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APNU/AFC coalition likely; Parties willing to make sacrifice – Granger

February 13, 2015 1:34 pm Category: Politics A+ / A-

By Tracey Khan – Drakes

[] – The formation of a coalition between the Alliance For Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to run against the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) at the upcoming May 11 polls, seems highly likely.

An announcement in this regard is expected at the dawn of Valentine’s Day by the General Secretary of both Parties.

APNU’s leader, David Granger told a news conference on Friday, February 13  that both sides are willing to make compromises for “national good.”

“The talks are intense…and we are confident that by the time valentine’s day dawns there will be good news; we are all aiming at the removal of the PPP, both the APNU and AFC are convinced that combined action in the form of a pre-election coalition is the best way to remove the PPP…and we are prepared and working to ensure that there is going to be a pre-election coalition in this country,” the APNU Leader said.

“AFC has indicated that there is a conference tomorrow, Valentine’s Day and they would like a loving deal.”

When the Opposition Leader was quizzed on whether he is willing to surrender the Presidential position if both sides agree to a coalition, he reiterated his commitment for “national good.”

He added that the details of positions for the key players have not yet arisen.

“David Granger’s faith is in the hands of the APNU negotiating team and they are aware of my commitment to establishing a pre-election coalition in the national interest,” the Opposition Leader said.

He expressed optimism that a coalition government will be formed which will rid the Guyanese people of the PPP/C. He endorsed the AFC’s Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo’s position that the idea of coalition is being widely supported by the Guyanese people.

He stressed that the two Parties have compromised on several matters in the interest of the people.

“We understand the need for compromise,” Granger said.

At last, we have political leaders who are willing to put Nation above Self.

Guyana is crying out for a national unity government and that government will soon materialize.

There will be place for everyone, including those in the PPP who are not tainted by corruption.

There will be no more marginalization of any race.

Tomorrow a new dawn rises in Guyana.


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