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skeldon_man posted:

So wha you mean by

PPP had 20 years to solve suicide problem?


Wha you nah seh PNC also had 28 years and fail too? You quick fuh stil wan knife in PPP back heh?

Oii bhai in those days suicides was not so prevalent and times was harder for most of us,now people have more than what we had and they are unhappy,dunno what to say Skelly something is amiss.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

So wha you mean by

PPP had 20 years to solve suicide problem?


Wha you nah seh PNC also had 28 years and fail too? You quick fuh stil wan knife in PPP back heh?

Oii bhai in those days suicides was not so prevalent and times was harder for most of us,now people have more than what we had and they are unhappy,dunno what to say Skelly something is amiss.

They probably were probaly quite a few; just not reported. There were more important issues to report on. Remember in those days there were alot of emigration. People had hopes then.

RiffRaff posted:

obviously, both parties are incompetent to solve this problem

Riff, how do you suggest they solve this problem? If you had to advise them what would you tell them? Which political party said during the last election campaign that once elected, crime will be solved?  Has crime increased from May 11, 2015 under to now under APNU/AFC compared to the same periond in 2014 under the PPP/C?

Demerara_Guy posted:

While the PNC was in power for 28 years - 1964 to 1992 - have they done little or nothing at all to effectively address the suicide issues.

Why are you worrying about 30 years ago, when it is the more recent era that you ought to be concerned about.

30 years ago people thought that suicide was decadence, and I think that those who survived an attempt were actually viewed as criminals.  Certainly not as people deserving of help.

Since then we are more enlightened, and so  I would have expected the PPP to have made this a priority.  Especially given that the vast majority of those who kill themselves are their support base.

Yet the Indo KKK screams "black man a kill ahbe".  Yes every thing wrong in Guyana is "blackman", even if an Indian girl kills her self because her father is raping her.

Dondadda posted:
RiffRaff posted:

obviously, both parties are incompetent to solve this problem

Riff, how do you suggest they solve this problem? If you had to advise them what would you tell them? Which political party said during the last election campaign that once elected, crime will be solved?  Has crime increased from May 11, 2015 under to now under APNU/AFC compared to the same periond in 2014 under the PPP/C?

You conveniently forgot that the PPP made an effort. You know what whas dem effort? After that study came out in 2007 dem bring Prakash Gossai. It was a political decision because dem have to keep de Hindu dem stupidee. Goh back and do some research...SN said de people dem need professional help not religious sermons. Gee dem lil dance and song and keep dem stupidee...

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

While the PNC was in power for 28 years - 1964 to 1992 - have they done little or nothing at all to effectively address the suicide issues.

Why are you worrying about 30 years ago, when it is the more recent era that you ought to be concerned about.

30 years ago people thought that suicide was decadence, and I think that those who survived an attempt were actually viewed as criminals.  Certainly not as people deserving of help.

Since then we are more enlightened, and so  I would have expected the PPP to have made this a priority.  Especially given that the vast majority of those who kill themselves are their support base.

Yet the Indo KKK screams "black man a kill ahbe".  Yes every thing wrong in Guyana is "blackman", even if an Indian girl kills her self because her father is raping her.

Those who forget and/or neglect history are destined to be making irrelevant statements.

Dondadda posted:
RiffRaff posted:

obviously, both parties are incompetent to solve this problem

Riff, how do you suggest they solve this problem? If you had to advise them what would you tell them? Which political party said during the last election campaign that once elected, crime will be solved?  Has crime increased from May 11, 2015 under to now under APNU/AFC compared to the same periond in 2014 under the PPP/C?

reminder...this topic is about suicide

SUicide needs to be addressed in every village in need to know that they could go to a confidential person if they have problems...not people who like gossip

The whole village culture needs a radical change....


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