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Rohee on electoral preparedness… The question is not whether the PPP is ready –but whether GECOM is


THE ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has reiterated its readiness for General or Local Government Elections, should either be called at short notice.

This is according to Party General Secretary Mr Clement Rohee. “We have always been ready for elections, but I’ve always made the point that the PPP is not an electioneering Party,” he told reporters Tuesday at his weekly press conference.
“As the General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, I say, ‘Yes, there’s no doubt in my mind that the Party machinery as well as the activists, leadership and the Party in all of its manifestations are indeed ready,’” he said.
He noted that his Party is always on the ground, whether at the ministerial or political level, working tirelessly. And as a result of this, there is sometimes an inter-connection between the Government and the Party in the execution of their businesses, depending on the nature of activities.
Asked which election his Party would prefer to contest, Mr Rohee said, “We are ready for any eventuality. Whatever decision the leadership of the Party takes, in respect to one or the other, we are ready.
“The question is not so much whether we are ready; the question is whether GECOM is ready, because, it seems to us that GECOM appears to be more ready for General and Regional than Local Government Elections. There’s much more work to be done with respect to Local Government Elections at GECOM level.”
The election bug began buzzing just last month when the Alliance For Change (AFC) decided to submit a No-Confidence Motion to the Clerk of the National Assembly. AFC had initially expressed intent to present the Motion, which was later supported by the Main Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and subsequently submitted to the Clerk of the National Assembly.
Added to that, APNU’s call for Local Government Elections which were first made last year, has also initiated the call for elections.
Leader of the Opposition, Brigadier David Granger on September 9, issued an ultimatum to President Donald Ramotar, demanding a date for Local Government Elections by September 15. Uncertain about Granger’s demands, given the ambiguity of his statement, the President then called on the Opposition Leader to be more “clear” in his demands. This was however not attended to as the deadline passed.
Granger, as such, issued a call to the Guyanese populace to take to the streets in protest to back APNU’s demands for the holding of Local Government Elections. He subsequently made his appearance on national television and continued his call for countrywide protests, and for them to be executed lawfully.
The Opposition Leader’s call did not fall on deaf ears, since protest led by him began on Tuesday at different locations across the country.


excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by cain:

The PPP a well as the two posters up top are full of crap


AFC's wheels are falling off and the race has not even started.


The PPP is yet to fire the big guns.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP fever is catching on! People are eager to go back to the poll. Guyanese want their country to bypass the stalemate and get the people's business back on track.

You really meant,some corrupt Guyanese want their country to bypass all authorities and get the people on crack

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP fever is catching on! People are eager to go back to the poll. Guyanese want their country to bypass the stalemate and get the people's business back on track.


PPP fever it is. The AFC/PNC has proven that they want to take Guyana back to Rice Flour and Empty Plate days.


Take a look at the 10 supporters who attend the last AFC meeting in Berbice and combine that with Granger's 50 protesters and you can see the big picture.




100 more years.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Ready to walk!


Yes AFC with 10 members and Granger with 50 protesters.


The opposition are in a state of disarray and the PPP has not even brought out the AFC skeletons nor have they fired the big guns yet.


PPP for another 100 years.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Ready to walk!


Yes AFC with 10 members and Granger with 50 protesters.


The opposition are in a state of disarray and the PPP has not even brought out the AFC skeletons nor have they fired the big guns yet.


PPP for another 100 years.

Dude, get off you stupid nonsensical rant and speak to something of some relevance. The opposition are more ready to receive an onslaught of defectors from the PPP than ever. Further, every new voter, and if the account is correct; there are 75 thousand of them, are in line to vote no to the PPP. 


Pretending there is "corruption" and "skeletons" in the opposition camp is farcical. There is on going industrial scale corruption in the PPP and various graveyards of their to dig up if one seeks bones.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Ready to walk!


Yes AFC with 10 members and Granger with 50 protesters.


The opposition are in a state of disarray and the PPP has not even brought out the AFC skeletons nor have they fired the big guns yet.


PPP for another 100 years.

Dude, get off you stupid nonsensical rant and speak to something of some relevance. The opposition are more ready to receive an onslaught of defectors from the PPP than ever. Further, every new voter, and if the account is correct; there are 75 thousand of them, are in line to vote no to the PPP. 


Pretending there is "corruption" and "skeletons" in the opposition camp is farcical. There is on going industrial scale corruption in the PPP and various graveyards of their to dig up if one seeks bones.


You are in for a shock as the AFC/PNC are poised for demolition.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



PPP is crushing the opposition and the election date has not even been set as yet.


100 more years of PPP rule, 100 more years.



AFC = Burger Man Party.

we see what you mean at the skeldon estate 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:

The PPP a well as the two posters up top are full of crap


AFC's wheels are falling off and the race has not even started.


The PPP is yet to fire the big guns.

the guns rohee use in linden 


If A.P.N.U were confident of winning they would not have been protesting for LGE but for general elections instead. A.P.N.U appears to be very double minded at this juncture. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP fever is catching on! People are eager to go back to the poll. Guyanese want their country to bypass the stalemate and get the people's business back on track.


PPP fever it is. The AFC/PNC has proven that they want to take Guyana back to Rice Flour and Empty Plate days.


Take a look at the 10 supporters who attend the last AFC meeting in Berbice and combine that with Granger's 50 protesters and you can see the big picture.




100 more years.

Hey hey hey, some bannas did very well on Guyana's flour problems.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP fever is catching on! People are eager to go back to the poll. Guyanese want their country to bypass the stalemate and get the people's business back on track.


PPP fever it is. The AFC/PNC has proven that they want to take Guyana back to Rice Flour and Empty Plate days.


Take a look at the 10 supporters who attend the last AFC meeting in Berbice and combine that with Granger's 50 protesters and you can see the big picture.




100 more years.

Hey hey hey, some bannas did very well on Guyana's flour problems.

How so,it fry good?

Originally Posted by yuji22:



PPP is crushing the opposition and the election date has not even been set as yet.


100 more years of PPP rule, 100 more years.



AFC = Burger Man Party.

When did the AFC burger you?


Conscience, you have repeated many times on this BB the same mantra: The PPP is ready.

Ready for what? They are not ready for local government elections constitutionally 17 years overdue.

Ready for what? They would prefer to wait until 2016 for general elections but for the impending no-confidence motion.

That's why they and their loyal kikuyus here are desperately insinuating and fomenting division within the opposition.


The PPP has no interest in local democracy

August 31, 2014 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

By Michael Carrington AFC National Executive Member

The Government has been using the Parliament to postpone local government elections so they can bypass the laws that fix the date for the holding of local government elections, that President Jagan, as opposition leader had fought for, for many years, and which were held in 1994.

Both Presidents Jagan and Hoyte had agreed that the date for local government elections be legislatively fixed. As a result, the date fixed by law is the first Monday of December every three years (Section 7 of Act 10 of 1990). The Guyana Elections Commission holds the authority to ensure that the elections are held on that date, however it seems that when President Jagan died local government elections died with him

The PPP-C Government for seventeen consecutive years has refused under one pretext or another to ensure that local government elections are held. This constituted another nail in the coffin for inclusionary democracy as dictated by Article 13 of the Constitution of the Republic of Guyana.

The Minister of Local Government has seemingly internalized the unethical PPP-C dirty politics. He does not seem to understand that inclusionary democracy cannot be implemented without local government elections. Inclusionary democracy means that Guyana has to be managed by elected authorities. The National Assembly is one such elected authority, which makes laws, approves budgets and policies. The President is another elected authority, whose duties include assenting to Bills passed in the National Assembly, formulating policies, appointing members of commissions, appointing Ministers and ensuring that they do not violate the laws and constitution of Guyana and performing various other constitutionally assigned duties.

The Regional Democratic Councils and the lower tier local government authorities such as Municipalities, Neighbourhood Democratic Councils and also Amerindian Village Councils are elected at separate elections. Their duties and responsibilities are in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana. Article 74 reads as follows: 1. It shall be the primary duty of local democratic organs to ensure, in accordance with the law, the efficient management and development of their areas and to provide leadership by example. 2. Local democratic organs shall organize popular co-operation in respect of the political, economic, cultural and social life of their areas and shall co-operate with the social organizations of the working People. 3. It shall be the duty of local democratic organs to maintain and protect public property, improve working and living conditions, promote the social and cultural life of the people, raise the level of civic consciousness, preserve law and order, consolidate the rule of law and safeguard the right of the citizens.

If any Minister reads the duties of Local Democratic Organs as identified above with a clean and just mind, they will understand that it is the local government authorities who hold the power to develop their local government area and not the Minister of Local Government.

The Minister can only be a provider and helper to the local government authorities as stated in section 5 of Act 12 of 1980 and not the director of local government authorities.

The PPP-C Ministers seem not to understand that the absence of local government elections and consequently the failure to have new councilors will result in, as it has, the crumbling of the foundation of the local administration. Any system, if it is to survive and be effective, has to have the infusion of new ideas and new personnel in order to sustain job creation and development.

The General Secretary of the PPP-C, Mr. Clement Rohee, also seems not to understand the importance of local government elections. His press release on Tuesday August 5, 2014 was laughable as he accused the Stabroek News of being unethical for their continuous statements condemning the non-holding of local government elections.

Mr. Rohee obviously does not understand how the word unethical should be used, and it definitely can be used to describe a government that deliberately refuses to hold local government elections and thus deprives the people of their right to elect representatives on their local government authorities. It definitely does not apply to a newspaper whose editor is calling on the Government to do what is right in accordance with the Law and the Constitution of Guyana.

The PPP-C Government continuously complains about the Mayor and City Council, not performing their duties, yet they do not want to remove the Mayor and City Council of Georgetown by holding elections. The Mayor has been in this position for 20 years, but this is not his fault. It is the fault of the Government for not holding local government elections.

In their comments about the city, the Government keeps knitting a web of deception. We all want our City to be clean, but the Government does not want to provide new laws or systems for generating revenue for the management of the City of Georgetown. Not even a 5% of the hundreds of millions of dollars they collected in Georgetown, from VAT and other taxes, is given to the City Council.

The Government also does not want to hold local government elections because they want to usurp the authorities of municipalities and neighbourhood democratic councils by appointing IMCs dominated by PPP-C members who they can control. They also budget for billions of dollars to be spent in local authority areas where they do not have the authority to carry out the duties of the council.

The PPP-C is fighting hard to get political mileage to stay in power, using state funds, through the Minister of Local Government, to do the council’s work. The Minister’s duty is to support local government authorities. While he may apply for a financial grant from the consolidated fund, as requested by a Regional Democratic Council for any Local council within the Region, he has no authority to spend the money by himself in local government areas. Sections 13 and 14 of 28:02 do not apply to municipalities or neighborhood democratic councils.

He is also usurping the powers of elected councils by appointing staff for local government authorities. The High Court has ruled that he has no such authority. He is also illegally moving staff in and out of regions, creating problems in the family life of persons in the regions.

The PPP-C is quite prepared to destroy whatever they cannot have full control over. Just look at City Hall, the Kitty Market, the Stabroek Market and the cemetery. All have deteriorated since the PPP-C gained power in 1992. I cannot forgive the PPP-C for the destruction they caused in the systems of local governance. They quite rightly condemned the PNC, but now they have done the same thing.

I know the leaders of the AFC would deliver us from the unjust humans that manage our country and I hereby call upon all of our citizens who believe in justice to join with us to make Guyana a better place for the next generation. Ethnicity can blind us in our search for betterment, but we need to deal with the issues that affect us and make decisions that are issue-based or Guyana would have no future.


The PPP readiness is alive and well. They're ready for General Election & Local Election. Even though LGE is over due, it will be done on the PPP watch. They're ready to take on APNU & AFC at the poll. They're ready to convinced the people on their record in government. And finally, They are ready to accept the nation's mandate once again.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP readiness is alive and well. They're ready for General Election & Local Election. Even though LGE is over due, it will be done on the PPP watch. They're ready to take on APNU & AFC at the poll. They're ready to convinced the people on their record in government. And finally, They are ready to accept the nation's mandate once again.

hope they rass ready fo jail

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP fever is catching on! People are eager to go back to the poll. Guyanese want their country to bypass the stalemate and get the people's business back on track.


PPP fever it is. The AFC/PNC has proven that they want to take Guyana back to Rice Flour and Empty Plate days.


Take a look at the 10 supporters who attend the last AFC meeting in Berbice and combine that with Granger's 50 protesters and you can see the big picture.




100 more years.

Hey hey hey, some bannas did very well on Guyana's flour problems.


Dat is true. Dem boys in de AFC/PNC are longing for the return of those days.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

If A.P.N.U were confident of winning they would not have been protesting for LGE but for general elections instead. A.P.N.U appears to be very double minded at this juncture. 

Dumbo, LGE is a constitutional mandate neglected for 2 decades by the PPP. I is not second fiddle to the general elections but a necessary instrument of democracy and as comparable value to the people as the general elections.


That you in the PPP and its minion ranks make a distinction is your own confusion. It is not an either or proposition. You make it so because you see one as installing the agency of your corruption and the lack of the other as maintaining it.


It is a matter of when will the PPP get off their totalitarian backsides and relinquish their stranglehold on our local people and let them have what is their constitutional right....local elections!

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP fever is catching on! People are eager to go back to the poll. Guyanese want their country to bypass the stalemate and get the people's business back on track.


PPP fever it is. The AFC/PNC has proven that they want to take Guyana back to Rice Flour and Empty Plate days.


Take a look at the 10 supporters who attend the last AFC meeting in Berbice and combine that with Granger's 50 protesters and you can see the big picture.




100 more years.

Hey hey hey, some bannas did very well on Guyana's flour problems.

How so,it fry good?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP fever is catching on! People are eager to go back to the poll. Guyanese want their country to bypass the stalemate and get the people's business back on track.


PPP fever it is. The AFC/PNC has proven that they want to take Guyana back to Rice Flour and Empty Plate days.


Take a look at the 10 supporters who attend the last AFC meeting in Berbice and combine that with Granger's 50 protesters and you can see the big picture.




100 more years.

Hey hey hey, some bannas did very well on Guyana's flour problems.

How so,it fry good?

Whatderass banna, I go in deh an the lil tingy at top of screen go round an round an round and nothing happen.. is like the PPP Govt know what a mean?


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