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Guyana is wasting the people’s resources



There is a saying, willful waste makes woeful want. Guyana seems to be willfully wasting its resources, including its financial resources. The Guyana Sugar Corporation is just one case in point. I remember when the word came that the European Union was going to cut the amount of money it was paying for sugar from Guyana and the rest of the African Caribbean and Pacific countries.

I watched St Kitts and Jamaica get out of sugar. I heard the British High Commissioner say that he thought that Guyana should get out of sugar. My thoughts went back to Desmond Hoyte. He thought that Guyana should get out of sugar and he was prepared to close some of the sugar estates.

Of course this became a political issue. The now ruling party accused Hoyte and his People’s National Congress of targeting supporters of the People’s Progressive Party. The bulk of the sugar workers were supporters of the ruling party.
The then President Cheddi Jagan announced that he was not going to close any sugar estate. Indeed, he never did, but his successors did close some of the estates, the most recent being the one at La Bonne Intention.

Then President Bharrat Jagdeo came up with what was expected to be a trump card—the new Skeldon Sugar Factory. That became the country’s largest investment. The nation waited for the miracle but it is still to happen. Skeldon is under producing, it is subjected to numerous breakdowns a mere three years into its existence and it is using more cane to produce a ton of sugar, much more than any of the other sugar factories that were considered inefficient.

It was made with Chinese technology and China is being seen as the emerging world power. Then about two weeks ago I began to read that the United States was being plagued with breakdowns attributed to Chinese equipment. Now we know that Guyana wasted money on Chinese equipment and Chinese technology.
The waste does not end there. Despite the comments by the government that it is only time before the factory begins operating at its maximum, the reality is that there is no hope of the factory ever delivering.

Last week I learnt that Guyana has already begun to repay the money it borrowed to construct this modern factory. GuySuCo does not have money because it cannot pay its workers. The money is therefore being repaid by me and the people of this country.
The nation is not being told this because it is a slap in the face of the government. There is still the message to the nation that Skeldon is going to be Guyana’s salvation. But the factory is merely the beginning of Guyana’s relationship with China. We are going to have the Chinese extend the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and the terminal building; they are going to build the Marriott Hotel; they are running a communication cable that would help Guyana Power and Light monitor its operation; and they are the producers of the laptop computers that form the basis of the One Laptop per Family project.

It must be that the Chinese have bought the leaders of the country and are now earning the fruits of the payment.
But the government is silent. Kaieteur News, cognizant of the fact that this is a poor country and needs value for every dollar it spends, has been looking at these projects. However, whenever it asks hard questions it is accused of being anti-government.

Kaieteur News was one of the critics of the Skeldon Sugar Factory. It pushed the government to penalize the contractor when it seemed that he was taking forever to construct the factory. But sometimes, the saviour stands alone; his voice a single strident note that soon becomes lost in the wind.

There are those who believe that someone has actually collected money on the side from the Chinese and it came as a pleasant surprise when President Donald Ramotar announced that he was going to ask his members of parliament, in fact, all members of parliament, to declare their income and assets at the end of every year.
Perhaps he suspects that some of his own people have unexplained wealth but he cannot touch them. They are protected by constitutional provisions. It would be interesting to ascertain whether they have been paying their due taxes.

Another case of wasted resources can be seen in the payment of people who have little or nothing to do for the good of the country. These are labeled advisors, but some of them are mere political workers. The country needs to protect its assets.
Just recently I had cause to look at the operations of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL). I noticed that instead of holding onto the people’s money, this entity was actually wasting the money.

This has not come out as yet, but NICIL has money in the Berbice River Bridge. However it is not getting any returns on its investment in that bridge. President Jagdeo did announce that Government was going to forego its dividends in a move to keep the toll down.

NICIL has money in Hand in Hand Trust, but again it is getting no dividends. I learnt this from Winston Brassington who said that his brother for his $225 million investment is getting nothing. Now it is going to put US$19 million into the Marriott and I am going to bet that it will not get any money either, at least not in the foreseeable future.

With such waste of resources, I cannot understand why the government is making such a fuss over the budget cuts.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sugar will be KING again. Guyanese need to be optimistic. The investment will pay off.



Do you believe you would have been so forgiving if the PNC had this investment? Are you only willing to forgive East Indians alone?

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sugar will be KING again. Guyanese need to be optimistic. The investment will pay off.



Do you believe you would have been so forgiving if the PNC had this investment? Are you only willing to forgive East Indians alone?

A STUPID question deserve a STUPID answer but you are luckty that Afridi batting right now. Now run along swine.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sugar will be KING again. Guyanese need to be optimistic. The investment will pay off.



Do you believe you would have been so forgiving if the PNC had this investment? Are you only willing to forgive East Indians alone?

A STUPID question deserve a STUPID answer but you are luckty that Afridi batting right now. Now run along swine.


Please provide the stupid answer so you can continue in the line of stupidity. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sugar will be KING again. Guyanese need to be optimistic. The investment will pay off.



Do you believe you would have been so forgiving if the PNC had this investment? Are you only willing to forgive East Indians alone?

A STUPID question deserve a STUPID answer but you are luckty that Afridi batting right now. Now run along swine.

You tell him deh bai yuh could to see the future by looking through yuh kakahole... 

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sugar will be KING again. Guyanese need to be optimistic. The investment will pay off.



Do you believe you would have been so forgiving if the PNC had this investment? Are you only willing to forgive East Indians alone?

A STUPID question deserve a STUPID answer but you are luckty that Afridi batting right now. Now run along swine.

You tell him deh bai yuh could to see the future by looking through yuh kakahole... 

In your case, your KAKAHOLE IS YUH MOUTH!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sugar will be KING again. Guyanese need to be optimistic. The investment will pay off.



Do you believe you would have been so forgiving if the PNC had this investment? Are you only willing to forgive East Indians alone?

A STUPID question deserve a STUPID answer but you are luckty that Afridi batting right now. Now run along swine.

You tell him deh bai yuh could to see the future by looking through yuh kakahole... 

In your case, your KAKAHOLE IS YUH MOUTH!!!!

Ok Bhaiyos...ease up now...


too bad with guysuco losing so much money the ppp is not only using it as a polictical tool but they also stealing the tax payers money.its like kicking a cripple man when he his down



The government should seriously consider making Guysuco a joint private/government owned company with Guysuco eventually becoming a private company in the next few years.


Government cannot run these types of companies efficiently. The taxpayers dollars are always wasted when government try to run large companies.


The Skeldon Estate is an example of government involvement gone wrong. The intention for modernizing the estate was good but the results have been far from satisfactory.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


The government should seriously consider making Guysuco a joint private/government owned company with Guysuco eventually becoming a private company in the next few years.


Government cannot run these types of companies efficiently. The taxpayers dollars are always wasted when government try to run large companies.


The Skeldon Estate is an example of government involvement gone wrong. The intention for modernizing the estate was good but the results have been far from satisfactory.

I thought you left? You critics even dedicate a thread to get you back, you must be an important person.


The sugar industry is marginal when it comes to profit. Not a good investment but still a foreign exchange earner. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:


The government should seriously consider making Guysuco a joint private/government owned company with Guysuco eventually becoming a private company in the next few years.


Government cannot run these types of companies efficiently. The taxpayers dollars are always wasted when government try to run large companies.


The Skeldon Estate is an example of government involvement gone wrong. The intention for modernizing the estate was good but the results have been far from satisfactory.

Govts should be directly involved in getting new industries off the ground, not new businesses or directly running mature industries.  For new industries, Govt should be involved in some type of JV with private investors and when such time the industry becomes independently viable, the Govt should reduce it's participation.  With regarding to mature industries, the Govt should use tax and other fiscal means to get them through difficult transitions if there is a "light at the end of the tunnel".  The Govt should not be directly involved nor should it have an open-ended commitment.


Massive Industralization is needed in Guyana. The question of finance and technical capabilities are lacking. Guyana will need foreign help to accomplish this. The Chinese and Indians are our Friends and should be called upon for HELP.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Massive Industralization is needed in Guyana. The question of finance and technical capabilities are lacking. Guyana will need foreign help to accomplish this. The Chinese and Indians are our Friends and should be called upon for HELP.

=== You finally wake up? You were cursing the AFC people for mentioning manufacturing last year when they had it in their Action Plan. It is good that you have finally come to that reality.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Massive Industralization is needed in Guyana. The question of finance and technical capabilities are lacking. Guyana will need foreign help to accomplish this. The Chinese and Indians are our Friends and should be called upon for HELP.

=== You finally wake up? You were cursing the AFC people for mentioning manufacturing last year when they had it in their Action Plan. It is good that you have finally come to that reality.

I am now convinced that you are a FRAUD. A SHAMELESS one I must add.

The AFC hasn't done anything to show that they are interested in industrialization or manufacturing of any kind. They are only intersted in bringing down the PPP government.  Action speaps louder than words.. Have a nicer daY, TARRONBABU...Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Massive Industralization is needed in Guyana. The question of finance and technical capabilities are lacking. Guyana will need foreign help to accomplish this. The Chinese and Indians are our Friends and should be called upon for HELP.

=== You finally wake up? You were cursing the AFC people for mentioning manufacturing last year when they had it in their Action Plan. It is good that you have finally come to that reality.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Massive Industralization is needed in Guyana. The question of finance and technical capabilities are lacking. Guyana will need foreign help to accomplish this. The Chinese and Indians are our Friends and should be called upon for HELP.

=== You finally wake up? You were cursing the AFC people for mentioning manufacturing last year when they had it in their Action Plan. It is good that you have finally come to that reality.

I am now convinced that you are a FRAUD. A SHAMELESS one I must add.



You can shout how much yuh does not bother me. It is good to see you jokers waking up. REMEMBER: NOT A SINGLE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS THE SIZE OF BANKS DIH OR DDL WAS CREATED IN 20 YEARS UNDER PPP.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Massive Industralization is needed in Guyana. The question of finance and technical capabilities are lacking. Guyana will need foreign help to accomplish this. The Chinese and Indians are our Friends and should be called upon for HELP.

You speak quick, short and in very menial simple terms.  Massive industrialization is not a buzz word or just an event which happens.  Just running off asking for "HELP" is little short of prostituting your nation and setting it up for a virtual recolonization where you become nothing more than a stopping point along someone's value chain.  Little wealth and benefit will accrue to the people of the nation and you will be subjected to the whims and fancies of lawmaker where companies and domiciled.  It is a begging bowl approach to development.


What Guyana (PPP) needed to do was establish the rule of law by developing the legal, tax, governance, operational and security frameworks which will attract companies to want to come and set up shop.  This places the controls on your hands, not the charitable wishes of another nation.


However, this cannot be done in an environment of corruption, cronyism and nepotism.  It cannot be done in an environment where individual decree decides on outcomes and gives artificial preferences to chosen ones.  It cannot be done in an environment of little accountability and intransparency in process and decision making.  No investor will take the risk when a Govt is not even transparent with the basics, where national dysfunctionality is a norm rather than an exception.  This, at best, increases the hurdle rate for any potential investor as such excluding many businesses and for those risking it, it's a game of large and quick return without much strategic considerations.


Another key element is the preparation of its youths to play and role in this.  However, for a small nation, Guyana has an overly large portion of under-educated youths who are challenged to engage except at the very menial and basic level, something not of high value to any potential investor.  This is why Guyana remains the "cane-cutting", the dredging, the cash-crop capital of the region.  Guyana's services economy remains largely buttressed by drugs and remittances.


The PPP has wasted 20 years focusing on the preservation of power and privilege of the ruling class and their cronies.  They run the nation like it's the domain of the few who happen to have executive control.  They are, as the leader of the AFC labeled it, a "Sultanistic" model of government.  This is not the way to hope to build confidence with investors.


Guyana already has that.


What Guyana (PPP) needed to do was establish the rule of law by developing the legal, tax, governance, operational and security frameworks which will attract companies to want to come and set up shop.  This places the controls on your hands, not the charitable wishes of another nation.



Now tell us exactly what Guyana needs cause we value the input of all Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
The AFC hasn't done anything to show that they are interested in industrialization or manufacturing of any kind. They are only intersted in bringing down the PPP government.  Action speaps louder than words.. Have a nicer daY, TARRONBABU...Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Massive Industralization is needed in Guyana. The question of finance and technical capabilities are lacking. Guyana will need foreign help to accomplish this. The Chinese and Indians are our Friends and should be called upon for HELP.

=== You finally wake up? You were cursing the AFC people for mentioning manufacturing last year when they had it in their Action Plan. It is good that you have finally come to that reality.




Uncle Rama is that you? Welcome back.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Guyana already has that.


What Guyana (PPP) needed to do was establish the rule of law by developing the legal, tax, governance, operational and security frameworks which will attract companies to want to come and set up shop.  This places the controls on your hands, not the charitable wishes of another nation.



Now tell us exactly what Guyana needs cause we value the input of all Guyanese.

Well, as expected.  If you think Guyana has that, then your benchmarks are very low, maybe yes, compared to Zimbabwe.  If you think it has that, then why you need to run to the Chinese and Indians begging for "industrialization", as you put it.  Tell me, how does that work?  How does this "industrialization" model you suggested work?  How come you don't have the ears of the PPP as you seem well connected with the inner circle.


Because the Chinese and Indians have the Finance and Technical capabilities. Guyana is constantly working to improve it's Investment Climate. Comparing Guyana to Zimbabwe may give you a high but Guyana is no Zimbwabe.


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