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Remote Canje villagers grateful for new highway - praise former President Jagdeo for helping to make life easier for themPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Michael Khan   
Wednesday, 19 June 2013 00:20

RESIDENTS in the remote villages of East Canje, Berbice, are grateful to the Government for providing them with a new highway.



A section of the re-surfaced East Canje Highway

The thoroughfare, which stretches over more than 12 miles, starts at Cumberland and ends at Vince Cap.

Speaking to the Guyana Chronicle, the beneficiaries expressed joy at having the road, which was completed last year by contractor H. Nauth & Sons.

Ramkumar Shamsundar, of Volkert's Lust, said that he would be forever grateful to former President Bharrat  Jagdeo for his input in making life easier for those who live in the villages.


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Originally Posted by Prince:

Them Canje gurls have to be careful of being pantyless after 6:00 PM...cause the PPP have highways and nuff lights through the villages.  

Dude, burnham opened up the road and paved it. The PPP should have kept it up. I remember that road being widened and paved over from a mud road. The PPP likes keeping people on a string with thanks for doing their work when they could be keeping things working and avoiding the distress those poor people feels. How about a bridge too cowdam ( or better yet Vryhead)connecting upper east canjie to NA? Do you know how much benefit that would be to the poor people there? That would be no big bridge and better use of the cash than to sink it into a hotel for the benefit for some parasites who are already the fatted calves in the land.

Originally Posted by Prince:

I agree with you on this one. However, Canje is a nice place, but further inland, the road need repairs and maintenance from the heavy-duty machinery.

suh, moron, why u create a thread that led with this nonsense:


"Remote Canje villagers grateful for new highway - praise former President Jagdeo for helping to make life easier for them."


eh . . .?

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