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AFC accuses PPP of racial campaigning – urges GECOM to investigate


“This can undermine the social fabric of our nation, and excite racial insecurity and fear throughout Guyana” – Nagamootoo

Alliance For Change Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo has suggested that the government is engaged in yet another illegal activity. But this one, he said, has the power to destroy “the social fabric” of Guyana.

AFC Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

Nagamootoo, who has been nominated to be AFC’s presidential candidate, stated at a recent press conference that his Party is alarmed at the “shameless and illegal campaigns of the (President Donald) Ramotar-led PPP (People’s Progressive Party) to create ethnic and geographical apartheid in Guyana.”
Nagamootoo said that the PPP is in a frenzy to re-capture at least two Regional seats, and has chosen Region Six and Region Eight as “hunting grounds.”
He stated however, that Berbice, from where he hails, is “no longer the fiefdom of the PPP.”
Nagamootoo told the media that when Berbicians voted AFC in 2011, they declared their freedom from racist domination and have given no indications that they will retreat.
The long time politician, who is also an Attorney-at-Law, said that the law specifies that any person or organization that stirs up racial hatred is guilty of a criminal offence.
“We call on the Guyana Elections Commission and the Guyana Police Force to mount an investigation into our claims of the PPP’s resort to racism and racial hatred in Berbice.”
Nagamootoo warned that the “racist campaign of the PPP would further undermine the social fabric of our nation and excite racial insecurity and fear throughout Guyana.”
He said that Guyana is at the “crossroad of definition, whether we are only formally democratic, or descending swiftly into a racist, autocratic, authoritarian state.”
Nagamootoo added that, according to the “self-anointed beacon of truth”, both President Ramotar and the Prime Minister Samuel Hinds have been involved in partisan activities to re-capture lost votes in Berbice, “in much the same way as serfs were sought after in Nikolai Gogol’s epic novel, “Dead Souls”.”
He said that the PPP administration is also utilizing state resources in an attempt to bribe potential voters, “but their bottom house meetings in Essequibo and Berbice have shown that the PPP is despised and rejected, and no amount of bribe, cajoling and ‘co-choring’ would stop the PPP ship from sinking at coming elections.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP is no different than when he was there, so it will be wise to conclude that Moses IS A RACIST!!!!!!!!!!

The PPP is very different since moses was there. the PPP has embraced a lot more hockey players (Rapists and criminals) vs when he was there.


Also when Naga was there he spoke out against the embrace and recruiting of these criminals and after he left Kwame and others have been elected to positions within the party at Congress. That was not there when moses was there.


So to seh dat would be a lie.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP is no different than when he was there, so it will be wise to conclude that Moses IS A RACIST!!!!!!!!!!

Right bro. The old tiger is still there.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

When Moses was with the PPP he was resisting these racists they now have there that tek over the party.

In so many words you told Yuji that once a racist, always a racist. Why is Naga different now? How do you know he was RESISTING the racism?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

When Moses was with the PPP he was resisting these racists they now have there that tek over the party.

In so many words you told Yuji that once a racist, always a racist. Why is Naga different now? How do you know he was RESISTING the racism?

Low breed characteristics cannot be extrapolated to a master and a leader like Mr. Nagamootoo. Come on now, Anil explained dat pun de tape, like you weren't listening or what?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

For Years Moses preached racism to the PPP supporters.

This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.




Moses avoided appearing with Afro Guyanese at the protest recently in GT.


Moses is a dirty and Rotten Racist. Neemakharam Moses is a disgrace to Guyanese.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

For Years Moses preached racism to the PPP supporters.

This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.




Moses avoided appearing with Afro Guyanese at the protest recently in GT.


Moses is a dirty and Rotten Racist. Neemakharam Moses is a disgrace to Guyanese.

Moses was very wise to not commit the mistake that Ravi Dev did, thus killing his political career.  The time is now for political collaberation jointly against the DICTATORIAL PPP.  Not the time to climb an APNU stage.


Do not listen to them Moses, you will lead the National Front Government and it will include APNU Ministers and PPP Ministers.


What these idiots do not recognised is BIG names in the PPP like Frank Anthony talking to Moses.



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

For Years Moses preached racism to the PPP supporters.

This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.




Moses avoided appearing with Afro Guyanese at the protest recently in GT.


Moses is a dirty and Rotten Racist. Neemakharam Moses is a disgrace to Guyanese.

Moses was very wise to not commit the mistake that Ravi Dev did, thus killing his political career.  The time is now for political collaberation jointly against the DICTATORIAL PPP.  Not the time to climb an APNU stage.


Do not listen to them Moses, you will lead the National Front Government and it will include APNU Ministers and PPP Ministers.


What these idiots do not recognised is BIG names in the PPP like Frank Anthony talking to Moses.




Keep on dreaming.

The AFC is already dead. Time to bury the AFC.

aOriginally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Top PPP Racist Strategy Advisor to the PPP.


Cobra, what you think about dem nipples?

hehehheehe when dem black fellas were pulling pun dat ting she was not racist then.......only now she turn racist.


Moses is making himself bigger and stupider ass every time he speaks about his party of the gov't. This banna is going bananas. He is venting his deep frustrations and it coming out with full force. Nothing can calm his anger. Time for a Khali Mai Puja to heal this banna's heart.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Moses is making himself bigger and stupider ass every time he speaks about his party of the gov't. This banna is going bananas. He is venting his deep frustrations and it coming out with full force. Nothing can calm his anger. Time for a Khali Mai Puja to heal this banna's heart.

The party of the low breeds and the batty plug brigade are obsessed with Moses because he is destroying them everywhere he goes.


Moses is the man of the people for the people and by the people.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

For Years Moses preached racism to the PPP supporters.

This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.



Some how I doubt it, but even if he did then he is right that the PPP is a racist party. 


It has become apparent to me that the PPP knows that it will not win the majority vote.  Last time they were so confident about the Indian vote that they even boasted that they would make major inroads into the black vote...large crowds at the Hits and Jams made them think.


Results came out and APNU roared back thanks to support from black voters.  About 10% of Indian voters switched to the AFC.


Ramotar with the charisma of a toad, and a truly unlucky man.


EVERY DAY a new scandal.  Now after telling us how Marriott would change Guyana we hear that no one wants to lend to the project so the NICIL has to sink MORE money in.   And that the private "investor" is uncertain.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

hehehheehe when dem black fellas were pulling pun dat ting she was not racist then.......only now she turn racist.

Bet you she had fun with all these GNS boys in the 70s and 80s.   Now that she is old they don't want her so she is angry with all dem black people.


Janet used to love black people until Forbes tired of her, or felt sorry for horning his buddy Cheddi, so this hatred when rejected isn't new.

Last edited by Former Member

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