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APNU+AFC targets 40-seat victory in March polls on record of achievements


Retired Rear Admiral Gary Best addressing an APNU+AFC meeting in Tiger Bay, Georgetown.

City Mayor, Ubraj Narine Monday night said the governing A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) wants to win the upcoming general elections by 40 seats, even as other coalition speakers listed a series of achievements to justify their party’s re-election.

Addressing about 100 persons in Tiger Bay/West End, a depressed Georgetown community nestled in between Rosemary Lane and Water Street, the Mayor appealed to residents to turn out and vote. “Let us continue to lead the way forward onward to replace His Excellency David Arthur Granger in office, the 2nd of March, 2020, no less than 40 seats in Parliament,” he said.

The APNU+AFC won 33 of the 65 seats in the National Assembly in 2015, and the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) got 32 seats.

Executive member and Director the National Communications Network (NCN), Michael Leonard said it was not merely about attending political meetings but ensuring that they cast their ballots on March 2, 2020 general elections. ”

Unlike the several other speakers who largely engaged in loose political talk, Attorney-at-Law, James Bond detailed a number of what he regarded as successes by the  David Granger-led administration that should cause them to vote for the APNU+AFC.  These include reduction in the Value Added Tax, reduction in the Berbice Bridge toll,  granting of radio licences TV, decentralisation of the Passport and Immigration Office to Linden and the Essequibo Coast, establishment of the Public Procurement Commission, establishment of Code of Conduct for ministers and public officials, establish Information Communication Technology (ICT) hubs, implementation of  the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of  Financing of Terrorism Act,  increased minimum wage from 39,000 to 64,000,  increased rice production, increased gold declarations, granting of scholarships, refunding of money to students who studied at Hugh Wooding Law School, small business bureau Grant’s, establishment of the youth innovation fund to young people, and increased job opportunities for young people. “We created jobs for young people and you know what?This is one thing I want to let people know. They look about and say they criticising the coalition government about young people. I tell that’s a lie. If you look at some very key and integral ministries and departments, they are manned by young people… so when they are telling you, they aint’ do nothing for the young people, you tell them they are lying, they are selling you dreams,” Bond said.

Other speakers, including former Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Retired Rear Admiral Gary Best highlighted what they regarded as good scorecards by the coalition administration. These include increased access to education, reduced corruption, a cleaner city, e-libraries, few extrajudicial killings, improved water supply and improved security including and the absence of  death squads. “The PPP record is about corruption. That is what happened in the 23 years. Their record is about extrajudicial killings. That is what happened for twenty-three years and, if for no other reason, the people of Tiger Nay- if for no other reason that you would vote APNU+AFC is because the country is now safe once again,” he said.

Best noted that PPP presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali has 19 charges and PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo was complicit by promoting “deceit and dishonesty.”

Best promised free education, free food, free transportation and free books to school children as part of the objective of creating an education nation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

A LOSS for the PPP/C...which seems more than likely at this election, will mean that Guyana will have a better future with a transformed PPP opposition party. 

Joey jagan might be right. The PPP needs to reform and transform itself before it becomes an acceptable organization reflective of the views of Cheddi Jagan. It has to shed the likes of Jagdeo, Ramotar and Irfaan, to name a few. This has to happen if the party is to be taken seriously by people outside the party's traditional base. If and when they lose in march, hopefully there is a rebellion from the bottom to make the party more democratic, and less "democratically centralized".

Many of you knuckleheads here understand this, but wont accept it because you cannot accept the fact that Jagan's party is now controlled by a bunch of corrupt, inept, unprofessional, uneducated and disorganized individuals. The PPP 23 years may have corrected some of the problems created by 28 years of PNC rule, but the PPP has become its worst enemy. 

I believe the party will rise again, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. A defeat will be devastating, and very disappointing to many Indos who also feel entitled (like Afros), but one cannot ignore the progress that has taken place over the years, despite all the criticisma.

It comes down to this: Neither the PNC or the PPP have been angels, but the Indos can only blame their leaders for squandering the good faith they gained with a Cheddi jagan victory in 1992. 

My suggestion is for those of you supporting the PPP is to wait until after the election and then lobby to make the changes in the PPP possible...

Nehru posted:

Why only 40, they should target 60 like Bunhan Mo Fiah slo Fiah!!

This is your problem: You are not even considering the possibility that the PPP might what I said above...educate yourself...tek a lesson from this school boy.

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

40 seat only through massive fraud.  

Why??? Even if they get 33 seats, its a win...people always aim for the moon, but if they fall, they at least fall among the stars...

With your PNC, looks like they will fall mostly among the dead with all the soon to be expired folks contesting the election.

VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

Why only 40, they should target 60 like Bunhan Mo Fiah slo Fiah!!

This is your problem: You are not even considering the possibility that the PPP might what I said above...educate yourself...tek a lesson from this school boy.

Oh skoant, you muss teach night lesson in August month.

VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

Why only 40, they should target 60 like Bunhan Mo Fiah slo Fiah!!

This is your problem: You are not even considering the possibility that the PPP might what I said above...educate yourself...tek a lesson from this school boy.

Why would I lower my standard to LIL ABC dropout!!


PPP/C's Bharrat Jagdeo says PPP will rule 40 years.

PNC's Ubraj Narine says APNU+AFC will win 40 seats.

Let's chalk everything up to enthusiasm aka elections fever. Nothing to cause disquiet.

VishMahabir posted:

A LOSS for the PPP/C...which seems more than likely at this election, will mean that Guyana will have a better future with a transformed PPP opposition party. 

Joey jagan might be right. The PPP needs to reform and transform itself before it becomes an acceptable organization reflective of the views of Cheddi Jagan. It has to shed the likes of Jagdeo, Ramotar and Irfaan, to name a few. This has to happen if the party is to be taken seriously by people outside the party's traditional base. If and when they lose in march, hopefully there is a rebellion from the bottom to make the party more democratic, and less "democratically centralized".

Many of you knuckleheads here understand this, but wont accept it because you cannot accept the fact that Jagan's party is now controlled by a bunch of corrupt, inept, unprofessional, uneducated and disorganized individuals. The PPP 23 years may have corrected some of the problems created by 28 years of PNC rule, but the PPP has become its worst enemy. 

I believe the party will rise again, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. A defeat will be devastating, and very disappointing to many Indos who also feel entitled (like Afros), but one cannot ignore the progress that has taken place over the years, despite all the criticisma.

It comes down to this: Neither the PNC or the PPP have been angels, but the Indos can only blame their leaders for squandering the good faith they gained with a Cheddi jagan victory in 1992. 

My suggestion is for those of you supporting the PPP is to wait until after the election and then lobby to make the changes in the PPP possible...

Concurred .

Nothing but the truth !!!  will  omit  the  "knuckleheads"

Last edited by Django

VishnuMahabir, stop giving my fellow Indos heart-attack. Speak little white lies and say the PPP is hoping to win 40 seats and no question will be asked. Spare them the rod and spoil them. Nuff ah them nat too healthy to be harassed.   They don't even have teeth to chew sugarcane.  

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

40 seat only through massive fraud.  

Why??? Even if they get 33 seats, its a win...people always aim for the moon, but if they fall, they at least fall among the stars...

With your PNC, looks like they will fall mostly among the dead with all the soon to be expired folks contesting the election.

You know that is not going to happen.

If you believe that the PNC, and Afros, in general, will give everything up, and all the powers that comes with it, to a party they truly believe did them wrong for 23 years, then you do not know your Guyanese people. You have no idea how much dislike there is among Afros for Jagdeo and the PPP. 

Much of this is probably not justified...but, like i said, your leaders should have done a better job at addressing the concerns of Afros over the years.

If you think Afros gon take losing this election very easy, yall better think again. For many Afros who really believe Indos will eventually control the economy, like dem rich European carpetbaggers, this is a survival issue...if they lose, the PPP will not be allowed to occupy office and rule with tranquality... 

Gilbakka posted:

PPP/C's Bharrat Jagdeo says PPP will rule 40 years.

PNC's Ubraj Narine says APNU+AFC will win 40 seats.

Let's chalk everything up to enthusiasm aka elections fever. Nothing to cause disquiet.

AND...for a man of experience...who know the history of Guyana more than these dont think dat "40 years" send a message to Afros? 

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

A LOSS for the PPP/C...which seems more than likely at this election, will mean that Guyana will have a better future with a transformed PPP opposition party. 

Joey jagan might be right. The PPP needs to reform and transform itself before it becomes an acceptable organization reflective of the views of Cheddi Jagan. It has to shed the likes of Jagdeo, Ramotar and Irfaan, to name a few. This has to happen if the party is to be taken seriously by people outside the party's traditional base. If and when they lose in march, hopefully there is a rebellion from the bottom to make the party more democratic, and less "democratically centralized".

Many of you knuckleheads here understand this, but wont accept it because you cannot accept the fact that Jagan's party is now controlled by a bunch of corrupt, inept, unprofessional, uneducated and disorganized individuals. The PPP 23 years may have corrected some of the problems created by 28 years of PNC rule, but the PPP has become its worst enemy. 

I believe the party will rise again, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. A defeat will be devastating, and very disappointing to many Indos who also feel entitled (like Afros), but one cannot ignore the progress that has taken place over the years, despite all the criticisma.

It comes down to this: Neither the PNC or the PPP have been angels, but the Indos can only blame their leaders for squandering the good faith they gained with a Cheddi jagan victory in 1992. 

My suggestion is for those of you supporting the PPP is to wait until after the election and then lobby to make the changes in the PPP possible...

Concurred .

Nothing but the truth !!!  will  omit  the  "knuckleheads"

NAH...I keeping the KNUCKLEHEADS...Dave, Nehru, KP, Skeldon-Man know I speaking to dem...


one cannot ignore the progress that has taken place over the years, despite all the criticisma.


You have to be a certified LIl ABC dunce!! Progress ay ass! Well, because of you acute illiteracy I understand your view of progress. And since i respect the opinion of LIL ABC dunces you are allowed to state your ignorance!!

Prince posted:

VishnuMahabir, stop giving my fellow Indos heart-attack. Speak little white lies and say the PPP is hoping to win 40 seats and no question will be asked. Spare them the rod and spoil them. Nuff ah them nat too healthy to be harassed.   They don't even have teeth to chew sugarcane.  

Well Princess...if they dont have GUM to chew SUGARCANE, they can suck on the RATOON... 

VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

VishnuMahabir, stop giving my fellow Indos heart-attack. Speak little white lies and say the PPP is hoping to win 40 seats and no question will be asked. Spare them the rod and spoil them. Nuff ah them nat too healthy to be harassed.   They don't even have teeth to chew sugarcane.  

Well Princess...if they dont have GUM to chew SUGARCANE, they can suck on the RATOON... 

And to think, just the other day you did not know what punani was!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

VishnuMahabir, stop giving my fellow Indos heart-attack. Speak little white lies and say the PPP is hoping to win 40 seats and no question will be asked. Spare them the rod and spoil them. Nuff ah them nat too healthy to be harassed.   They don't even have teeth to chew sugarcane.  

Well Princess...if they dont have GUM to chew SUGARCANE, they can suck on the RATOON... 

And to think, just the other day you did not know what punani was!

Banna...shet you poke!

I know now...

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

40 seat only through massive fraud.  

Why??? Even if they get 33 seats, its a win...people always aim for the moon, but if they fall, they at least fall among the stars...

VishMahabir is exceedingly happy as he falls deep in the pit with horse and other animal refuses.


Here is what will also contribute to a PPP transformation after their loss in March:

No one likes a loser. The party has to select new leadership (otherwise they could have brought back Ramotar and Harper).

Guyanese will be more educated, and with economic prosperity, more professional and more likely to reject the traditional leadership style of the current leadership.

Remember when they used to use the big fete to attract people and take people for granted in previous election?

A more enlightened population, and supporters, will put pressure on the PPP to transform itself...

Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

40 seat only through massive fraud.  

Why??? Even if they get 33 seats, its a win...people always aim for the moon, but if they fall, they at least fall among the stars...

VishMahabir is exceedingly happy as he falls deep in the pit with horse and other animal refuses.

Dude...go play with your too smart to be posting belittling yourself.

...your MacKenzie family who got caught in the "massacre" gon be real disappointed with your nonsensical forays.

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Looks like everything is 40 heh! Maybe they need individuals who are 40 years old too.

Nah...they need men/women wid EXPERIENCE!

which completely excludes VishMahabir from the group.

Oiii VIshMahabir, you have a day-off from kindergarten classes.

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

40 seat only through massive fraud.  

Why??? Even if they get 33 seats, its a win...people always aim for the moon, but if they fall, they at least fall among the stars...

VishMahabir is exceedingly happy as he falls deep in the pit with horse and other animal refuses.

Dude...go play with your too smart to be posting belittling yourself.

...your MacKenzie family who got caught in the "massacre" gon be real disappointed with your nonsensical forays.

Yuh prappa like fuh talk nonsense pon GNI, eh VishMahabir.

VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:

PPP/C's Bharrat Jagdeo says PPP will rule 40 years.

PNC's Ubraj Narine says APNU+AFC will win 40 seats.

Let's chalk everything up to enthusiasm aka elections fever. Nothing to cause disquiet.

AND...for a man of experience...who know the history of Guyana more than these dont think dat "40 years" send a message to Afros? 

Probably the same way 40 seats will send a message to Indos. But Indos crossed that Cassandra bridge before and survived. Hoyte's PNC government gave itself 42 out of 53 seats in the  1985 elections and practised political and racial discrimination against Indos for  28 years. Don't complain about the PPP/C government of 23 years.

Nehru posted:


They aint least one can take comfort in the thought that the Guyanese public are much smarter today and will speak out when the coalition members stray from their task...and dats why we need a good and effective opposition party with watchful eyes.

The PPP may be a tad bit morally superior to the PNC, but it is not very far ahead from the PNC in this area. 

I predict it will come back as a stronger, better party after this election, as long as it transform itself.


Vish says that if PPP wins then PNC will not allow them to govern with tranquility. 
Bai how undemocratic is that ? 
PPP lost and there was a peaceful transition and tranquility. 
PNC has to respect the rule of law, constitution and democracy. If they riot post election as a result of a loss, use the full force of the law to kick dem rass Into respecting the law and not behaving like animals !! Guyana is not a jungle. 
Dis time na Lang time and yes the PPP is headed to a majority. And yes, Jagdeo and the PPP are not weak asses like Jagan and PNC knows this. Any threats like these will be dealt with accordingly. PPP is not scared of these clowns who walk around threatening. Jagdeo buss dem ass the last time they tried this Shyte. 

Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  He probably got expelled again from lil abc  

Demerara_Guy posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Looks like everything is 40 heh! Maybe they need individuals who are 40 years old too.

Nah...they need men/women wid EXPERIENCE!

which completely excludes VishMahabir from the group.

Oiii VIshMahabir, you have a day-off from kindergarten classes.

Well seeing that the weather is so cold, VishMahabir probably has the day-off from his kindergarten class.

Gilbakka posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:

PPP/C's Bharrat Jagdeo says PPP will rule 40 years.

PNC's Ubraj Narine says APNU+AFC will win 40 seats.

Let's chalk everything up to enthusiasm aka elections fever. Nothing to cause disquiet.

AND...for a man of experience...who know the history of Guyana more than these dont think dat "40 years" send a message to Afros? 

Probably the same way 40 seats will send a message to Indos. But Indos crossed that Cassandra bridge before and survived. Hoyte's PNC government gave itself 42 out of 53 seats in the  1985 elections and practised political and racial discrimination against Indos for  28 years. Don't complain about the PPP/C government of 23 years.

Survived?? At what cost? Your Indos are scattered all over creation today  because of the PPP 28 years. 

There is no glory in being in an opposition for 28 years. That was Jagan's political folly, only the loyalists will try to make sense in that.

If we accept the PPP as being a more superior political entity, then it is logical to assume that they have squandered the 23 years of rule (or misrule). Politically, Guyanese society has not changed since 1992. There was no intellect in the party after Jagan died, and those who kept the reigns of power, could have used the 23 years to create a system that historians could have pointed to and say well yes, this PPP leader was a "Lee Kwan Yew" of Guyana. 

A case in point is the sugar workers...they have been used by the PPP without any plan to make their (or their children's) lives better. 

I would hate to think that people are not critical (and most PPP supporters here are not critical of the PPP) and are supporting the PPP because of loyalty and dislike for the PNC. 

VishMahabir posted:

Survived?? At what cost?

Your Indos are scattered all over creation today  because of the PPP 28 years. 

There is no glory in being in an opposition for 28 years.

That was Jagan's political folly, only the loyalists will try to make sense in that.

Oiii VishMahabir ... take the time s-l-o-w-l-y to understand how the PNC was in power from 1964 to 1992 -- 28 years.

Reports from credible election organizations plus documents on the issue show that fraudulent by the PNC kept it in power all the time.

In one instance the PNC "miraculously" obtained more than two-thirds of the elected members of parliament, hence the creation of the current constitution.


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