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Former Member

Commissioner Benn needs to present evidence of ethnic imbalance, provide solutions

Dear Editor,

A few years ago, on the eve of the determination of Gocool Boodoo`s contract as the Chief Election Officer of the Guyana Elections Commission, the People`s Progressive Party took to the media accusing the “PNCR” Commissioners of targeting Indo-Guyanese for dismissal. On that occasion I was forced to break my silence. I made it known publicly that it was Gocool Boodoo who initiated and insisted on the dismissal of two Indo-Guyanese senior staffers of GECOM.

On that occasion, the PPP`s resort to ethnic politics, to have Boodoo retained by GECOM, did not work. Boodoo`s contract was not renewed and GECOM no longer had to contend with a CEO who on two occasions, 2006 and 2011, personally presented and vowed for the wrong results of those elections.

Now, on the eve of the determination of Vishnu Persaud`s retention by GECOM, the PPP in the person of spin-doctor Roger Luncheon has once again employed the said approach by going to the media and purporting to have been informed that the PNC commissioners are “Giving low to zero scores to candidates of Indian origin” and “Finding extraneous reasons for eliminating top rank candidates of Indian origin.”  

There are two issues at hand, here. 1. There is no such thing as party commissioners, although that is the exact way that the commissioners appointed by Jagdeo allow themselves to be described. In fact, they act as party representatives rather than constitutional officers nominated by the Leader of the Opposition. They even turn-up at Jagdeo`s political press conferences to take partisan positions on matters pertaining to GECOM. 2. Since when is Mr. Desmond Trotman a PNC or its representative? Mr. Trotman, of the WPA, was appointed by the President after consultations with his coalition partners. It is important to note that Trotman was nominated to be a commissioner after his party had publicly indicated that it would not support or condone rigging of the elections. It is my understanding that Trotman was one of the persons who crafted WPA’s statement prior to its release. To label Trotman as a PNC can only be an attempt to mobilize support on the usual anti-PNC and associated ethnic politics of the PPP.

I will not be drawn into the unethical behaviour of discussing the Vishnu Persaud matter in public since it is still, as I write this letter, to be determined by the Commission. However, it would be remiss of me if I did not disclose that the granting of high and low scores including perfect scores is a precedent created by a PPP-nominated commissioner. Luncheon must be judging others by the known standards of his colleagues.

To date, three potential employees have been identified by GECOM. Of the three, one, who has been identified to fill the most critical of the positions is an Indo-Guyanese. This position has been the source of much controversy in the past, yet the so-called PNC commissioners also gave the nod to the Indo-Guyanese.

If Commissioner Benn, who is the main protagonist of the ethnic balance mantra, is serious, he needs to come up with an evidential basis for his cry and provide concrete solutions in support of his proposition, rather than providing fodder for the politicians.

Yours faithfully,

Vincent Alexander

GECOM Commissioner

Replies sorted oldest to newest

ronan posted:

Commissioner Benn needs to present evidence of ethnic imbalance, provide solutions

Dear Editor,

A few years ago, on the eve of the determination of Gocool Boodoo`s contract as the Chief Election Officer of the Guyana Elections Commission, the People`s Progressive Party took to the media accusing the “PNCR” Commissioners of targeting Indo-Guyanese for dismissal. On that occasion I was forced to break my silence. I made it known publicly that it was Gocool Boodoo who initiated and insisted on the dismissal of two Indo-Guyanese senior staffers of GECOM.

On that occasion, the PPP`s resort to ethnic politics, to have Boodoo retained by GECOM, did not work. Boodoo`s contract was not renewed and GECOM no longer had to contend with a CEO who on two occasions, 2006 and 2011, personally presented and vowed for the wrong results of those elections.

Now, on the eve of the determination of Vishnu Persaud`s retention by GECOM, the PPP in the person of spin-doctor Roger Luncheon has once again employed the said approach by going to the media and purporting to have been informed that the PNC commissioners are “Giving low to zero scores to candidates of Indian origin” and “Finding extraneous reasons for eliminating top rank candidates of Indian origin.”  

There are two issues at hand, here. 1. There is no such thing as party commissioners, although that is the exact way that the commissioners appointed by Jagdeo allow themselves to be described. In fact, they act as party representatives rather than constitutional officers nominated by the Leader of the Opposition. They even turn-up at Jagdeo`s political press conferences to take partisan positions on matters pertaining to GECOM. 2. Since when is Mr. Desmond Trotman a PNC or its representative? Mr. Trotman, of the WPA, was appointed by the President after consultations with his coalition partners. It is important to note that Trotman was nominated to be a commissioner after his party had publicly indicated that it would not support or condone rigging of the elections. It is my understanding that Trotman was one of the persons who crafted WPA’s statement prior to its release. To label Trotman as a PNC can only be an attempt to mobilize support on the usual anti-PNC and associated ethnic politics of the PPP.

I will not be drawn into the unethical behaviour of discussing the Vishnu Persaud matter in public since it is still, as I write this letter, to be determined by the Commission. However, it would be remiss of me if I did not disclose that the granting of high and low scores including perfect scores is a precedent created by a PPP-nominated commissioner. Luncheon must be judging others by the known standards of his colleagues.

To date, three potential employees have been identified by GECOM. Of the three, one, who has been identified to fill the most critical of the positions is an Indo-Guyanese. This position has been the source of much controversy in the past, yet the so-called PNC commissioners also gave the nod to the Indo-Guyanese.

If Commissioner Benn, who is the main protagonist of the ethnic balance mantra, is serious, he needs to come up with an evidential basis for his cry and provide concrete solutions in support of his proposition, rather than providing fodder for the politicians.

Yours faithfully,

Vincent Alexander

GECOM Commissioner


Its one thing to argue that the PPP was corrupt and took extra-legal means to stay in power. No one questions this, not me. I admitted many times on this site that the PPP leaders believe they will always have a majority to keep them in their corrupt ways as they milk the nation’s resources and wealth.

However, it is quite another to argue blindly, jumping at the “AHA – Gotcha bastards” moment.

Take your mouth out of Alexander’s arse and use your pea brain for a change.

 Alexander is speaking on both sides of his mouth…does he know that KN released some of the numbers? Even if Afros are 46%, there is still an imbalance.

This racial problem keeps coming up and both sides will hurl racial invectives until the cowes come home, like the tribal people Guyanese have been conditioned to become. It cries out for national dialogue…but you think its OK if it was done by the PPP…that’s a recipe for future instability.

Its simple…the Government can shut the PPP down if the numbers are released BY THE GOVERNMENT.

If I accuse the government of recruiting primarily Afros for the army and police, does that mean that I have to show evidence? It may be so in a legal case, but this is a POLITICAL matter, not a LEGAL one, where the government of the day needs to show otherwise…less the Opposition coopt this political space.

VishMahabir posted:


Its one thing to argue that the PPP was corrupt and took extra-legal means to stay in power. No one questions this, not me. I admitted many times on this site that the PPP leaders believe they will always have a majority to keep them in their corrupt ways as they milk the nation’s resources and wealth.

However, it is quite another to argue blindly, jumping at the “AHA – Gotcha bastards” moment.

Take your mouth out of Alexander’s arse and use your pea brain for a change.

 Alexander is speaking on both sides of his mouth…does he know that KN released some of the numbers? Even if Afros are 46%, there is still an imbalance.

This racial problem keeps coming up and both sides will hurl racial invectives until the cowes come home, like the tribal people Guyanese have been conditioned to become. It cries out for national dialogue…but you think its OK if it was done by the PPP…that’s a recipe for future instability.

Its simple…the Government can shut the PPP down if the numbers are released BY THE GOVERNMENT.

If I accuse the government of recruiting primarily Afros for the army and police, does that mean that I have to show evidence? It may be so in a legal case, but this is a POLITICAL matter, not a LEGAL one, where the government of the day needs to show otherwise…less the Opposition coopt this political space.


But don’t take my word for it…less you think there is bias...look at the unedited comments of SN bloggers below:

QUINCY BAILEY • 2 hours ago

My issue is if anyone wants to address this problem let's do it comprehensively don't single out jobs you think will benefit your ethnic group. Let's discuss comprehensive employment that would benefit everyone employment that can keep Guyana on a part to development every time this disgusting chapter in our nation history comes up it seems intelligent people lose their minds which is truly disgusting SHAME ON THE MEN AND WOMEN OF THIS COUNTRY CAN'T YOU SEE ITS THE CAUSE OF OUR SHITHOLE POSITION

 QUINCY BAILEY • 2 hours ago

This is Guyana's major problem but what is amazing is how easy the ppp can find a foot soldier to do its bidding. I guess some folks are just dumb deaf and blind or as they say history just keep repeating it self by the crumbs warriors action

 olson  QUINCY BAILEY • an hour ago

for this purpose was those foot soldier kept within the ranks of the PPP, remember their section commander though advance in age is at PPP HQ spreading his poison on their radio.

Slingshot  QUINCY BAILEY • 2 hours ago

Why not just deal with the issues at hand, rather than throw mud at the PPP...that party is still the major party in Guyana. dont think Alexander doing the PNC bidding??

Raj • 3 hours ago

Provide the evidence and counter evidence and let us move on.

HP • 4 hours ago

"Now, on the eve of the determination of Vishnu Persaud`s retention by GECOM". Can the writer explain how they go about determining retention of a person who is not employed by GECOM.


Burnham-Ghost • 5 hours ago

I dont follow this...why is the onus on Benn and not on the people who do the hiring...GECOM? All they have to do is release the can Benn get that info?

 olson  Burnham-Ghost • an hour ago

what Benn should have done first was thru the Commission request of the CEO such info, he would have then be armed with the official report, but like "all good servant heeding his master call", Benn chooses the best forum to aired his Fake News.

 Kassem_B • 5 hours ago

'I will not be drawn into the unethical behaviour ..'
Then what have you been saying in this article?
You think readers are fools?

Patriot • 5 hours ago

GECOM has provided evidence of the imbalance; 
46% black +20% mixed = 66%.
Indians - 21%

Like somebody didn't tell Alexander that GECOM released the numbers showing a glaring imbalance.

Maharanee • 6 hours ago

Alexander, you are the spin doctor trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Afro-Guyanese are 46% of the GECOM staff when they are less than 30% of the population. In the mixed category are 20% of the staff, many of whom, it is suspected, are really Afro-Guyanese, identified as mixed in order to skew the truth, and together they are 66% of the staff at the secretariat. That is untenable, unacceptable, and suggests racial discrimination, especially since it has now been asserted that Indians are deliberately not being hired in line with the numbers applying.

Indo-Guyanese are almost 40% or more of the population and are only 21% of the staff. Whoever is in charge of recruiting at the secretariat needs to be replaced by a more objective person/persons and all charges of discrimination investigated asap.

This discrimination against Indians is widespread in the public service and even those currently employed are complaining of pressure to resign/leave at NCN, Office of the President, ministry of housing, ministry of finance etc. The public service must reflect the racial composition of the nation. PNC supporters have a habit of saying the reason the public service is overwhelmingly black, about 80% now, is because Indians don't want those jobs. That is a blatant lie. The truth is the entrenched PNC infrastructure ensures that the percentage of Indians in govt service is kept in single digits.

AHAA • 6 hours ago

It rwally is eye pass that you Vincent Alexander can write such nonsense that evidence must be produced about the ethnic imbalance at not clear as daylight ? Do you want a headcount? Ok you can have that.On the scores given to Indians and black it is you and your cohorts who will have to produce the real results and not fake ones since they are in your hands...meaning "your own people". look it is foolhardy to think that right thinking people do not know what are the plans and you are just a part of that playbook.

GT • 9 hours ago

Alexander writes: If Commissioner Benn, who is the main protagonist of the ethnic balance mantra, is serious, he needs to come up with an evidential basis for his cry and provide concrete solutions in support of his proposition",

This is either so much horse dung - or so much Oxford English nonsense.
It is either there is or there is not racial imbalance. Have Alexander himself count the heads of different races - look at the numbers and make his conclusions. The numbers are what they are. Notice how Alexander begins to obfuscate and play games.

Alexander is not done. He says 'Let Benn provide concrete solutions'. Could anyone believe this man's deviousness? Just rewrite the employment handbook - there must racial balance at all govt. offices - and go out and hire to be in full compliance with that rule.
That's all there is to it.

 olson  GT • an hour ago

are you forgetting that it was Benn who made this a public issue, then he should be reprimand for being in a pack room and bawling fire, knowing such is far from the truth. we should be demanding of Benn to show us the facts.

C I Lewis • 9 hours ago

Robeson Benn and Roger Luncheon remind me of " Stephen", the Samuel L.Jackson character in the movie Django Unchained!

Col123  C I Lewis • an hour ago

Ramjattan and Nagamootoo can remind you too...include dem nah!

Kassem_B • 9 hours ago

Mr Alexander
How long more are you going to milk this Boodoo incident to justify everything GECOM is doing?

as long as they are "old guard" of the PPP sitting as Commissioners, remember "Boodoo" now working in PPP HQ, is still hoping to return to GECOM in spite of the fact that Alexander caught him doing what was so wrong.

 Joseph Caleb • 10 hours ago

Commissioner Benn is a blowhard. This is well planned attempt by the PPP to begin planting seeds of discord, mistrust and mischief. Benn is one of the PPP frontmen along with Edgehill, Luncheon, Kwame, the one Jagdeo set up for third term, etc. Ultimately, the goal is to allege plot to rig the election. They are priming the pump. The play has not changed and it's time they get a new playbook...Benn's calculated, shameless and meritless allegation was met with an appropriate but measured response.

Go On Tell We  Joseph Caleb • 2 hours ago

The PNC/APNU are still asking for Proof that they were Rigging Elections and there ever existed a PNC/APNU brutal Dictatorship in Guyana .
With the Dr. Rodney COI Results in what is the Hold Back to release it ?
Do you see a Similar Pattern here from the PNC/APNU ?

Burnham-Ghost  Joseph Caleb • 3 hours ago

Then let them release the numbers and come clean...the PNC when they controlled the institutions of power before...were known riggers...

dougla  Joseph Caleb • 3 hours ago

Do you really believe Guyanese are fools, dis time na lang time,,,

VishMahabir posted:

Alexander is speaking on both sides of his mouth…does he know that KN released some of the numbers? Even if Afros are 46%, there is still an imbalance.
What exactly are you 'refuting' regarding Vincent Alexander you clown? It is Robeson Benn who hollered 90%; according to some news reports he claimed 95%.  But you are unmoved by the truth . . . whining like a retard that there is "still an imbalance."  46% vs. 95%!! The math is not complicated. You are a very stupid man.

This racial problem keeps coming up and both sides will hurl racial invectives until the cowes come home, like the tribal people Guyanese have been conditioned to become. It cries out for national dialogue…but you think its OK if it was done by the PPP…that’s a recipe for future instability.
Your pitiful attempt to muddy the waters and distract with faux high-minded gibberish is noted . . . fortunately, i am here to haul your ass back on track.
Now, Robeson Benn hurling a malicious BIG LIE into the public domain and then run away is NOT a cry for "national dialogue" . . . this kind of nasty, dishonest behavior is acceptable fare for alyuh intellectually barefoot spear carriers when it comes to race. Invincible idiots like you is why the PPP lost and will continue to lose national elections.

Its simple…the Government can shut the PPP down if the numbers are released BY THE GOVERNMENT.
Dunceman, have you even cursorily read the Guyana Constitution?
GECOM "released" the numbers; the "Government" cannot . . . that's outside their remit. Yes, it's THAT "simple"

If I accuse the government of recruiting primarily Afros for the army and police, does that mean that I have to show evidence? 
ahmmmm . . . YES! Do you really, really need me to tell you that?

i am constrained to apply more lash to your already very very scarred behind . . . however, you seem to crave it

suh, whatever floats your boat bai

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:


 But don’t take my word for it…less you think there is bias...look at the unedited comments of SN bloggers below:

responding to your own post and compounding that howler by citing "bloggers" on a newspaper website is a marker for something  . . . i think it's called "pathetic loser"

you just jump the shark banna

look it up


ksazma posted:

Ronan is like Trump. He uses a word or phrase and then essentially says “nobody ever heard of that” 

actually no . . . i ask some people here to look things up because I have very little respect for the 'learning' of people like you . . . that's all

with good reason

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Ronan is like Trump. He uses a word or phrase and then essentially says “nobody ever heard of that” 

actually no . . . i ask some people here to look things up because I have very little respect for the 'learning' of people like you . . . that's all

with good reason

And how would you know what are other people’s learning? Why do you think who you respect matters to others?

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:


 But don’t take my word for it…less you think there is bias...look at the unedited comments of SN bloggers below:

responding to your own post and compounding that howler by citing "bloggers" on a newspaper website is a marker for something  . . . i think it's called "pathetic loser"

you just jump the shark banna

look it up


Thats really funny knucklehead:

...same 2 words we use to describe cool aid drinkers and the paid psychopants whose vulgar propaganda has been exposed...

Pejoratives will not distract me...we  are on to you...but its too early to start the campaign...

Yall really lucky dem people in the Opposition are willing to fight these battles in the public domain and not on the streets..or like Walter said..."by any means necessary"...

Chomp on this one for a bit:

It is a fundamental prerequisite that staff at GECOM reflect face of the Guyanese constituency

Dear Editor,

The Guyana Elections Com-mission is a constitutional commission established by Article 161 of the Constitution. Its functional responsibilities are set out in Article 162. In short, it is the machinery responsible for the conduct of elections, beginning with the registration of electors and concluding with the declaration of results and allocation of seats in the National Assembly. Article 162 (b) mandates it to discharge its functions with “impartiality” and “fairness”. Indeed, the Commission is composed in such a way to achieve this functional objective of “impartiality” and “fairness”. It comprises of 3 Commissioners nominated by the Government and 3 Commissioners nominated by the Political Opposition. The Chairman is appointed by a unique formula which ensures that such an appointment enjoys the confidence of both the Leader of the Opposition and the President. The rationale is simple: this Chairman is intended to maintain that delicate but fundamental balance in the Commission. Thus, he is empowered with a casting vote. It is common knowledge that the current Chairman was not appointed in accordance with this formula. He was unilaterally appointed by the President. Expectedly, the appointment precipitated public dissent. It has been challenged in the Constitutional Court. The decision is set to be handed down on June 8.


The power to appoint important staff to the Secretariat of the Commission resides with the Commission. The political and electoral reality of Guyana is that Guyanese vote, largely, along racial/ethnic lines. Anyone who disputes this reality is unworthy of note and should be ignored. Against this political and electoral reality, it is a fundamental prerequisite that the staff at GECOM must reflect the face of the Guyanese constituency in order for the electoral machinery to enjoy the confidence of the electorate which is so vital, not only for the integrity of the institution and the electoral process, but also for peace and stability in this land.

Recently, I had cause to dispatch a letter to GECOM’s Secretariat, Main Street, Kingston, Georgetown. The letter was delivered by my driver. Upon his return, his first remark to me was that based on his observation, excepting one female staff, every staff he saw at GECOM was from one ethnic group. He proceeded to inform me of the electoral ramifications of his observations. Whether he is right or wrong is immaterial. That is the view of an ordinary Guyanese voter. I have no doubt that such view replicates itself thousands of times over across the length and breadth of this land.

Dr. Roger Luncheon

GECOM is in the process of hiring senior persons for important positions in the hierarchical structure of the Secretariat. The PPP is in receipt of certain crucial information regarding this process. As a result, Dr. Roger Luncheon was moved to issue the following public statement:

“It has been brought to my attention from several sources that the PNC commissioners at GECOM are apparently engaged in a process to eliminating candidates for advertised position at GECOM secretariat.


It would seem that the PNC Commissioners are aiming at such an objective by resorting to the following:


1. Giving low to zero scores to candidates of Indian origin who are short-listed during the interview process while providing high to 100% scores to their preferred candidates;

2. Finding extraneous reasons for eliminating top rank candidates of Indian origin from appointment to positions at the GECOM secretariat.

If these disclosures are confirmed, it would reveal that the practice continues of excluding some ethnicities from GECOM secretariat.

Once confirmed the PPP condemns this practice in the strongest possible terms and will urge the aggrieved candidates to approach the ERC on the ground of Ethnic Discrimination.”

I endorse, fully, the sentiments expressed by my senior colleague. This staff recruitment process at GECOM was visited by another unsavory incident. Commissioner Robeson Benn, at another forum, raised the vexed question of the ethnic composition dominates the staff at the Secretariat of GECOM, as he is entitled to do.  At a meeting of the Commission, the Chairman took issue with Commissioner Benn on his observation and disputes that one ethnic group dominated the staff at the Secretariat. Speaking for myself, this Chairman has no credibility. He is unqualified and unsuited for the position. I said so the moment he was appointed. Again, I am vindicated. Only the blind will not see that one ethnic grouping preponderates the staffing at GECOM Secretariat. Even Commissioner Vincent Alexander has not disputed this fact.

Instead, he chose to speak about a process based upon meritocracy and he calls for evidence. Is Commissioner Alexander asking the nation to accept that only one ethnic grouping in this country is qualified to work at GECOM Secretariat? I hope not. At the same time, I simply refuse to believe that only one ethnic group is applying for jobs at that institution. I know of dozens of persons from one ethnic group, duly qualified, who have applied for advertised positions at the Secretariat but were unsuccessful.  

Yours faithfully,
Anil Nandlall

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:


 But don’t take my word for it…less you think there is bias...look at the unedited comments of SN bloggers below:

responding to your own post and compounding that howler by citing "bloggers" on a newspaper website is a marker for something  . . . i think it's called "pathetic loser"

you just jump the shark banna

look it up


Thats really funny knucklehead:

...same 2 words we use to describe cool aid drinkers and the paid psychopants whose vulgar propaganda has been exposed...

Pejoratives will not distract me...we  are on to you...but its too early to start the campaign...

Yall really lucky dem people in the Opposition are willing to fight these battles in the public domain and not on the streets..or like Walter said..."by any means necessary"...

suh, you gat nothing, eh?

i see yuh 'silent' on meh other post


[i'll deal with Anil's mumbo jumbo separately]


Nothing new the PPP always complains of the GECOM ethnic make up,they raise the red herring when they envision they will be loosing at the polls.

They did the same before the 2015 Elections,then was  Rohee ,now Ben take the position.

Last edited by Django
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...dey will go chuch on Sunday and rig Monday. That Granger puppet Patto bareface. Show abie de elecksun go be free and fair...hey hey hey...

if you can't make a proper contribution, give it a rest banna 

ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...dey will go chuch on Sunday and rig Monday. That Granger puppet Patto bareface. Show abie de elecksun go be free and fair...hey hey hey...

if you can't make a proper contribution, give it a rest banna 

Hey hey you de WPA do gooders one lover bare face juss like de Granger CV pad man? Hey hey hey...

VishMahabir posted:

If these disclosures are confirmed, it would reveal that the practice continues of excluding some ethnicities from GECOM secretariat.

Once confirmed the PPP condemns this practice in the strongest possible terms and will urge the aggrieved candidates to approach the ERC on the ground of Ethnic Discrimination.”


Yours faithfully,
Anil Nandlall

PPP theatre

watch carefully Anil's weasel words

the evidentiary basis of his BS is made of kite paper

look, there ARE issues of ethnic representation that need special attention at GECOM because of the unique/dispositive space that institution occupies in the politics of Guyana

those issues predate the coalition Gov't and is related to the historic patterns we see in the racial makeup of the public service

however, what the PPP is doing in this instance is trolling for something racially divisive and incendiary . . . nothing to do with a search for truth

as long as they can gain racial traction with a lie . . . facts be damned!

does Anil need 'confirmation' that Robeson Benn LIED about 90-95%?

nope, he doesn't care because the noise will drown that out as an issue

these people in Freedom House are dangerous and irresponsible . . . so are the fellow travelers here and elsewhere

they will lose again because nothing good comes out of evil

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Ronan, is BATTY WASHING and ASS KISSING really that satisfying and rewarding?? Did you get lessons from the Namakaram PM or is it something that comes naturally??

true wit requires a certain intelligence

but i'm getting this weird impression that you think you are funny

am i wrong?

Django posted:

Nothing new the PPP always complains of the GECOM ethnic make up,they raise the red herring when they envision they will be loosing at the polls.

They did the same before the 2015 Elections,then was  Rohee ,now Ben take the position.

Due to Burnham style rigging. You nah want fuh put dis down nah? Better raising something rather than sport up and wine down hoping for oil money that won't be there for the next ten years. Starvation guh bruk jackass rass.

ronan posted:
Nehru posted:

Ronan, is BATTY WASHING and ASS KISSING really that satisfying and rewarding?? Did you get lessons from the Namakaram PM or is it something that comes naturally??

true wit requires a certain intelligence

but i'm getting this weird impression that you think you are funny

am i wrong?

Funny?? What is funny about you being the above???  Well, if that is how you see it, be my guest!!!

Nehru posted:
ronan posted:
Nehru posted:

Ronan, is BATTY WASHING and ASS KISSING really that satisfying and rewarding?? Did you get lessons from the Namakaram PM or is it something that comes naturally??

true wit requires a certain intelligence

but i'm getting this weird impression that you think you are funny

am i wrong?

Funny?? What is funny about you being the above???  Well, if that is how you see it, be my guest!!!

i too didn't think it was funny at all; creepy and infantile we can agree, right?

so, when you put in nuff nuff emojis and screaming, it mean you straining to be funny . . . is that rite? 

Last edited by Former Member

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