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I have talked to some key folks in the Guyana private sector and some family in Berbice and West Demerara.


They all said a very consistent message.


PLUS the PPP is dominating the airwaves, the print media, the high ways and the Indo-Guyanese love the fact that Jagdeo continues to attack and attack.


But in Guyanese elections, there is no way of having a certain position.



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I have talked to some key folks in the Guyana private sector and some family in Berbice and West Demerara.


They all said a very consistent message.


PLUS the PPP is dominating the airwaves, the print media, the high ways and the Indo-Guyanese love the fact that Jagdeo continues to attack and attack.


But in Guyanese elections, there is no way of having a certain position.



As I suspected most of your contacts are Indians.


Do understand that between 50-55% of the voters will NOT be Indian.  Many are very motivated this time as they think that they will finally see the end of the PPP.  Expect very high turn out in G/town and in the black villages on ECD.


It is really sad that some of your contacts seem to desire a racial war.  Jagdeo is a known racist.  He advocates NOTHING to solve the problem of ethnic exclusion and the anxieties which result.  A country where 50% of the population feels excluded is NOT one which is sustainable.


The PPP DOES NOT deserve to win because they offer NO solutions to this issue of ethnic exclusion.  The APNU AFC formula determines that there will have to be an ethnic INCUSIVE policy, or APNU will be tossed out.  Not even the most optimistic coalition supporters expect the PPP to only win 20 seats, and that is the only way that APNU will be able to toss the AFC, with its 12 seats< and pursuse a policy of ethnic exclusion.


So let those Indians who live in a bubble, and who think that one race rule is viable in Guyana, cheer Jagdeo.  It is a known fact that Jagdeo will quickly toss grass roots Indians as collateral damage in the race war that he seems to want to create.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I have talked to some key folks in the Guyana private sector and some family in Berbice and West Demerara.


They all said a very consistent message.


PLUS the PPP is dominating the airwaves, the print media, the high ways and the Indo-Guyanese love the fact that Jagdeo continues to attack and attack.


But in Guyanese elections, there is no way of having a certain position.



As I suspected most of your contacts are Indians.


Do understand that between 50-55% of the voters will NOT be Indian.  Many are very motivated this time as they think that they will finally see the end of the PPP.  Expect very high turn out in G/town and in the black villages on ECD.

You do have a point here Carib and that is why I am not predicting anything.


All I am saying is the PPP gaining.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I have talked to some key folks in the Guyana private sector and some family in Berbice and West Demerara.


They all said a very consistent message.


PLUS the PPP is dominating the airwaves, the print media, the high ways and the Indo-Guyanese love the fact that Jagdeo continues to attack and attack.


But in Guyanese elections, there is no way of having a certain position.



bai you think Guyanese will be stupid all their lives 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I have talked to some key folks in the Guyana private sector and some family in Berbice and West Demerara.


They all said a very consistent message.


PLUS the PPP is dominating the airwaves, the print media, the high ways and the Indo-Guyanese love the fact that Jagdeo continues to attack and attack.


But in Guyanese elections, there is no way of having a certain position.



bai you think Guyanese will be stupid all their lives 

I have know Indians to be dogged and blid followers of the corrupt PPP all their lives and they will vote for them by the thousands.


The PPP not getting less than 150,000 votes in 2015.  Who you think are those 150,000 - Indians and Amerindians mainly.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I have talked to some key folks in the Guyana private sector and some family in Berbice and West Demerara.


They all said a very consistent message.


PLUS the PPP is dominating the airwaves, the print media, the high ways and the Indo-Guyanese love the fact that Jagdeo continues to attack and attack.


But in Guyanese elections, there is no way of having a certain position.



bai you think Guyanese will be stupid all their lives 

I have know Indians to be dogged and blid followers of the corrupt PPP all their lives and they will vote for them by the thousands.


The PPP not getting less than 150,000 votes in 2015.  Who you think are those 150,000 - Indians and Amerindians mainly.

the alliance only need 15% to get wise not all of them the rest can be stupid like nehru and cobra 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I have talked to some key folks in the Guyana private sector and some family in Berbice and West Demerara.


They all said a very consistent message.


PLUS the PPP is dominating the airwaves, the print media, the high ways and the Indo-Guyanese love the fact that Jagdeo continues to attack and attack.


But in Guyanese elections, there is no way of having a certain position.



bai you think Guyanese will be stupid all their lives 

I have know Indians to be dogged and blid followers of the corrupt PPP all their lives and they will vote for them by the thousands.


The PPP not getting less than 150,000 votes in 2015.  Who you think are those 150,000 - Indians and Amerindians mainly.

the alliance only need 15% to get wise not all of them the rest can be stupid like nehru and cobra 

The coalition will get less than 15%.  BUT 10% however will be enough if them young black boys in South Georgetown vote.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

You do have a point here Carib and that is why I am not predicting anything.


All I am saying is the PPP gaining.

PPP is gaining with who, because on my side (which I will readily admit consists of blacks, mixed people, and Indians with a cross ethnic outlook) I am hearing the opposite.


Guyana is a divided nation and I urge those who talk about which group is gaining, to recognize that fact.


The election will be close.  There will be attempts by the PPP to rig.  "Excitable" elements within the PNC are primed to expect any conspiratorial rumors about the PPP, true or not.


After every election there is always the babble about "it is time for Guyanese to be united", and within days the PPP returns to its Indocracy (from which grass root Indians and most non Indians are excluded).


Regardless as to who wins, this cannot continue.  I support APNU AFC for one reason only, and that is their formula will guarantee that the issue of ethnic exclusion will have to be dealt with.  I hope that sufficient Indians are of like mind, otherwise I shudder to predict what the future of Guyana will be. 


Its obvious that a vengeful Jagdeo will take over Guyana if the PPP wins.  Take a look at Burnham after 1978 to see what Jagdeo will do.  Maybe Harper will "get sick".  He is not listed as the head of the ticket and uyet we only hear of Jagdeo's screams. Where is Ramotar?  He obviously is the Jagdeo puppet that we all know him to be!

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

The PPP not getting less than 150,000 votes in 2015.  Who you think are those 150,000 - Indians and Amerindians mainly.

This is exactly what the PPP will get if the trend of declining support continues. 


I expect a higher turn out this year, maybe 360k.  The higher the turn out the greater the probability that the PPP loses.


HEHEHE  A man who was a PRINCIPAL ELECTION RIGGER for Bunham has the balls to accuse the PPP of his SHIT!!!  This RACIST FOOL need to ask the Carter Center since 1992 which Country has been CERTIFIED as having the highest standard for FREE and FAIR Election.  Or he can continue to open his ILLITERATE mouth!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


Why they not going to more Indian areas?

As I said all along (and get called all sorts of names) the AFC doesnt have an infrastructure.  The "old" AFC of Trotman and Hughes is virtually dead, and in any case consisted mainly of G/town elite black and mixed people.  The "new" AFC (Indo party II) consists of people who revere Moses the way that they used to revere Cheddi, so they do not see a need for an infra structure.


The PNC doesnt have an infrastructure in PPP strongholds, because it too has its own weaknesses in its grass roots organization, so it cannot help the AFC.


What will help Moses is if many young Indians vote, and vote differently from the way that their parents will vote.  They will look to the issues, and probably will not even attend any rallies.


The election will depend on whether the Indo turn out is low as many, confused by Moses, but angered by Jagdeo, decide to stay home.  With Moses speaking in front of large African crowds and not ebing rejected, its harder for the PPP to claim that this community operates purely out of hatred towards Indians. So maybe there might be some who just cannot vote PNC, but who arent panicked if the PNC were to win.


On the opposite side will depend on the degree to which young black MALES (the only group which votes less are Amerindians) show up to vote.  In recent years they havent. You black females are cleared enthused and will vote because of the perceived racial discrimination that they face.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

I have talked to some key folks in the Guyana private sector

and some family in Berbice and West Demerara.


They all said a very consistent message.


PLUS the PPP is dominating the airwaves, the print media, the high ways and the Indo-Guyanese love the fact that Jagdeo continues to attack and attack.


But in Guyanese elections, there is no way of having a certain position.



As I suspected most of your contacts are Indians.


Do understand that between 50-55% of the voters will NOT be Indian.  Many are very motivated this time as they think that they will finally see the end of the PPP.  Expect very high turn out in G/town and in the black villages on ECD.


It is really sad that some of your contacts seem to desire a racial war.  Jagdeo is a known racist.  He advocates NOTHING to solve the problem of ethnic exclusion and the anxieties which result.  A country where 50% of the population feels excluded is NOT one which is sustainable.


The PPP DOES NOT deserve to win because they offer NO solutions to this issue of ethnic exclusion.  The APNU AFC formula determines that there will have to be an ethnic INCUSIVE policy, or APNU will be tossed out.  Not even the most optimistic coalition supporters expect the PPP to only win 20 seats, and that is the only way that APNU will be able to toss the AFC, with its 12 seats< and pursuse a policy of ethnic exclusion.


So let those Indians who live in a bubble, and who think that one race rule is viable in Guyana, cheer Jagdeo.  It is a known fact that Jagdeo will quickly toss grass roots Indians as collateral damage in the race war that he seems to want to create.

Carib,let Jaggy spurt his nonsense to the indos,it is

motivating the other ethnicty to vote ANPNU/AFC,i can

fathom they went to Stewartville WCD and spewed


Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


Why they not going to more Indian areas?

As I said all along (and get called all sorts of names) the AFC doesnt have an infrastructure.


At the AFC-NYC post-2011 inaugural Meeting where we were discussing financing a Berbice AFC Office to coordinate the erection of a Berbice AFC party structure down to the village level, Mel Carpen and the other Jaganites shouted us down and bruk up the meeting because they felt insufficient respect was being paid to the great god Cheddi of Blessed Memory.


This is why I'm always ragging on the AFC Jaganites. They're dangerous. Its the tactics they learned in the PPP. They need the leadership of an organization they're in to remain small and closed so they can dominate it even in the face of a hostile majority.


It was so bad that I concluded that Mel Carpen and the Jaganites were deliberately sabotaging the AFC.


The PPP/C was lacking in their campaign of 2011 and AFC had taken advantage of that. With the AFC joining with the PNC they have lost their legitimacy as an independent party. That independence was attracting people who were disgruntled by the PPP/C and the PNC. They are now disgruntled with the AFC betrayal and will return en masse to their respective party. Moses denial of his Indianness has further annoyed most of them. The ROAR element has also attacked Moses and are out campaigning in meaning full numbers asking Indians to support the PPP/C. The PPP/C has accepted them with open arms. The PPP/C has accepted criticism that it was lacking in their campaign efforts in 2011.  The PPP/C campaign has become itself again, 1992 style. You cannot stop and an unstoppable force, the PPP/C. There is no immovable object in Guyana, confronting a certain victory for the juggernaut.

Originally Posted by simple:

AFC paid her to go and have a good time.

Mind you business.


You can wok fa free if you want. She got a free trip to the country, you know a better deal? Tis the time for free excursion all over the country. Stay in you basemen and hear toilet flushing all day long. My family like nature and the moon light.

Bhai if da is yuh family.....she different from you.....She nice and she mek de right choice.

look who she supporting


Originally Posted by Django:

Carib,let Jaggy spurt his nonsense to the indos,it is

motivating the other ethnicty to vote ANPNU/AFC,i can

fathom they went to Stewartville WCD and spewed


And here is my concern.  If the PPP wins and Jagdeo becomes the de facto head, he will go on the attack.  This will be a full blown dictatorship and his Dogs of War will be literally attack, guns blazing.


I do not see how that is good for Guyana, because every action breeds an opposite reaction.  Criminals will dominate politics to an even greater degree than before.


At least in the 60s one could have spoken to Burnham, Jagan and D'Aguiar to warn them to control their Dogs of War.


If this war that Jaqdeo wants takes place it will be run by a bunch of "hidden" mercenaries.  I can well see a scenario where Guyana becomes like parts of Rio and Kingston, run by criminal gangs.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by simple:

Carter already declared the PPP/C the winner, .

Simple Simon Carter does NOT like the PPP, which is why he satyed out for Guyana in recent years.


He is back because he anticipates the good prospect that the PPP might GO!


He sees the PPP as corrupt, incompetent, and totally unwilling to share power in a divided nation.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by simple:

Carter already declared the PPP/C the winner, .

Simple Simon Carter does NOT like the PPP, which is why he satyed out for Guyana in recent years.


He is back because he anticipates the good prospect that the PPP might GO!


He sees the PPP as corrupt, incompetent, and totally unwilling to share power in a divided nation.

Actually the Carter trip to Guyana is part of the winds of change in the air.


Guyana is not such a racially divided country that seems to be bandied about. Yes there are differences that are born out of cultural and religious differences and on some things there will be no compromises. But what has raised the currency of racial divide is politic, and this is my point about how things are different like the US in 2008. There is more racism in the USA because it is used as a tool by the republicans and Fox News. This is exactly what is being done by the PPP - use the racial fear factor. Fortunately it lacks traction in most instances.


And this is not just the enlightened educated class and business class speaking. The ordinary folks whose votes matter see a change in front of them and are enticed. The pull of the past is losing its magnetism. People abandoned their lumbering cell phones (the PPP)P for the new-fangled smartphones with Facebook and whatsapp and such (the coalition).


Carter sees it and those moribund minds here will be swept up in the tide of change.

Originally Posted by simple:

Carter already declared the PPP/C the winner, it's just by how big a margin they win. The PPP/C wants them to think they were close so that they can hold their breath for next time. The PPP/C have to give them hope so that they don't burn and loot too much.

you know the ppp thief anything that move,so you just assume they will thief the election well CARTER is bring some FBI to take away some ppp minister with him

Originally Posted by simple:

AFC paid her to go and have a good time. Mind you business. You can wok fa free if you want. She got a free trip to the country, you know a better deal? Tis the time for free excursion all over the country. Stay in you basemen and hear toilet flushing all day long. My family like nature and the moon light.

ass you who live at brickdam and camp st there is no resident there

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

PPP sees to be dotting all the right Is and crossing all the right Ts.


These next two week seem to be HOT HOT.

How could one be "gaining" when you already leading the pack?

base, I see you haven't lost that constipated look.

But I still enjoy sh1ttin pun Kari.  (you notice I left out the added adjective).  I'm in a good mood smelling a convincing PPP victory.


base, you're a true you boy Rev who saw a change coming in 2008 in the US and couldn't recognize it. Change bro, it's coming to Guyana, and even Ii was a little surprised at the steam it picked up in recent weeks. I'm also surprised at the hung demeanor of the guys you say will win. They're even preparing their exit strategy. the only bother is that Uncle Sam's wheels of justice have been in motion a little while now. One thing that's tough to run away from is when the Feds begin their work on you.


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