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Nehru posted:
D2 posted:
FC posted:

You won't because you are devoid of class!!!!

he is in a class by himself! in mathematics you call it the empty set

As stated above both of you are JACKASSES, not that you will know. FILTH HEADS simply do not know anything but being STUPID. A FOOL like Hinds love dumb, stupid and naive FOOLS like you 2!!!!!!!!!

How would you know?  You are too dumb to comprehend what is written. Plus you are mentally challenged like ugly and company.

D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:
D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am taking a course on ethnic politics at Queens College and some of these issues ring a bell…so here are my comments.

Just look about you. There are no rich black elite from the PPP tenure.

Banna, we are not dealing in trivialities or anecdotal evidence…looking around me does not do anything for me. When I look around me in my neighborhood all I see a lot of white people who own a lot of businesses and have a lot of cars in their driveways. However, I also know that there are a lot of Asians in my neighborhood who are doing quite well. I can use the US census tract report to compile statistical report and I can check the business records to see how many of these ‘invisible” Asians are doing well in business in this neighborhood. My point is : your observation, like the good professor in based on a personal observation, not statistical evidence. How in the world is it possible that no single non-Indian, after 23 years has gotten rich under the PPP?

This is Yet everywhere you see the old and the new elites are Indians. Even T-shirts vendors building malls.

I am going to assume that this statement is a desperate attempt to confirm Hinds point.


Unless you are plainly stupid you will grasp that democracy is built around a stable well articulated and closely networked elite. They would sontaneously grow across the racial demographics if the democracy is organized around deliberation and discussion across the spectrum of the society. This elite is the social cement for progress and the only means to successful development of the society.When that elite is of one class, tribe, or ethnic group you have a dysfunctional democracy and it will inevitably decay into a dictatorship.

These statements may be true of the PPP. But the way its written, they could also be true of the PNC era before 1992. You seem to forget that Guyana history started many years back when the PNC had a deliberate policy of setting up a dictatorship, as well as an ethnic state, in which according to Clive Thomas, more than 80% of the economy was owned by the state….and who controlled the state??. The PPP simple continued in that tradition and ran a further deteriorated state. Lets be fair about this.

Take a look in our world today. Syria, Iraq...all have fractured elites; vertically segmented by tribes and horizontally divided by religious sects. Saddam did not build anything. His Baathist group were Sinis who deliberately subjugated other groups. Libya, was deliberately left tribal by Qaddafi. With him gone no summoning creed to weld the tribal enclaves into a whole. Syria is also similarly supported by a small sect who assumed all power to the detriment of others. The intolerable segmentation and dis-empowerment ultimately caused that society to explode.

Not sure what you are blabbering about here. You comparing sticks and berries…Guyana has its own unique problems


Hinds similarly chastise the APNU for their lack of transparency, lack of inclusiveness and myopia. Granger created this monstrous Presidential Ministry with satellites ministries projecting from the center from which every management decision radiate. He is reproducing the same PPP structure and this time it will be even more devastating for us given he will have the means to create an African elite class tens of times more rich and powerful than you can ever envision.

I agree that the black elite may become more filthy rich than any PPP member or supporter. However, you miss the point. Hinds agenda is an Afrocentric one. He wants to justify a redistribution of the state resources and empower Afros. He does not believe the govt is going far enough. In his mindset, Indians have nothing to ask for. So what about the majority of Indians who live in the hinterland, outside GT whose lives are dependent on cash crops and seasonal employment?

The problem with this position, as I said before, is that inevitably the Indians will perceive all actions by the current govt as based on racism against Indians. So my question to you and Hinds: How do the leaders tackle this problem in society and move forward? The PNC did not tackle it, the PPP did not have a solution and the current PNC-led government does not have a plan to convince the MAJORITY of Indians that its policy is not based on race.

What I am suggesting is that leaders (in government and opposition) must agree on some plan or formula for addressing this problem. Otherwise, the same issue will come up again if and when the PPP gets into office…because Guyana’s racial problems are not going away anytime soon.

Hinds has said some things that makes sense, but some of his utterances are way out of line.

You should first not break the post up by cryptic and stupid queries if you want to arrive at understanding. I do not have to affirm Hinds post. It is self affirming. My mention of the T shirt vendor is also self evident. Here is an uneducated  drug hustler becoming an elite informing you the rise did not come from industrious and creative investments but corruption and crony capitalism.

My mention of syria etc was to afford you a broader vision of the potential for internal disaster when the intellectual, entrepreneurial, managerial, governmental, security structure from which a national elite emerge is not  demographically represented in the system chaos develops.

Lambasting Hinds for his serious assessment of Indian racism in action is not going to help clarify anything or accrue to a well written criticism by you. It simply reifies that the racism and intellectual blindness in the indian community is sickeningly pervasive .

The PPP were tasked to transition us into a democracy. Instead they hardened the old dictatorial constitution by defending it at every level and asserting that it is valid. Their pocket judges in the courts fortified that belief into legal precedence. The present APNU now have a free hand to ride the wave of an autocratic system to constitute something a hundred times the size of the PPP. Note they did not spread the wealth beyond their friends and family.

Our economy is  slated to increase some 20 times its size and hundreds of times its economic power. It will all be concentrated in the hands of a very few with whatever percolating down reaching indians after being slopped up by mainly one ethnic group. Then you will build a statue to Hinds and wish you were his convert.

This is such a jaundiced view that it confirms a reality that is pervasive in your response and in Guyana...namely that Indians are racists, devious and are out to enslave Blacks.

Nothing about Hinds (a person who rejected the fact that  Nagamootoo should be given the PM post!) hidden agenda in your pontificating response.

...Guyana, according to world bank and other reports cannot experience a democratic culture unless the race problem is addressed.

Notwithstanding Hinds other comments,  my question still stands: How do the PNC continue to defend the fact that mainly Indians are being relieved of their positions, and how do we convince Indians that they are not targets and what is being done is fair and just? Or do we simply continue to assume that ALL of them are wicked and devious thieves?

I suppose this would be comparable to the Affirmative Action debate in this country. When is there going to be a level playing field? Or do we continue ad infinitum to preference one group over the other?

I reiterate what seems to fly over your head:  Guyananese leaders (including PPP ones) need to work together to devise a formula that will address this and the other issues raised Hinds.

Simple accusing all Indians as PPP supporters and as parasites and exploiters will not cut it.


Indians are racists. There is no denying that. Theirs is the only culture in Guyana that has cultural prohibitions that are strictly enforced through normative practices.  The acerbic rantings here about black man not having the mental aptitude to do anything validated that in the vernacular. Here we have labels like dirty indians PNC goons a ready labels to any Indian who do not toe the racist line.  Every other post here is to that end. Check the thread creation. It is always the PNC doing this or that to indians when the same was absent in the PPP friends and family era.

The reaching for affirmative action as a comparison again illustrates the entrenched racist crap that percolates in your heads. There is hardly a comparison between blacks in Guyana and here. You for example are in the category of minorities here even if you do not self identify. Much of what affirmative action has helped you here from housing to, banking to prohibiting red lining to distribution system etd. Do you know that no non white person distributed pepsi and coke and other products generally as late as 84? You are just spewing you own rancid racism when you take yourself outside the reality of what is affirmed here in the US. Your very presence here is affirmed because others died

This comment of yours here that all Indians are racists demonstrates your latent and hidden racist attitude towards Indians. It seems like you are affected by the Indians on GNI, the same people you complain about, despite your pontificating and trying to come off like an intellectual. Its no wonder that the Indians on this board take an antagonistic tone towards your ranting's. You should be ashamed of yourself...this statement puts you in the same category as the rednecks and the KKK.

Even Professor Hinds would not make such a statement.

This makes you a true KNUCKLEHEAD.

FC posted:
Nehru posted:
D2 posted:
FC posted:

You won't because you are devoid of class!!!!

he is in a class by himself! in mathematics you call it the empty set

As stated above both of you are JACKASSES, not that you will know. FILTH HEADS simply do not know anything but being STUPID. A FOOL like Hinds love dumb, stupid and naive FOOLS like you 2!!!!!!!!!

How would you know?  You are too dumb to comprehend what is written. Plus you are mentally challenged like ugly and company.

I hope you will finally be able to pull your head out of your kakahole, no explanation needed as to how it got there.!!!!!!!!!!!!


So far the only sensible posts against Hinds article is that of Vish and possibly Siggy the rest are pure I said ignorant lot. Good thing you folk don't speak for those in Guyana..if you do...PPP in worse trouble.

VishMahabir posted:

This comment of yours here that all Indians are racists demonstrates your latent and hidden racist attitude towards Indians. It seems like you are affected by the Indians on GNI, the same people you complain about, despite your pontificating and trying to come off like an intellectual. Its no wonder that the Indians on this board take an antagonistic tone towards your ranting's. You should be ashamed of yourself...this statement puts you in the same category as the rednecks and the KKK.

Even Professor Hinds would not make such a statement.

This makes you a true KNUCKLEHEAD.

Of course there are many indians who are not racists. I know Errol and he fits in and out of every culture. I suggest you go out in your community or in your own family and just ask them what they think of granger.In a minute you will get a revelation.

 Deny at your own peril. I deal with it in my own family and mine is large. My father had 13 sisters and they give us 67 cousins 61 of whom are still with us and we are all close. 

I am an intellectual. I dare you to say otherwise. It is clear that very little gets by me and that is what annoys most of you because you crabs need to think you are mentally the superior to any.Well meet me!

Indians here are just a hyped up corollary what you meet in the street. These are people whose ancestors came from the rear end of India but very few are humble and understanding that they share a world with many of similar circumstance. Is that not why you think you are outside the spectrum of affirmative action when you bloody well live here affirmed by the blood of dead black people?


Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

So far the only sensible posts against Hinds article is that of Vish and possibly Siggy the rest are pure I said ignorant lot. Good thing you folk don't speak for those in Guyana..if you do...PPP in worse trouble.

I think you give that old racist siggy too much credit. Besides Paul and Persaud there is not a lesser vile bigot here. Well he and Skeldon Ape would be clawing for a podium space


Anyone who can enjoy Neil Diamond gotta be cool but Nahhh even though I know Siggy tries his best to piss me off there are times I have to agree with him....well er...maybe once.

Last edited by cain
D2 posted:

Lambasting Hinds for his serious assessment of Indian racism

There will never be a critical analysis of Indian racism and ethnic mobilization on GNI.  Look at how almost all of the Indian here, from the racists like yuji, to the moderates like Vishmahabir and Zed, jumped all over you last year when you attempted this discussion.  The exceptions were django, gilbakka and a few others whose new names are PNC slop carriers.

They will however discuss the African racism of the PNC and APNU though.

VishMahabir posted:

Notwithstanding Hinds other comments,  my question still stands: How do the PNC continue to defend the fact that mainly Indians are being relieved of their positions,


If 8 out of 10 heads were Indians and 6 were removed now why wouldn't there have been mainly Indians removed?   This was revealed when Trotman didn't deny that this was the case when asked by Nigel Hughes.

APNU/AFC did also remove blacks, like the one in charge of Go Invest.  But clearly most of the people removed would have been Indian.

What would have been more appropriate is if you cited specific Indians who were competent and who were fired only because they were Indians.

People like you denied that Indians were put in almost all top positions in Guyana during the PPP era, and especially after Jagdeo took over.

VishMahabir posted:
...this statement puts you in the same category as the rednecks and the KKK.

Even Professor Hinds would not make such a statement.

This makes you a true KNUCKLEHEAD.

Of interest of course is when the Indo KKK scream racist rants about blacks and damn those Indians who aren't racists as being "PNC slop carriers" and "dirty Indians" you say nothing about them.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Notwithstanding Hinds other comments,  my question still stands: How do the PNC continue to defend the fact that mainly Indians are being relieved of their positions,


If 8 out of 10 heads were Indians and 6 were removed now why wouldn't there have been mainly Indians removed?   This was revealed when Trotman didn't deny that this was the case when asked by Nigel Hughes.

APNU/AFC did also remove blacks, like the one in charge of Go Invest.  But clearly most of the people removed would have been Indian.

This was discussed many times but it will still be questioned until the nect election. This is one reason some Indians are called racist..I would more liken it to stupidity.

D2 posted:
cain posted:

So far the only sensible posts against Hinds article is that of Vish and possibly Siggy the rest are pure I said ignorant lot. Good thing you folk don't speak for those in Guyana..if you do...PPP in worse trouble.

I think you give that old racist siggy too much credit. Besides Paul and Persaud there is not a lesser vile bigot here. Well he and Skeldon Ape would be clawing for a podium space

Skeldon Ape would be clawing up your house tree to meet your family. He would feel right at home too. Do you allow piwari and cassava bread  up your family's house tree? 

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
cain posted:

So far the only sensible posts against Hinds article is that of Vish and possibly Siggy the rest are pure I said ignorant lot. Good thing you folk don't speak for those in Guyana..if you do...PPP in worse trouble.

I think you give that old racist siggy too much credit. Besides Paul and Persaud there is not a lesser vile bigot here. Well he and Skeldon Ape would be clawing for a podium space

Skeldon Ape would be clawing up your house tree to meet your family. He would feel right at home too. Do you allow piwari and cassava bread  up your family's house tree? 

Ow man right after I mentioned yall rass might not be racist just stupidy and might I add ( a bit of both) you go and post this to remove any ai ai ai ai


And what is interesting is when the PPP was in charge and blacks cried about about marginalization such claims were ridiculed by people like Vish and Zed.  And those who made them were called racist.

Now of course the PPP is now in suddenly its now "forget about the past, and lets have discussions (to protect Indians)".  They didn't think that this was necessary when the PPP was in power, and if the PPP wins in 2020 then the matter will be solved.


Just like Guyana, this Discussion on this Board has been coming on and going on for over 20 years. Over those years the anti-Indian views have not changed. And the proponents of Hate Coolies Regardless are still around, and one would think that their misguided sentiments would have changed by now. Generations have come and died, but yet. Perhaps, racism harbor there souls. Entrenched in beliefs that once you are an Indian then such a Guyanese must hate all black people. Men of such thoughts are really the main stumbling block for racial harmony in Guyana.

There is this idea that the PNC must only talk to black people and black people are the only ones who should approach this government for dicussion on the progress of Guyana. The same dilemma goes for the PPP and it caucus of East Indians when they hold power.

There is no national concesus in Guyana. Even the Political commentators see through the lenses of racism, coolis and blacks. Our governments have done absolutely nothing in there thinking that they govern and the Oppostion is part of the governing of Guyana. Neither alllow any Sane Voices to be heard. 

One would think that Granger might have entertained the opinions of a few Indians in moving Guyana forward, as I am certain David Hinds is well recieved with his opinions.

Too much emphasis is placed on Racism in Guyana. I say move the country forward and Home Based Guyanese will be happier and merrier. 



"Just like Guyana, this Discussion on this Board has been coming on and going on for over 20 years. Over those years the anti-Indian views have not changed. And the proponents of Hate Coolies Regardless are still around, and one would think that their misguided sentiments would have changed by now.".

Just like Cain and Carib. The two Conmen. Their hate for Indos is of such a magnitude that it cannot be measured. They now use a new code word to humiliate Indos, it is called PPP.

I am all for a Truth Commission like they did in South Africa. All sides spill their guts and the Nation moves on.

This will NEVER happen in Guyana.


I think perhaps dem white people should ketch all dem rass, put dem in chains and keep 'em backsides as slaves if they keep carryin' on like this...what you say there bro Siggy?

I really hoped that Granger uses some commonsense and pull the people together by now. Is it possible we on the outside are the fools fighting among each other while those in Guyana do get along?

A while back I met a Guyanese chap as I walked out of a store. I caught the accent and told him I am from Guyana. We spoke for a while and he told me that he got along with all races and never had a problem and couldn't see why there is so much hostility among some who brought in race on everything they did. He spoke well of Guyana. He was of East Indian descent. I'm almost sure that chap was not yugi.

Last edited by cain

"I really hoped that Granger uses some commonsense and pull the people together by now. Is it possible we on the outside are the fools fighting among each other while those in Guyana do get along?"

BINGO, you finally get it that you wasting your time fighting over a non-issue 


The situation in Guyana very different from GNI. The PPP would like the conversation to be like GNI.  They are constantly playing with the race card to the young people in Guyana who grew up in a different era than their parents. Why do you think there are no young people on GNI?  This place has become the  sanctuary for remaining hard core indo racists.  They can spew their vitriol while balancing on their canes and walkers.

Last edited by Former Member

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