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Which Minister will direct the SWAT unit?

October 15, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Please allow me to make a few observations that point to our eroding freedoms as citizens of this dear land.
Two recent incidents have convinced me that the PPP is panicking and is forging ahead into dictatorship mode.
I read with horror the statements made by Dr. Roger Luncheon, threatening to take action against persons protesting the situations at schools. His statements amount to a threat to the constitutional rights of Guyanese to protest peacefully.
It seems as though the PPP is hell bent on outlawing protest; they tried it under Janet Jagan.
Yet our Opposition sits down and allows this threat to go unanswered. Maybe they will wait until the government makes good on the threat then they will act.
Another scary scenario presented itself last week when a young man was locked up by the police allegedly on the instruction of a government minister.
Since when is it a crime to heckle a minister in public?
I believe that once no threat was made, there was no need for the young man to be arrested. So far, I have not heard of any charges.
And this speaks volumes of the way the police dispenses justice in this country. There have been many suggestions that the Guyana Police Force is being politically directed. For me, these are no longer suggestions; these are facts.
What is more alarming is that this time it is not the Home Affairs Minister who is directing the Guyana Police Force. By the way, one would think that to clear his name, Minister Rohee would have issued a statement on the matter, since it points directly to something that he has been denying for some time. Or maybe he can direct the work of a contractor working on a government contract, or he can remove an Ambassador from his posting. It could be that that is how our cabinet works.
I am still to hear Mr. Brumell address the issue, which will certainly come back to haunt the Force, especially with the proposed setting up of a SWAT unit.
One has to ask the question which Minister will direct the SWAT unit?
Andrew Sealey

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mitjuanita the pedo is at it again, after he lucked out on a few lil bais for dessert he now turn on the PPP again. The swat will be directed by chief PNC operative Brummel who under instructions from Granger will decide how to utilize this unit.


As for the school protest, adults instigating protests by school children on school property is illegal according to the laws of Guyana. Let the law take its course and have them arrested. There is a time and place for protests. Let them same bastards come to the US and try to enter a school and start protests, see how fast their butts are thrown into prison.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Mitjuanita the pedo is at it again, after he lucked out on a few lil bais for dessert he now turn on the PPP again. The swat will be directed by chief PNC operative Brummel who under instructions from Granger will decide how to utilize this unit.


As for the school protest, adults instigating protests by school children on school property is illegal according to the laws of Guyana. Let the law take its course and have them arrested. There is a time and place for protests. Let them same bastards come to the US and try to enter a school and start protests, see how fast their butts are thrown into prison.

Whatever is left of the AFC will make a last ditch attempt to start disturbances. Rohee now has a SWAT team to deal with these thugs. Rohee is having the last laugh now that the AFC has imploded. It is important to keep Pedos away from schools. Say No to Pedos and women abusers.


Two recent incidents have convinced me that the PPP is panicking and is forging ahead into dictatorship mode.
I read with horror the statements made by Dr. Roger Luncheon, threatening to take action against persons protesting the situations at schools. His statements amount to a threat to the constitutional rights of Guyanese to protest peacefully.
It seems as though the PPP is hell bent on outlawing protest; they tried it under Janet Jagan.
Yet our Opposition sits down and allows this threat to go unanswered. Maybe they will wait until the government makes good on the threat then they will act.
Another scary scenario presented itself last week when a young man was locked up by the police allegedly on the instruction of a government minister.
Since when is it a crime to heckle a minister in public?

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Another scary scenario presented itself last week when a young man was locked up by the police allegedly on the instruction of a government minister.
Since when is it a crime to heckle a minister in public?

Totalitarianism - a hallmark of PPP rule. They learnt well from their Commie masters.

I believe that once no threat was made, there was no need for the young man to be arrested.


So far, I have not heard of any charges.

And this speaks volumes of the way the police dispenses justice in this country.


There have been many suggestions that the Guyana Police Force is being politically directed. For me, these are no longer suggestions; these are facts.

What is more alarming is that this time it is not the Home Affairs Minister who is directing the Guyana Police Force.


By the way, one would think that to clear his name, Minister Rohee would have issued a statement on the matter, since it points directly to something that he has been denying for some time.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Another scary scenario presented itself last week when a young man was locked up by the police allegedly on the instruction of a government minister.
Since when is it a crime to heckle a minister in public?

Totalitarianism - a hallmark of PPP rule. They learnt well from their Commie masters.

Where is the follow up story on the issue?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Another scary scenario presented itself last week when a young man was locked up by the police allegedly on the instruction of a government minister.
Since when is it a crime to heckle a minister in public?

Totalitarianism - a hallmark of PPP rule. They learnt well from their Commie masters.

Where is the follow up story on the issue?

So far, there are no charges.

There have been many suggestions that the Guyana Police Force is being politically directed. For me, these are no longer suggestions; these are facts.




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