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Former Member

Ok folks,

When you a have a bunch of politicians behaving badly, you need to give them timeout. The PPP started behaving badly and was given a blow which taught them a lesson.


Well, it appears as if many of the PPP politicians have been tamed. Some of these bad boys have been humiliated and are quiet as church mice. 

Thankfully, Jagdeo has been keeping the corrupt PNC on their toes and have been able to muscle Granger who attempted to appoint his own GECOM head.


The PNC is now behaving badly and will be given the same treatment.

The truth is that Guyana is screwed if the current crop of politicians continue to govern. You see folks, Guyana is divided along racial lines. Indos for PPP and Afros for PNC.

Electoral Constitutional reform is urgently needed to reform the political process. Political alliances should be allowed to occur after elections thus ensuring that Parties and Politicians are free to form alliances and cross the floor.

PPP and AFC/PNC are opposed to any form of reform and as such retain a stranglehold of the political system.


A group of influential Guyanese at home and abroad need to step forward and start pressuring the PPP and PNC for electoral reform. Until then we will be trapped in a vicious cycle of race based and party domination politics in Guyana.

Oil corrupts and the PPP and AFC/PNC politicians are licking their chops. The people will not benefit. 


Is Guyana screwed politically ?

Let us please engage in a civilized discussion.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

"A group of influential Guyanese at home and abroad need to step forward and start pressuring the PPP and PNC for electoral reform. Until then we will be tapped in a vicious cycle of race based and party domination politics in Guyana."


Now you talking,this have to go.

Constitution of 1980

As Burnham consolidated his control over Guyanese politics throughout the 1970s, he began to push for changes in the constitution that would muffle opposition. He and his colleagues argued that the changes were necessary to govern in the best interest of the people, free of opposition interference. By the late 1970s, the government and the legislature were PNC-dominated, and the party had declared its hegemony over the civil service, the military, the judiciary, the economic sector, and all other segments of Guyanese society. Burnham called the 1966 constitution inadequate and the product of British conservatism. Nationalization of private enterprise was to be the first step in revamping a system that Burnham felt had been designed to protect private property at the expense of the masses.

Two of the principal architects of the new constitution were the minister of justice and attorney general, Mohammed Shahabbuddeen, and Hugh Desmond Hoyte, the minister of economic planning. Attorney General Shahabbuddeen was given the task of selling the new constitution to the National Assembly and the people. He decried the 1966 constitution as a capitalist document that supported a national economy based on exports and the laws of supply and demand. He argued that the constitution safeguarded the acquisitions of the rich and privileged and did not significantly advance the role of the people in the political process.

The constitution of 1980, promulgated in October of that year, reaffirmed Guyana's status as a cooperative republic within the Commonwealth. It defines a cooperative republic as having the following attributes: political and economic independence, state ownership of the means of production, a citizenry organized into groups such as cooperatives and trade unions, and an economy run on the basis of national economic planning. The constitution states that the country is a democratic and secular state in transition from capitalism to socialism and that the constitution is the highest law in the country, with precedence over all other laws. The constitution guarantees freedom of religion, speech, association, and movement, and prohibits discrimination. It also grants every Guyanese citizen the right to work, to obtain a free education and free medical care, and to own personal property; it also guarantees equal pay for women.

However, freedom of expression and other political rights are limited by national interests and the state's duty to ensure fairness in the dissemination of information to the public. Power is distributed among five "Supreme Organs of Democratic Power": the executive president, the cabinet, the National Assembly, the National Congress of Local Democratic Organs, and the Supreme Congress of the People, a special deliberative body consisting of the National Assembly in joint session with the National Congress of Local Democratic Organs. Of these five divisions of government, the executive president in practice has almost unlimited powers.

The important constitutional changes brought about by the 1980 document were mostly political: the concentration of power in the position of executive president and the creation of local party organizations to ensure Burnham's control over the PNC and, in turn, the party's control over the people. The constitution's economic goals were more posture than substance. The call for nationalization of major industries with just compensation was a moot point, given that 80 percent of the economy was already in the government's hands by 1976. The remaining 20 percent was owned by Guyanese entrepreneurs.

Prashad posted:

Prashad believes in one solution to the problem and it does not involve any election in Guyana.

So we take Jagdeo from Guyana and have him lead Indesh.  Those remaining in Guyana we will be so happy.  The population of Indesh, AKA Corentyne, will continue to collapse.

actually come to think of it.  Its a real good idea as it is the Corentyne folks who seem inclined to kiss Jagdeo's toes and follow him like lemmings. He will also "rescue" them with sugar, though will lack the oil revenues to pay subsidies.

The rest of us will be permanently rid of that creature with his perpetually angry scowl.


Look at this racist clown Carib.

This racist clown does not realize that Corentyne, Berbicians do not depend solely on the sugar industry. This is stereotypical of the anti Indo and RACIST Carib.

Indos will dig out of any hardship, unlike others who depend on handouts and blame others for their lack of financial success like what Carib has been doing lately by blaming others for problems in some African American communities.

Many Berbcians are quite wealthy and will weather out this minor bump in the road. They will have their say in 2020. They survived two Afro Dictators and will not tolerate a THIRD.

Three Afro Dictators:





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