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PPP/C urged to introduce “new blood” – Sam Hinds

Selections of Opposition MPs…

Former Prime Minister of Guyana and longstanding member of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Samuel Hinds has recommended that his party allow new and vibrant faces to lead the administration and let the aged and experienced be the guidance for those upcoming souls with a clear vision to take the country forward.

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

In a telephone interview with the Guyana Times on Sunday 17, Hinds said he believes the time is ripe for the young people to become the leaders of the country.

“It’s time to start bring in some new blood,” Hinds stated.

After continuously serving as Prime Minister of Guyana under the PPP/C since it took office in 1992, Hinds stepped down from the position to make way for Elisabeth Harper to take over.

However, after 23 dedicated years of building the nation, the PPP/C lost the General and Regional Election 2015, paving way for the leadership of the A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition, with David Granger as the new President and his running mate Moses Nagamootoo as the new Prime Minister.

The PPP/C opposition gained 32 of the 65 seats in the National Assembly and is expected to, very soon, announce who will be the Members of Parliament representing their party in the policy and decision making of the country.

New and youthful appearances on the PPP/C’s List of Candidates and possible options for the Member of Parliament positions are Clinton Urling, Roshini Boodhoo, Mahendar Sharma, Romel Roopnarine, Kwame McCoy, Alexei Ramotar and Charles Ramson.

Hinds said he strongly believes the new faces can significantly contribute to the development of the country.

Asked whether he will be returning as a PPP/C MP, Hinds said he is unsure of the position the party will take.

However, he noted that if he is asked, he will willingly serve his party in whatever way he can, although, still recommending that the young people be given a chance to shine.

Hinds said for now, he will focus on reflecting on his past years.

Roshini Boodhoo

Roshini Boodhoo

Clinton Urling

Clinton Urling

“I just want to spend it quietly and peacefully,” he noted.

Asked what would be his message to the PPP/C supporters who are inevitably in a state of despair over the party’s lost, Hinds encouraged them to “cry for a while but not for too long.”

He noted that, despite not holding executive power, his party will continue to work for the betterment of Guyana.

“There will be another election soon in which we will be competing…We have been in the government benches and now we are in the opposition benches. Wherever we are, we are working for people and country,” Hinds calmly assured.

Samuel Archibald Anthony Hinds is a representative of the Civic Component of the PPP/C.

He is Guyana’s longest serving Prime Minister and also briefly served as President of Guyana in 1997, making him a veteran in the National Assembly.

Hinds, an outstanding individual, was awarded Guyana’s highest national award, the Order of Excellence in 2011.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Django:

Two of the persons for future MP need to be dropped

they are dead weights,namely Kwame and Alexi.



How de hell can a creature like Kwame ever be considered as suitable for any Parliament of civilized people?


If he gonna regale the House on the latest and most effective methods of buggery?


Is he gonna share fashion tips with the Speaker?

Originally Posted by Prashad:
I hope an innocent person is not being accused of being conscience. Because that man got some powerful Enemies.


There is no such thing as an "innocent person" in the former regime. They should all be taken out back and shot by firing squad for their many many crimes. The worst of which was their criminal incompetence.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Dem antiman dis ah beg to stay in Opposition permanently.

well this is a shift, seems like shitty has really gone off the deep end against the PPP.


I guess all that advising Nandlall did not really go anywhere eh?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Dem antiman dis ah beg to stay in Opposition permanently.

well this is a shift, seems like shitty has really gone off the deep end against the PPP.


I guess all that advising Nandlall did not really go anywhere eh?


Look idiot,


I have never been anyone's dog either here online or offline.


I never ever supported the incompetence of the PPP. I support the effort to reform them as a party. There is nothing that says one can't criticize the party of one's choice.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Dem antiman dis ah beg to stay in Opposition permanently.

well this is a shift, seems like shitty has really gone off the deep end against the PPP.


I guess all that advising Nandlall did not really go anywhere eh?


Look idiot,


I have never been anyone's dog either here online or offline.


I never ever supported the incompetence of the PPP. I support the effort to reform them as a party. There is nothing that says one can't criticize the party of one's choice.

Shitty no one accused you of being a dog, now calm down and fix your collar.


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