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September 20, 2021


Dear Editor,

I am concerned. I hesitated before, gave some time and space; but can’t anymore. I detect already the troubling, the devastating, taking firm hold of this sickly, poor little rich boy of a land.  The Orin Boston killing drove me to this place, as I recognize an early return to the bad ole days of PPP reign.  Because this is Guyana, the evergreens of yesterday, would be considered good by many enraptured citizens.

We have had street executions, which can’t be called nothing else.  I don’t think that any names should be needed, especially that one right near to the official residence of the head of state.  Then, with the execution (what else is it, please?) of Mr. Boston, there is the resurrected jumbie of excessive (to put kindly) or extrajudicial (more bluntly) force by the police.  I always thought that SWAT ops were for extraordinary situations.  Whether it was or wasn’t, it is frightening.  Because I am aware of another situation of approximately a month ago, where a home was invaded, people stripped, guns placed at heads, and a child left traumatized.  Nobody died.   It is in the broader police domain, but not yet in the public one, so I stop.  My point is: could there be the beginnings of the old pattern?  I can’t wait to see what the police professionals come up with for public consumption.  Not the real police, but the police PR pros around for just such circumstances.  Guyanese should brace themselves against fainting from the farces that are sure to surface.  One did already.  It was named ‘confrontation.’

Next, in one short rollicking year, there has been a tiny handful of enormous overseas drug busts.  It is back to the future of yesterday with police investigating, tape tampering, men disappearing, official pretending.

Last, there is one that never fully disappeared, which is noise pollution.  It is peaking just in time for holidays.  The police will have a lovely Christmas, as business promises to be bright.  As for the neighbours, they have prayer.  Heck, I just remembered: churches closed.  To these I add friendly colluding auditors, and understanding compliant courts.  In sum, PPP golden oldies, aka democracy’s collateral.


GHK Lall

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@cain posted:

Why stop there, how bout blaming Burnham?

Burnham was a Obeah man.

Granger had conversations with God. And he most likely believed he was The Chosen One. He did good up to his idol worship of Hamilton Green. Him believing in Burnham wasn't as bad as honoring the architect of Racism in Guyana.

@Spugum posted:'s all too easy

I guess racist attitude to the hilt, never thinking what may be good for the country. That is the way the Black Guyanese mind conceptulizes. Thank God there is only a few, but dey have the controls.

@seignet posted:

I guess racist attitude to the hilt, never thinking what may be good for the country. That is the way the Black Guyanese mind conceptulizes. Thank God there is only a few, but dey have the controls.

banna, tek a seat

@seignet posted:

I guess racist attitude to the hilt, never thinking what may be good for the country. That is the way the Black Guyanese mind conceptulizes. Thank God there is only a few, but dey have the controls.

This is what you said on another thread on 9/16


Is a real place alright. I hope Black ppl demonstrate their natural decency and make the place livable. Unless they do dat, nobady gonna live there, only Venoes.

So which one is it????? Or are you just talking shit again?


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