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Major defects could scuttle  $1B fibre optic cable project,  new project manager says

- GTT providing interim data services


After costing over $1 billion, the botched fibre optic cable project—or at least sections of it—might have to be scrapped, as a preliminary evaluation shows major defects.

“There is one area alone that has 35 breakages and for fibre optic that is a high number… It is too early to say because we are awaiting a series of assessments but… it can very well mean that we will have to scrap the project,” New Project Manager and head of renamed Government Data Centre (GOVNET) Floyd Levi told Stabroek News in an interview.


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That is what you get when you give lil boy to do

big man gob.Wasted money which have to be paid,

another burden for the tax payers.Where is Jagdeo

comment on this fiasco.

Last edited by Django

Was the breakage of the fiber optic cables due to afc/apnu sabotage? How did the cables suddenly break, this is not clear. I suspect sabotage of a PPP backed project. Now we see the afc/apnu playing saint and pretending they don't know how the cable broke.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Was the breakage of the fiber optic cables due to afc/apnu sabotage? How did the cables suddenly break, this is not clear. I suspect sabotage of a PPP backed project. Now we see the afc/apnu playing saint and pretending they don't know how the cable broke.

And this is the druggie who remember was so stupid that endless laughter at his lack of intelligence had him banning himself from GNI in shame.


Now I can blame crime in Guyana on the PPP paying its former employees, the Phantoms, $$$ to create mayhem.   But lacking proof of this I will not make that claim.


What I can do is to discuss what a jackass Jagdeo is by offering Guyana territory so that "Venezuela can have an outlet to the Atlantic," when indeed it has as much or more access than does Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member

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