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Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by alena06:

The Guyanese ppl have already made up their minds.  GT folks will mostly vote for the coalition...Country folks are not giving up their cup...Campaigning in Queens is a waste of time.

Hope the above is not true and  the country folks vote for change.


That is straight out of the horse's mouth in GY... PPP will be back for another 5 years...

you sure is not out of the donkey mouth 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by alena06:

The Guyanese ppl have already made up their minds.  GT folks will mostly vote for the coalition...Country folks are not giving up their cup...Campaigning in Queens is a waste of time.

Hope the above is not true and  the country folks vote for change.


That is straight out of the horse's mouth in GY... PPP will be back for another 5 years...

you sure is not out of the donkey mouth 

So then it has to be out of your mouth. Gwan gadaha.

Originally Posted by Chief:

What a turn out today at Narissa Palace, in excess of 350 people of all ethnic background showed up in Queens to welcome APNU David Granger and AFC Mr. Moses Nagamootoo.

As Mr Nagamootoo stated, all over the world it is a known fact that it is  the opposition that  picket Governments but today for the first time the PPP Government send their representatives to picket the opposition here in NY.

Whilst here were about 10 to 15 people milling around in the picket line outside inside was packed with long time PPP supporters.

I was especially happy to see our veteran PPP comrade and GNIer Churchill among the many  others. Also in attendance was Vishnu Mahadeo who is head of RHEDC and I must commend him for showing up..this speaks volume that now  the entire Richmondhill business community is with the APNU/AFC. 


It is the first time I heard Mr Granger and  in a very simple but firm tone laid down the reasons why it was necessary to have a Unity Government. As the MC reminded everyone at the end of the meeting, it is now our duty to spread the word, call 10 friends and family and ask them to vote for CHANGE AND THEN LET THEM CALL 10 OF THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILY and ask them to do same.




Chief reports 350 ppl, newspapers report 150..who lost count.


APNU+AFC Fundraiser picketed in Queens

Inside the meeting hall of the APNU+AFC fundraiser in Queens New York on Sunday

Inside the meeting hall of the APNU+AFC fundraiser in Queens New York on Sunday

â€ĶNagamootoo called “neemakharam”


Guyanese living in Queens New York on Sunday evening picketed a fund raising dinner by the A Partnership For National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU-AFC) coalition, calling out the parties’ candidates for their alleged past atrocities and deeming them unfit to lead this nation.

The Fundraiser was held in South Ozone Park which abuts Richmond Hill, the area where most Indo Guyanese have occupied in New York. About 200 Guyanese attended the fundraiser and had to run the gauntlet of approximately 60 placard-bearing protestors. From all appearance the protesters took Moses Nagamotoo and David Granger by surprise and at one time the coalition’s heads were forced to deploy their own troops among the picketers in an attempt to blunt the effect of the demonstration. The two leader of the electoral coalition arrived separately and had to be escorted into the building through a side entrance. As of late Sunday evening several pictures of the protest had begun to make the rounds on social media.

Granger and Nagamootoo flew separately to New York last weekend for a series of fund raisers. On Saturday Granger told hundreds at a fundraising forum in Brooklyn, New York to invest in the development of Guyana. In taking the coalition’s campaign trail to the international scene, Granger told the gathering of supporters that Guyana is being predominantly dominated by investors from Brazil, China, Russia and Canada while the Guyanese investors are being left on the sideline.

“We want you to help us to transform Guyana because we cannot do it aloneâ€Ķ we need you skills and your expertiseâ€Ķ we need teachers, technicians, engineers,” he pleaded. Granger lamented the fact that the Guyanese Diaspora is left out of the electoral system and that their voice cannot be used to drive change in their country. Granger then promised to establish a “Department of Diaspora” to make it possible for overseas-based Guyanese to contribute to Guyana’s development with just the “click of a mouse” on the computer, if his party wins the May 11 election. More controversially, he called for the return of “overseas voting” which the PNC had in the past used for rigging elections here.

On Sunday protesters displayed placards reading: “Moses you are a Nemakharam”; “Sell out Moses you are a disgrace to Guyanese”; “Granger has blood on his hands”; “Stop the war against democracy” among others. “We are here protesting against Moses and Granger because we don’t want what happened to us happen to those living in Guyana,” one protester told a passerby at the scene. She was making reference to the poverty-stricken days she and her relative endured in Guyana under the PNC rule which forced to migrate to the US. “We had to come here for betterment, things were really bad back then and today we don’t want the PNC to get back into powerâ€Ķthey will take the country down those days again,” the female protester commented.

Other picketers reiterated the clear and present danger the PNC posed to Guyana, given the party’s track record when it was in office. “We remember what they did to that countryâ€Ķnobody forgets that. We remember Dr Walter Rodney; we remember the days of lining up for oil and chicken those were hard days,” another protester who had left Guyana in his teen commented.”Ramotar was right. MOSES and Ramjattan will get Larwah when the elections over,” said one man who claimed to be an AFC supporter who quit in disgust when the AFC entered into the coalition with APNU.


RE "Chief reports 350 ppl, newspapers report 150..who lost count. "




From where I sit I understand that as the newspapers lost count, they can't count much.  Know why they figure is 150?

Is because they walk in, the place full full, they look at the the sign which reads.


Room Max. 150 persons


Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Brodaman:

See, a campaign needs money to run, so the trip this weekend is to raise funds. NO one is campaigning in the USA. People wants to see the candidates and give money, so the candidates needs to make time and come to collect the FUNDS  to run the campaign. One business man alone give $100K, but he wanted to see the leaders. Another guy matched the funds raised, so the candidates need to make time. The folks in the USA are important. 

He he, who gave 100k...that sounds like a lil lie.

Originally Posted by caribny:
What gives me greater confidence is that the APNU AFC campaign in FINALLY coming together.  Both in Guyana and among Guyanese overseas.  In addition the coalition know that they must fight for every vote, and aren't leaving much for granted.


Their big project is to tear about that piece of nonsense called the voters' list which the PPP has manufactured with the pretense that 100,000 new voters suddenly materialized.


What is interesting is that people are caught up with momentum and the many who might have had their doubts about the coalition might jump on board.


Listening to the speeches as recorded at Nareesa, Granger and Nagamootoo aren't pretending as if risks of the coalition are low (sorry redux and stormborn). They seem aware of both the PRE and POST risks of the coalition, which means that they will be committed to mitigating this, rather than suggesting that to acknowledge these risks is "whining".


I feel confident that they will have a strong presence on election day.


MY prediction.  APNU AFC 51% PPP 48%.

Caribny, far be it from me to interrupt any reverie you may be indulging in with your argumentative alter ego, but i am constrained to point out that the "risks" i am pouring scorn on and the "risks" you are talking about are not even remotely the same things


don't skim my posts . . , take time to actually read them, and save yourself the embarrassment of running around the track clutching air instead of a baton



Originally Posted by redux:

Caribny, far be it from me to interrupt any reverie you may be indulging in with your argumentative alter ego, but i am constrained to point out that the "risks" i am pouring scorn on and the "risks" you are talking about are not even remotely the same things


don't skim my posts . . , take time to actually read them, and save yourself the embarrassment of running around the track clutching air instead of a baton



Moses Nagamootoo made reference to the risk of the coalition, both pre election, and post.  So if he is aware of the risks and spoke out PUBLICLY on this fact, then why are you still pretending as if these risks don't exist?


And redux you really need to check yourself into a mental facility.  I don't care the slightest about you.  I care about the political situation in Guyana.  the fact that in ALL of your response you go on a personal attack mode shows that you have issues.



I suggest that you write a letter to Moses Nagamootoo to tell him that there are no risks.  Especially when people ask Granger what he thinks of the Burnham era.  Poor Granger, having to walk a tight rope between those within the PNC who still revere Burnham, and the many votes that he is trying to attract, who revile him.  If that isn't risk I don't know what is.



BTW you might think that your response are filled with facts and deep analysis.  The reality is that they are packed with angry personal attacks.


  You see if you weren't so angry and on the personal attack you would have noticed that my issue with the APNU AFC coalition was my concern that they weren't campaigning effectively, given the obvious challenges which they face.  Of course to a rabid dog like you such comments suggest animosity towards the coalition.


BTW the voters' list has 570k names when there are only about 420k voting age people in Guyana.  Do you now see why complacency, induced by the notion of the inevitability of victory, isn't a sentiment that the coalition can have. You do know that many of the 100k voters who don't exist, will vote on May 11 if the PPP has their way,  Yes at polling stations housed in "private" (PPP supporter) dwellings.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

Caribny, far be it from me to interrupt any reverie you may be indulging in with your argumentative alter ego, but i am constrained to point out that the "risks" i am pouring scorn on and the "risks" you are talking about are not even remotely the same things


don't skim my posts . . , take time to actually read them, and save yourself the embarrassment of running around the track clutching air instead of a baton



Moses Nagamootoo made reference to the risk of the coalition, both pre election, and post.  So if he is aware of the risks and spoke out PUBLICLY on this fact, then why are you still pretending as if these risks don't exist?

the "risk" i referenced as "low" in my rebuff of "Brian Teekah" is the risk of the "PNC" coalition reverting to Burnhamism


where does that leave u and your specious 'argumentation'?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

the "risk" i referenced as "low" in my rebuff of "Brian Teekah" is the risk of the "PNC" reverting to Burnhamism


where does that leave u and your specious 'argumentation'?

If the risk was low Nagamootoo would NOT have spent time speaking about it at length.  In fact the core of his speeches have been to suggest that all He and Granger are doing is what Jagan and Burnham were negotiating. 


Why if he wasn't aware of the significant risk that some might reject this coalition because they fear the PNC?


If he wasn't aware of the POST election risks of the coalition, why would ne be referring to the arrangement that he has with the PPP where the AFC is guaranteed TWELVE seats, regardless as to whether the votes which they will get would merit this? 


NOTE to you.  12 seats puts APNU in a situation where they will be virtually held hostage by the AFC, so would have to ensure that the AFC remains happy, or else a PPP regime.  Nagamootoo ensures that his supporters, who don't trust the PNC, know this.


In addition if you paid attention to the various meetings in NYC you would also note that Nagamootoo effectively controls the AFC, and that the AFC which existed prior to his arrival, is virtually dead.  Look at the AFC NYC apparatus and you will see mainly Indian names, many would be familiar to those active in the PPP.


What we have is a coalition which promotes itself as being an indicator of national unity.  This in a Guyanese setting is always with reference to the African vs. Indian ethnic angst.  So the African APNU is in coalition with the mainly Nagamootoo Indian AFC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

the "risk" i referenced as "low" in my rebuff of "Brian Teekah" is the risk of the "PNC" coalition reverting to Burnhamism


where does that leave u and your specious 'argumentation'?

If the risk was low Nagamootoo would NOT have spent time speaking about it at length.  In fact the core of his speeches have been to suggest that all He and Granger are doing is what Jagan and Burnham were negotiating. 


Why if he wasn't aware of the significant risk that some might reject this coalition because they fear the PNC?


If he wasn't aware of the POST election risks of the coalition, why would ne be referring to the arrangement that he has with the PPP where the AFC is guaranteed TWELVE seats, regardless as to whether the votes which they will get would merit this? 


NOTE to you.  12 seats puts APNU in a situation where they will be virtually held hostage by the AFC, so would have to ensure that the AFC remains happy, or else a PPP regime.  Nagamootoo ensures that his supporters, who don't trust the PNC, know this.


In addition if you paid attention to the various meetings in NYC you would also note that Nagamootoo effectively controls the AFC, and that the AFC which existed prior to his arrival, is virtually dead.  Look at the AFC NYC apparatus and you will see mainly Indian names, many would be familiar to those active in the PPP.


What we have is a coalition which promotes itself as being an indicator of national unity.  This in a Guyanese setting is always with reference to the African vs. Indian ethnic angst.  So the African APNU is in coalition with the mainly Nagamootoo Indian AFC.

well, i understand how Shaitaan, the ROAR/Guyana Times crowd and other operatives are scaring Indian Guyanese with the 'return to 1973 bogeyman' . . . but remind me again how an intelligent fella like u figures that such an absurd scenario is credible (and dare i say, the probability "high") in a rational 2015 universe


hmmmmm . . .?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:

well, i understand how Shaitaan, the ROAR/Guyana Times crowd and other operatives are scaring Indian Guyanese with the 'return to 1973 bogeyman' . . . but remind me again how an intelligent fella like u figures that such an absurd scenario is credible (and dare i say, the probability "high") in a rational 2015 universe


hmmmmm . . .?

OK so your issue isn't that your are stubborn.  It is that you are STUPID.


Did I say that APNU would behave in 2015 the way that the PNC did in 1973?  NO!


So what is your rant all about?




Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

the "risk" i referenced as "low" in my rebuff of "Brian Teekah" is the risk of the "PNC" coalition reverting to Burnhamism


where does that leave u and your specious 'argumentation'?

If the risk was low Nagamootoo would NOT have spent time speaking about it at length.  In fact the core of his speeches have been to suggest that all He and Granger are doing is what Jagan and Burnham were negotiating. 


Why if he wasn't aware of the significant risk that some might reject this coalition because they fear the PNC?


If he wasn't aware of the POST election risks of the coalition, why would ne be referring to the arrangement that he has with the PPP where the AFC is guaranteed TWELVE seats, regardless as to whether the votes which they will get would merit this? 


NOTE to you.  12 seats puts APNU in a situation where they will be virtually held hostage by the AFC, so would have to ensure that the AFC remains happy, or else a PPP regime.  Nagamootoo ensures that his supporters, who don't trust the PNC, know this.


In addition if you paid attention to the various meetings in NYC you would also note that Nagamootoo effectively controls the AFC, and that the AFC which existed prior to his arrival, is virtually dead.  Look at the AFC NYC apparatus and you will see mainly Indian names, many would be familiar to those active in the PPP.


What we have is a coalition which promotes itself as being an indicator of national unity.  This in a Guyanese setting is always with reference to the African vs. Indian ethnic angst.  So the African APNU is in coalition with the mainly Nagamootoo Indian AFC.

well, i understand how Shaitaan, the ROAR/Guyana Times crowd and other operatives are scaring Indian Guyanese with the 'return to 1973 bogeyman' . . . but remind me again how an intelligent fella like u figures that such an absurd scenario is credible (and dare i say, the probability "high") in a rational 2015 universe


hmmmmm . . .?


You are truly a incredible shallow individual if you truly think that I give two ****s about 1973 or any date prior to 1998 or that I even hold the PNC responsible for anything done from 1964 to 1992.


I don't even care that the PNC utilizes violence in politics. Try and listen carefully. It's the anti-Indian type of violence. It really is that simple for me.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

the "risk" i referenced as "low" in my rebuff of "Brian Teekah" is the risk of the "PNC" coalition reverting to Burnhamism


where does that leave u and your specious 'argumentation'?

If the risk was low Nagamootoo would NOT have spent time speaking about it at length.  In fact the core of his speeches have been to suggest that all He and Granger are doing is what Jagan and Burnham were negotiating. 


Why if he wasn't aware of the significant risk that some might reject this coalition because they fear the PNC?


If he wasn't aware of the POST election risks of the coalition, why would ne be referring to the arrangement that he has with the PPP where the AFC is guaranteed TWELVE seats, regardless as to whether the votes which they will get would merit this? 


NOTE to you.  12 seats puts APNU in a situation where they will be virtually held hostage by the AFC, so would have to ensure that the AFC remains happy, or else a PPP regime.  Nagamootoo ensures that his supporters, who don't trust the PNC, know this.


In addition if you paid attention to the various meetings in NYC you would also note that Nagamootoo effectively controls the AFC, and that the AFC which existed prior to his arrival, is virtually dead.  Look at the AFC NYC apparatus and you will see mainly Indian names, many would be familiar to those active in the PPP.


What we have is a coalition which promotes itself as being an indicator of national unity.  This in a Guyanese setting is always with reference to the African vs. Indian ethnic angst.  So the African APNU is in coalition with the mainly Nagamootoo Indian AFC.

well, i understand how Shaitaan, the ROAR/Guyana Times crowd and other operatives are scaring Indian Guyanese with the 'return to 1973 bogeyman' . . . but remind me again how an intelligent fella like u figures that such an absurd scenario is credible (and dare i say, the probability "high") in a rational 2015 universe


hmmmmm . . .?


You are truly a incredible shallow individual if you truly think that I give two ****s about 1973 or any date prior to 1998 or that I even hold the PNC responsible for anything done from 1964 to 1992.


I don't even care that the PNC utilizes violence in politics. Try and listen carefully. It's the anti-Indian type of violence. It really is that simple for me.

oh pleeease, spare me the fakery and foolishness


u are who u are . . . give it a rest

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:

well, i understand how Shaitaan, the ROAR/Guyana Times crowd and other operatives are scaring Indian Guyanese with the 'return to 1973 bogeyman' . . . but remind me again how an intelligent fella like u figures that such an absurd scenario is credible (and dare i say, the probability "high") in a rational 2015 universe


hmmmmm . . .?

OK so your issue isn't that your are stubborn.  It is that you are STUPID.


Did I say that APNU would behave in 2015 the way that the PNC did in 1973?  NO!


So what is your rant all about?

well then, was i right to admonish Brian Teekah that the "risk" of some such absurdity is "low"?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. It's the anti-Indian type of violence. It really is that simple for me.

You know I acknowledge that anti Indian violence which the PNC has engaged in.


YOU refuse to acknowledge the anti African violence which the PPP engages in.


Who looks like an ethnocentric person here?


Had you a grain of honesty in your bones you would know that the best protection which Indians have against the more rabid elements within the PNC is to ensure that the PNC needs a segment of the Indian vote in order to survive. 


How can it engage in open attacks or exclusion tactics against Indians if the result will be the departure of the AFC and an immediate return of the PPP?


Shaitaan, you know what its funny.  APNU might concede more to Indians than it does to Africans, in their need to ensure that they continue to get the support from this voting bloc.


The PPP does NOT get or want black votes, so can engage in all the ethnic exclusionary behavior that it wishes.  It can then use any reaction by blacks to their condition as a way of inducing Indian panic.  So I don't know how they become a better choice for those who want to see the end of ethnic insecurity.  

Originally Posted by redux:

well then, was i right to admonish Brian Teekah that the "risk" of some such absurdity is "low"?

Your writing is so irrational and your reasoning so manic that I don't even know or care about that which you talk.


1.  PRE election risk.  Those who voted Nagamootoo last time, thereby forcing the PPP to become a MINORITY govt, might not support him this time out of fear of the PNC.  Risk is that the PPP wins.


2. POST electon risk.  That APNU and the AFC start fighting, given that all that binds the PNC and the Nagamootoo supporters (who face facts have taken over the AFC) is that they both hate the PPP. Will they know how to dance with each other when the ball of an APNU AFC government begins?


 These are the risks and Nagamootoo makes mention of these almost every time he gets in front of a crowd of his support base.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

well then, was i right to admonish Brian Teekah that the "risk" of some such absurdity is "low"?

Your writing is so irrational and your reasoning so manic that I don't even know or care about that which you talk.


1.  PRE election risk.  Those who voted Nagamootoo last time, thereby forcing the PPP to become a MINORITY govt, might not support him this time out of fear of the PNC.  Risk is that the PPP wins.


2. POST electon risk.  That APNU and the AFC start fighting, given that all that binds the PNC and the Nagamootoo supporters (who face facts have taken over the AFC) is that they both hate the PPP. Will they know how to dance with each other when the ball of an APNU AFC government begins?


 These are the risks and Nagamootoo makes mention of these almost every time he gets in front of a crowd of his support base.

i understand all that Captain Obvious, and have posted on these issues also


so, are u going to answer my question?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. It's the anti-Indian type of violence. It really is that simple for me.

You know I acknowledge that anti Indian violence which the PNC has engaged in.


YOU refuse to acknowledge the anti African violence which the PPP engages in.


Who looks like an ethnocentric person here?


Had you a grain of honesty in your bones you would know that the best protection which Indians have against the more rabid elements within the PNC is to ensure that the PNC needs a segment of the Indian vote in order to survive. 


How can it engage in open attacks or exclusion tactics against Indians if the result will be the departure of the AFC and an immediate return of the PPP?


Shaitaan, you know what its funny.  APNU might concede more to Indians than it does to Africans, in their need to ensure that they continue to get the support from this voting bloc.


The PPP does NOT get or want black votes, so can engage in all the ethnic exclusionary behavior that it wishes.  It can then use any reaction by blacks to their condition as a way of inducing Indian panic.  So I don't know how they become a better choice for those who want to see the end of ethnic insecurity.  


You must really be terribly over-educated to constantly miss the things I say. Lemme seh dem lil moh clear dem.


1. I never miss you pointing out that the PNC has engaged in anti-Indian violence. I am also sympathetic to well-established idea that this often happens in a racially organized polity such as Guyana. I also fully understand that ordinary downtrodden underclasses in South Georgetown will not make the fine distinctions of ordinary Indian vs. rich PPP tiefman Indian. I will however never ever forgive educated Black politicians in the PNC orchestrating anti-Indian violence in an effort to pressure the PPP. No Indian could ever come to me and convince me to support a plan to actively encourage and incite Indians to go and beat/kill innocent Black people.


2. Again old man, I'm gonna say this one more time. The PPP controls an incompetent Police Force who only know how to shoot suspects prior to apprehension or torture them in custody. They do this to Blacks and Indians regularly. That Blacks are disproportionately affected by this I am willing to readily concede. That this is a serious problem I absolutely concede. That you want me to buy into your cheap nonsensical Rickford Burkean proposition that the PPP has some anti-Black policy is just too stupid to comment much on. Sit down with a PPP minister sometime. These guys are Nehru type racists. They will make some atrocious comments now and again but they will not author some anti-Black policy. I'm not even convinced they know the meaning of the word "policy." But yes, Police Force violence (especially extrajudicial murders) disproportionately affect Blacks.


3. I don't want APNU to concede any more coolie VPs or whatever. I'd be impressed if they ethnically balanced and professionalized the Police Force. That would show me 1000% more than any number of Coolie Ministers about PNC genuineness about inclusivity. But I'm not holding my breath. You keep those Jaganite shyteheads to yourselves. They ain't about to be baptized as pro-Indian anytime soon. The PNC will look out for its main constituency's interests and whatever good that accrues to Indians will be so if it is in the PNC's interests. If law and order is in the PNC's interest, then Indians will have law and order. And I suspect it will be law and order fully dependent on the good graces of the PNC.


4. This is wishful thinking of course but if the PPP implodes then that would be the best gift of the PNC to Indian people. However I suspect the PNC will rescue the PPP if that possibility ever came within reach.

Originally Posted by redux:

so, are u going to answer my question?

Sorry your responses are so laden with angry personal attacks that maybe in your rage you forgot to ask your question.


If it was about levels of risk, I am telling you that Moses considers it to be high, as his presentations are built around mitigating the fears and confusion among his supporters of his involvement with APNU.


Any way water under the bridge. APNU AFC are aware of these risks, and more importantly communicate their plans to mitigate these risks to assure the Nagamootoo element who remain skeptical.


And to my concerns.  It is clear that they have FINALLY begun to campaign loudly, effectively, and at many levels. They also claim to be attempting to fix the problem of unregistered voters in South G/town and Linden, and have plans to block PPP plans to rig.  Let us hope they are ACTUALLY DOING as they say that they will do!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

4. This is wishful thinking of course but if the PPP implodes then that would be the best gift of the PNC to Indian people. However I suspect the PNC will rescue the PPP if that possibility ever came within reach.

I am not like redux.  You plan to vote against the PPP and that is all I care about.


The rest we can argue about after May 20th when attempts by the PPP to rig, delay, postpone and frustrate end and they are pushed off the scene whining and raging against a conspiracy by "dem black man and neemakaram coolie to tief de election".


We can both await the attempts by the soup lickers like Kwame, Norman McLean and others to say "hahahaha, just joking, we never liked the PPP".

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

so, are u going to answer my question?

Sorry your responses are so laden with angry personal attacks that maybe in your rage you forgot to ask your question.


If it was about levels of risk, I am telling you that Moses considers it to be high, as his presentations are built around mitigating the fears and confusion among his supporters of his involvement with APNU.


Any way water under the bridge. APNU AFC are aware of these risks, and more importantly communicate their plans to mitigate these risks to assure the Nagamootoo element who remain skeptical.


And to my concerns.  It is clear that they have FINALLY begun to campaign loudly, effectively, and at many levels. They also claim to be attempting to fix the problem of unregistered voters in South G/town and Linden, and have plans to block PPP plans to rig.  Let us hope they are ACTUALLY DOING as they say that they will do!

so now u don't know my "question" huh? is this the 'i am dumb as a post' excuse?


anyways, i see that u sorta backed into an 'answer' like a coward mumbling something about how Moses feels . . . like if i asked u about Moses


my question stands!


u are beyond embarrassment

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Brodaman:

See, a campaign needs money to run, so the trip this weekend is to raise funds. NO one is campaigning in the USA. People wants to see the candidates and give money, so the candidates needs to make time and come to collect the FUNDS  to run the campaign. One business man alone give $100K, but he wanted to see the leaders. Another guy matched the funds raised, so the candidates need to make time. The folks in the USA are important. 

He he, who gave 100k...that sounds like a lil lie.

100 K Brazilian Pennies.  These LYING Dogs are indeed SHAMELESS!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:

In addition if you paid attention to the various meetings in NYC you would also note that Nagamootoo effectively controls the AFC, and that the AFC which existed prior to his arrival, is virtually dead.  Look at the AFC NYC apparatus and you will see mainly Indian names, many would be familiar to those active in the PPP.


What we have is a coalition which promotes itself as being an indicator of national unity.  This in a Guyanese setting is always with reference to the African vs. Indian ethnic angst.  So the African APNU is in coalition with the mainly Nagamootoo Indian AFC.

Indeed the Coalition is morphing into a party of national unoity with the two races represented by the PNC portion of APNU (Blacks) and the AFC (Indians). Caribny is making a good observation that the AFC is now Moses's party - that's te Indian element f the coalition. The PPP remains largely Indian-based with a lot of these disaffected, and that's why Storborn on another thread notes correctly that the PPP has more ways to lose than to win.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:

In addition if you paid attention to the various meetings in NYC you would also note that Nagamootoo effectively controls the AFC, and that the AFC which existed prior to his arrival, is virtually dead.  Look at the AFC NYC apparatus and you will see mainly Indian names, many would be familiar to those active in the PPP.


What we have is a coalition which promotes itself as being an indicator of national unity.  This in a Guyanese setting is always with reference to the African vs. Indian ethnic angst.  So the African APNU is in coalition with the mainly Nagamootoo Indian AFC.

Indeed the Coalition is morphing into a party of national unoity with the two races represented by the PNC portion of APNU (Blacks) and the AFC (Indians). Caribny is making a good observation that the AFC is now Moses's party - that's te Indian element f the coalition. The PPP remains largely Indian-based with a lot of these disaffected, and that's why Storborn on another thread notes correctly that the PPP has more ways to lose than to win.


Yea Praise Allah all dem moron Jaganites gane in de AFC wid Moses. Where would Indians be without our Jaganites?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:
that's why Storborn on another thread notes correctly that the PPP has more ways to lose than to win.

Stormborn thinks like an idealist and assumes that all will play fair.


The PPP has Plans A, B, C, and D to rig the election and already have plans in place to do this.  They don't want jail or to repay their ill gotten gains.


We will see if the coalition will be up to the task of blocking them.  The coalition will have to win at least 55% of the votes to guarantee victory.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by alena06:

The Guyanese ppl have already made up their minds.  GT folks will mostly vote for the coalition...Country folks are not giving up their cup...Campaigning in Queens is a waste of time.

Hope the above is not true and  the country folks vote for change.


That is straight out of the horse's mouth in GY... PPP will be back for another 5 years...

Or else what?  Rohee will return to metrople cinema to teif mo bicycles?


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