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Former Member

Motion before Motion:

PPP getting motion before no confidence motion

hence refusal to convene National Assembly.


Governments all over the world

have important business for parliament

but not in Guyana,

it seems where Ramotar bobs,

weaves and ducks from it,

fearing my NCM

would end corrupt, minority rule.


But Parliament will meet, eventually

and will end the carnage of the duckers,

as Martin Carter says,

inevitably and inexorably.


Moses V. Nagamootoo

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Same Game:

Nothing changed. Nothing will.

Not under post-Jagan PPP.


Diwali was used to attack opposition.

Old cuss down.


One lap top

replaced by $$ vouchers

as electioneering gimmick.


Cheap way to mock at people's needs.


Govt running from parliament,

running from democracy.


PPP new slogan:

no parliament is better than new elections.


Moses Nagamootoo

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses's defence of his support for the PPP and why he should be  their Leader, is why the PNC not trusting him.

Rama this is not about

 "De PNC"

not Trusting Moses....


This is not about

"De PNC"

Rigging Elections

from 1964-1992...


This is not about

"De PNC"

and....Who kill Rodney....


This is not about

"De PNC"

Black House of Israel

Thugs & Killers...


This is about

"De PPP"

Being Hijacked by

Jagdeo, Ramotar & "De Funny Fellas"

when Jagan Dead


This is about

"De PPP"

Getting Corrupted & Thiefing  Under

Jagdeo, Ramotar & "De Funny Fellas"


This is about

"De PPP"

Turning to Drug Dealers & Criminals

for Protection.....under

Jagdeo, Ramotar & "De Funny Fellas"



This is about


"De PPP"


Getting getting in Bed

with De Black House of Israel Thugs

and Killers  Under


Jagdeo, Ramotar & "De Funny Fellas"



This is about


"De PPP"


Moving from Democracy to Buggery Under


Jagdeo, Ramotar & "De Funny Fellas"




This is about 


"De PPP"

 Refusing to Call

Local Govt Ellections

Between  1994 - 2014

under .......


Jagdeo, Ramotar & "De Funny Fellas"




This is about


"De PPP"


 Running away from Parliament....Under 


Jagdeo, Ramotar & "De Funny Fellas"



This is about 


"De PPP"


 Hiding from Parliament....

Hiding from De People ...

"No Parliament...... No Election"


Under .....


Jagdeo, Ramotar & "De Funny Fellas"








Govt running from parliament,

running from democracy.


PPP new slogan:

no parliament is better than new elections.



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