to the International Community.

They are not as gullible as PPP supporters in need of some oxygen in their campaign.


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