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Netanyahu: Time to Work Together

It’s time to put all the differences aside and work together, Netanyahu tells the members of his new government during their first meeting.
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By Elad Benari
First Publish: 3/19/2013, 12:13 AM


It’s time to put all the differences aside and work together, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the members of his new government during their first meeting on Monday evening, shortly after they were sworn in at the Knesset.

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PPP continue to bully opposition.   HEAR THE GADAHA SPEAK.



Jagdeo attacks Nigel Hughes

October 25, 2011 | By | Filed Under News 



…accuses him of being an associate of criminals

“I (Jagdeo) appoint senior counsel…He will never be a Senior Counsel once I am President and I don’t know whether Donald Ramotar will ever give him because he is a drug dealers’ Lawyer”

Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo on Sunday, during his party’s most recent election campaign rally in

Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo making the charges against Nigel Hughes

Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, delivered a scathing attack on several members of the Opposition including Attorney-At-Law Nigel Hughes of the Alliance for Change (AFC).
Jagdeo stopped just short of implicating Attorney Hughes in the 2003 murder of Buxtonian Brian Hamilton but did say that he suspects the attorney was present at the time of the killing.
The 35-year-old father of one was shot and killed by one or more gunmen as he sat in the office of his Buxton Public Road gas station.
Jagdeo, over the past few weeks, has been on the campaign trail, at times spewing venomous attacks on persons opposed to him and the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C).
Hughes has been quickly rising in the ranks of the AFC and has now attracted the brunt of the ire of the president who painted him as an attorney for ‘drug-dealers.’
Jagdeo did not seek to disguise his attack on Hughes, vowing that under his Presidency, Hughes would never be appointed a Senior Counsel.
Jagdeo also accused Hughes as the person on the AFC’s platform peddling racism. “They (AFC) got a man called Nigel Hughes to do the dirty work…he has gone on their platform and peddling the race line.”
The President disclosed that the administration knows Hughes as a man that has lobbied, “a lot of people to become Senior Counsels…I (Jagdeo) appoint Senior Counsels…He will never be a Senior Counsel once I am president and I don’t know whether Donald Ramotar will ever give him because he is a drug dealers’ lawyer.”

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Dem Guy, in a relationship it is always the stronger party that has to make the first move. 


The PPP got to make the first move brother!

A workable relationship requires each party to approach the others.


When has the PNC/AF - firmly intertwined - taken the steps to work cooperatively with the PPP/C government and the members?


The PPP will not kiss ass to a one seat majority party on any issue. What is this great majority you talking about when the PPP is the executive and ruling party? You showing off you blasted self? 


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